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Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?

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RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
Funny Tom T. but it is not a ? of putting it away to fast.

monkey butt and i thought I was the only one that used that term.

monkey butt = ape a$$, it is a condition when sweat has max out on the dark side of your back side. The moisture nolongers is wick from the skin but remains in the valley of thunder and wind. The friction/heat created between the hills that make the valley of thunder and wind drys the surface on the valley floor to the extent that the floor is worked painfully dry.

Some common factors that may cause this anomaly made range from excessive thunder and wind in the valley floor to a misguided wipe by the sacred valley cloth. But the over riding factor in the cause of ape a$$ and monkey butt is moisture.
Briar Rabbit
9:52:38 AM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
I like briefs on men that are in good shape. I also like boxes. Freeballin is good when a man wears very small shorts. I remember when I was 12 yrs old, this guy was sitting across from me, and he was freeballin. You could see right up his short's legs. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so I had to look again.
lipstick hiker
3:52:44 PM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
You DO KNOW that he knew he was flashin'n ya.
4:13:10 PM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
Flyguy how do you know that he knew he was flashing Lipstick, oh wait. Now I get it.. The freeballin guy was you.

Ice Tea
4:47:40 PM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
Colin Fletchers 3rd law of thermodynamics..." give your balls some air..."
9:28:36 PM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
Colin Fletcher is da man. If he says give your balls some air then......GIVE YOUR BALLS SOME AIR!
10:40:59 PM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
I read that last post scrolled back to the top of the page an read "Trail Talk Trail Discussion At It's Best" how FUNNY!!!!!
9:52:28 AM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
I too like "boxes" we know!
Couldn't believe what you where seeing???
Seeing is believing!
Did ya make "eye" contact?
Was he givin' ya the "stiff one-eye"?

"Now I'm free
free-ballin' bay-be-ee!!!"

Tom Terrific
10:05:44 AM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
Monkey Butt/Ape Ass have also sometimes been known as - "Rump Rot"
11:26:48 AM

RE: Boxers, Briefs...or Freeballin?
It is nice to have the boxers around to steal...they arevery comphy for lounging in the summer...I can see why guys like mel..she likes to wear them on her head...hmmmm....
11:49:39 AM

Shake, rattle & roll in loose undies

By Yosuke Kadota
Staff Writer

October 20, 2002

Briefs, boxers, thongs and tangas. There are a plethora of products on offer for men to cover the area between their waist and the top of their legs, but in the case of a majority of married Japanese men, it is often their wives' job to buy this sacred cloth.

Shukan Jitsuwa (10/24), however, warns that men who let women select their gear for them are taking a huge risk, with the ultimate cost being the loss of potency.

"When we were a newlywed couple, I used get my hubby micro briefs. Although I like tight undies I stopped buying them because I felt he became less vigorous in bed," a 46-year-old woman told a Jitsuwa reporter.

Dr. Fumito Funakoshi, who runs a clinic in Tokyo, provides scientific proof to backup these spine-chilling suspicions. "A man's sexual vigor is closely linked to the underwear he wears," the urologist claims. "If your penis and testicles are squeezed into a tight pair of pants your potency wanes."

Impotence treatment specialist Takeshi Okamoto agrees and argues that underwear that doesn't let the balls roll around could be harmful for men.

"The best underwear are the ones that let both the penis and the testicles move freely. From that viewpoint, western-style underpants are preferable to the traditional loincloth, and boxer shorts are better than briefs," he tells Jitsuwa. "Testicles are moving all the time to prevent them from getting too hot. Tight underwear restricts that movement and in turn undermines men's ability to produce sperm and their potency."

Desperate to boost his oomph, the Jitsuwa reporter concludes that the most ideal pants for Japanese men should have a gusset in the front-right position because studies have shown that a typical Japanese plonker is pointing to the right.

However, after unsuccessfully trying to persuade top underwear maker Gunze Ltd. to produce gusset-fitted undies, Jitsuwa goes feng shui.

According to a Jitsuwa feng shui expert, warm colors are not only a turn-on for members of the opposite sex, but red undies help a potency-invigorating tanden (or chakra) located 10 centimeters below your bellybutton.

Okamoto agrees that color does matter in men's undergarment. "By wearing a striking color like red, you can appeal directly to your partner's brain function. The color also boosts the confidence of the wearer."

But a gigolo warns Jitsuwa readers not to go red-hot with their pants.

"It's always safe to stick with clean-looking undies, preferably gray or dark blue. It's okay for men in the sex profession to wear flashy pants, but if a layman wears them he just looks like a narcissistic bastard in the eyes of women," the top-notch gigolo explains. "The worst thing you can wear is a pair of white Y-fronts. It's a big turn-off for any woman."

Mainichi Daily News
12:15:17 PM

Damn. I've gotta stop wearing around this cod piece!
12:17:57 PM


"right pointing plonker"

who writes this stuff?
Haunted Trail of the Trolls
12:20:49 PM

Hmmm... Maybe this rubber band wasn't such a good idea after all...
12:32:34 PM

Sheesh, now they tell me! Where were these wanks when I was 20???
12:54:40 PM

I'm wearing a brief/boxer combo in a nice shade of blue.

