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Hate crime rises in Wales as economic hardship bites

A HUGE surge in the reporting of “hate crimes” reveals the shocking scale of abuse vulnerable minorities suffer in Wales’ towns and cities today, Wales on Sunday can reveal.

Ethnic minorities, gay people, faith groups and even the disabled have been reporting far more incidents of violence, verbal abuse and criminal damage over the past year.

In the past nine months of 2008, there were 27% more racist incidents, 28% more homophobic incidents and double the number of faith hate incidents reported to South Wales Police compared to a year earlier.

The largest rises in most of the categories were in urban areas such as Cardiff and Bridgend and the largest number of the 62 reported attacks on disabled people was also in the Welsh capital.

David Morris, Assistant Chief Constable of South Wales Police, welcomed the increase in reports as a sign of confidence in the police but said the level of attacks on vulnerable people was a “concern for society”.

He said: “This is a concern for society in relation to how communities are still targeted because of their race, sexual orientation or disability.”

Hate crime is described by the Home Office as any attack motivated by an offenders’ hatred of the victim’s race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

Police believe that such crimes have been a hidden problem within society for years as minority communities are scared or unwilling to report incidents because of the stigma and a lack of trust in the authorities.

Studies have estimated that less than a third of the offences are reported.

Across the UK, the number of reported hate crimes rose up to six-fold in urban areas such as London in the immediate weeks and months after the July 7 Tube bombings in 2005 but had since been steadily falling.

Resentment in economically struggling white, working class neighbourhoods can fuel hate crime, according to criminologist Georgios Antonopoulos.

The academic said research shows that the shame they feel can be transformed into rage. And the present “constant discussion on the financial crisis” could be fuelling these feelings.

Saleem Kidwai, secretary of the Muslim council of Wales, said he feared the world’s economic problems meant tensions were going to get worse.

He said: “Whenever there’s a crisis, the people who suffer first are immigrants.As we have seen in the past six or seven months, pressure has been brought on East European workers because of the job situation.

“Everyone thinks that other people are doing better and being given privileges which they are not. What people don’t realise is that we are all in the same boat. No-one is getting privileges.”

Yet Mr Kidwai said he believed community relations in Wales were better than in other parts of the UK.

He added: “I personally feel from what I gather from my counterparts in England and Scotland is that things are much worse. We are lucky in Wales, inter community relations are better.”

Jenny Porter, the community liaison officer for lesbian, gay and bisexual charity Stonewall Cymru, said the community had suffered in silence for years but people were less accepting of abuse and victimisation than they had been in the past. Studies for the charity have suggested that one in six gay, lesbian or bisexual people have been a victim of homophobic violence and a further one in six the victim of verbal abuse.

Yet prosecutions have been rising. Earlier this month, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) revealed that there were 58 successful prosecutions in 2007 compared with 29 in 2006. And police forces are bringing in systems to enable people to report homophobic crimes without outing themselves.

Ms Porter said: “It is about changing levels of tolerance. People are beginning to see that they have rights.”

Dr Antonopoulos, of the University of Teesside, called for more research into the links between hate crime and economic recession.



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