Schoolgirls serve up fresh panties to satisfy final fantasies

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She stands behind a one-way mirror. A large badge is stuck on her chest. P10 and B7 are embossed on the white badge in large, black letters. The letters refer to her undergarments -- P for panties, B for bra -- and the numbers the price in 1,000 yen units to buy what she has on offer.
If a customer selects her, she'll go into a separate room and remove her underwear so he can confirm he's getting what he paid for. He can have some of her bodily wastes for a few thousand more yen, too, if that's what he wants.

Friday (11/22) notes that Final Fantasia, an outlet specializing in the sale of schoolgirl knickers, bras and body wastes, differed from similar establishments that flourished in Japan about five years ago because customers could actually see the girl who was providing them with their sordid and often soiled merchandise.

Though Final Fantasia has been put out of business with the Oct. 31 arrest -- ironically under an old law regulating the trading of secondhand goods -- of its Korean operator Lee Dang-sin, the men's weekly has managed to get its hands on an 18-year-old schoolgirl who provided all the horrid details of the Shibuya-based establishment that netted some 1.1 million yen a month while operating from February to September.

"We knew a customer was coming in because a light would flash. Customers were given five minutes of free views to choose the girl they liked. If they took any longer, they were charged a viewing fee of a few thousand yen," the schoolgirl tells Friday. "Us girls were all shoved into the same room and had to wait until a customer chose us. I tell you, waiting around was a real bore.

"Only about 30 people could fit in the room. The girls in front had to squat down and you could see the panties on some girls. You could get about five customers in at any one time, but they couldn't talk to us or touch us because we were separated by the one-way mirror.

"All the girls wore a badge on their chests. It showed your number, as well as the price and type of product you were willing to sell. I used to buy some knickers from a 100 yen shop and put them on. If I sold them for 10,000 yen, I was making 100 times more than I'd invested.

"If a customer called for you, you'd go into a different room, take off whatever he wanted to buy and put it in a basket, which was passed through a little hole. This room also had a one-way mirror so the customer could confirm with their own eyes that they were getting the clothes of the girl they wanted them from," she tells Friday.

Other schoolgirl selections were also up for sale.

"With feces, you would show the empty container first and then go and dump into it. The toilet was shielded by tinted glass, so the customer could only see a silhouette," the teen who worked for Final Fantasia says.

Friday says that Final Fantasia's operator Lee took 60 percent of whatever the girls earned. Some girls still ended up making 500,000 yen a month. Lee is believed to have pocketed over 10 million yen in the few months Final Fantasia was in business.

Reports have said that about 1,800 girls were registered on the establishment's books, but the girl talking to Friday claims there were over 5,000, including junior high schoolgirls aged 15 and under.

"We had a cross section of customers, from guys in their teens to old men in their 60s. We weren't supposed to be able to see what was going on from our waiting room because of the one-way mirror. But, actually, there was a video camera set up so we could see everything the customers were doing," the schoolgirl tells Friday. "Old guys would put on their glasses and stare closer into the mirror. Someone'd say 'This old codger only wants to have a look and he's not gonna buy anything,' and everybody'd laugh. There were even some guys who'd get off by smelling the panties that we'd just sold them."

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