Line up ladies!!
1:37:29 PM

wanks when you were 20?...i've wanked till i was 20 and still wanking after i'm 20...WANK ON!!!
1:37:57 PM
10/24/02 gotta have support for the breifs it is..and it sucks that you have to buy them a bigger waist size than you usually wear to get a "bigger" pouch size
Boxers are good if you plan on playing with it all day long..but i wear shorts and i can't just have ol willy whacking my in the shins all the time...i guess i could tuck it into my sock..but that just gets to be too much trouble.
1:47:52 PM

I remember my Junior High School Science teacher telling us, when really tight jeans were popular, that it was gonna hurt you in the "you know where!" Guess she was right and that was back in the late '60's!
2:08:02 PM

I regret all the years I wore tight undies, but not as much as my wife,
2:17:50 PM


Crazy Mike Backpacks
5:26:19 PM

at Opie...I just knew you were a freakin wanker...I'm gonna kick your stinkin wanker when I see ya again...

Wank this you wanker!!!
6:00:09 PM

Better a wanker than a gripper.

I had a discussionw ith a brit in a pub recently and he informed the "new" insult in the UK is to call someone a "gripper" or as he phrased it so eloquently, "a grippah."

It's a wanker who doesn't know what to do with it.
10:47:09 AM

LOL! the British are so freakin' funny with the sex humor! i love it.
10:50:17 AM

lmao at Roseymonster...
thats too funny...Im gonna call someone a gripper in south east missouri...they won't even know what Im talkin about...LMAO!!! a wankin gripper...LOL hahahahahahahahahaha...too funny!!!
10:51:01 AM

I wish I could hear a Brit say, "Grippah." I just die for the accent.
10:56:30 AM

I wonder if Sean Connery ever said "Grippah!"?
10:59:18 AM

i hope you weren't trying to concentrate on work, newgirl...LOL!
11:06:24 AM

Not today Lyra. I'm a little ahead on stuff, so today is a free day. I just make up my own little days. Monday is drink coffee all day day, Tuesday is enter a few invoices and stare at the wall day, etc. On Friday, I think about Sean Connery saying, "Grippah." LOL!
11:09:43 AM

Remember the MTV interview of Bill Clinton?
MTV: "Mr. Clinton do you wear boxers or briefs?"
Clinton: "Boxers"

then they asked Bob Dole the same question.
MTV: "Mr. Dole do you wear boxers or briefs?"
Bob Dole: "Depends!"
11:09:52 AM

That could be a new Bond Girl- Grippah Tightly!
11:11:32 AM

LOL @ Aero!
11:12:07 AM

i do the same thing, newgirl, more or less...wouldn't want to stress myself, you know.

did that really happen, aero?? i thought it was a joke!

and, on a slight tangent, did anyone see the dating show on MTV last night?? eeeek!
11:13:14 AM

No, lyra, but I did see that E! is renewing Anna Nicole for another season. Oh, the humanity!
11:15:05 AM

Man, I miss so much good TV by not having cable and taking night classes. What kind of dating show do they have?
11:15:19 AM

Aero, while my sis was confined to bed up at St. V's, she got addicted to the Anna Nicole show.
11:18:09 AM

i did see that, aero! what is the world coming to...

they have this show called Dismissed, and it's soooo ridiculous!! there's either a guy or a girl, and they get to go out with 2 people at the same time, and choose one to "dismiss" at the end. the first one, with a girl and two guys, was icky...the guys are always SO insulting to each other. then there was one with a girl who was on a date with 2 other girls...a HUGE improvement! they were all nice, and mature and everything... :-)
11:18:31 AM

Whoa, whoa, whoa.. the girl was on a date with two other girls? That was an improvement? Did a pizza delivery man arrive at any point?
11:21:05 AM

Man, that's my kinda' TV. I wish I could watch this stuff. I think on Sun., I'm going to go over to my mom's (who has a dish) and dedicate the whole day to tube staring. Hopefully, I catch something good and twisted.
11:21:14 AM

Thank God "Leave it to Beaver" is still on!
11:23:22 AM

LOL! the ones i've seen with a girl and two guys, or even with a guy and two girls are really stressful...they're always really competitive and rude and fake. but this one was good, because they were being themselves...also, they were in a swimming pool! hehe.
11:23:33 AM

Wow! Lyra, from now on you will be my personal guide to twisted programming. Aero, I would think 3 women on a date would be the kind of show a man would love to see.
11:27:05 AM

I truly believe that a lot of things would improve if we didn't have to have the opposite sex around all the time. I read in Business Week where they have all-woman hotels (or floors in hotels) and blocks of seats on airplanes now because women have complained of being harrassed by rude guys so much.
11:29:14 AM

interesting, aero...i hadn't heard about that...

and i'd be honored, newgirl! ;-)
11:31:58 AM

Seriously? I'd just tell the ba$tard to f off if it was so bad, that I was considering staying in an all women hotel.
11:31:59 AM

What's this thread about again?
12:13:09 PM

ha! it did go rather in the opposite direction, didn't it?
12:39:30 PM

What other programs can you suggest Lyra?
12:44:15 PM

have you ever seen Jamie Kennedy? two words: FUN NY! it's on WB on Thursdays at 9.

my other must-sees are Real World (but everyone knows about that...anyway, repeats come on on the weekends if you're at your mom's); That 70's Show; and anything on the Cooking Channel...those shows are extremely easy to make fun of.

also, i've heard The Bachellor is really cheesy and ridiculous, but i haven't caught it yet this season. oh! and i heard about a show on Comedy Central called Insomniac that's supposed to be really funny...but i also haven't seen that yet.
12:50:53 PM

I actually have caught parts of The Bachelor. Talk about desperation. It's easy to make fun of too.

As far as the other stuff goes, thanks for the tips. What I really love to watch at my mom's is HGTV and Trading Spaces. Man, those are good shows.
12:54:49 PM

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