[info]ohnotheydidnt への shinagawa ([info]shinagawa) の書き込み:
@ 2007-07-21 08:16:00
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Ayu split with boyfriend over... chihuahuas?

There's already been a ONTD post about the break-up, but now the possible reasons why are popping up!

Superstar couple Ayumi Hamasaki and Tomoya Nagase have split and Shukan Shincho (7/26) suggests the reason could have been because their relationship was not the only thing between them that was aborted.

Pop diva Hamasaki publicized the end of the relationship with an announcement July 13 on her web site that she had "broken off with my lover."

But Hamasaki gave no reason for why the pair suddenly decided to go their separate ways and the rumor mill is rife, especially as she and the Tokio singer had widely been regarded as close to tying the knot following a relationship that had gone for ages.

"They'd been dating for seven years, and all the reporters on the showbiz beat were convinced they'd marry for sure," Masaaki Hiruma, a veteran entertainment industry commentator, tells Shukan Shincho.

But it wasn't to be, and the pair of 28-year-olds are now headed along different paths. Some say egos played a part in the break-up.

"I think the split was because of the characters of the two big stars involved. Hamasaki's career is definitely on the wane, but Nagase is on the rise, both as a performer with Tokio and as an actor. Hamasaki likes playing up the fact she's a star, but now perhaps Nagase is beginning to look at her on equal terms and that destroyed the link between them," Hiruma suggests.

Others say there was a darker side to the break up.

"There's a rumor that the split was caused because Hamasaki had an abortion," an entertainment beat reporter tells Shukan Shincho.

Another showbiz beat hack adds fuel to the fire.

"Ayu is a formal member of a top Tokyo hospital, which guarantees her absolute privacy, but apparently somebody happened to spot her bawling her eyes out while at the hospital in the spring," the reporter says. "I have to admit that I don't know whether the rumor is true."

The hospital, which the magazine doesn't name, refuses to comment. A source with links to Hamasaki's talent agency is more talkative.

"I think it's a bit of a vicious rumor. The problem is that she announced the split, but didn't elaborate on why it had happened. That's made everybody even more curious about why such a happy couple broke up," the source says. "I guess the abortion rumor popped up because it's a good enough reason to explain why a seven year relationship suddenly came to a screeching halt."

Hamasaki's talent agency vehemently denies any talk of a terminated pregnancy.

"There's not an ounce of truth in that," an agency spokesman tells Shukan Shincho.

If not an abortion, then what did cause Hamasaki and Nagase to go their separate ways? Was it ego, as Hiruma suggests? Or something else? The source close to Hamasaki's talent agency says it was dogs.
Shukan Shincho (7/26)

"Hamasaki has got four or five pet Chihuahuas and she takes them along with her wherever she goes, even into TV studios. She's got her own entourage, with a stylist and a make-up artist and all that, and even one person whose job it is to look after the dogs," the source tells Shukan Shincho, adding that the pooches caused a rift with Nagase when Hamasaki went on overseas tours. "She'd issue him with really nagging orders about looking after her Chihuahuas, like making sure he fed, walked and brushed them every day. When she'd come back home, the dogs were never looked after in the way she wanted and she'd blast Nagase for it. Nagase probably felt he was doing his best to look after the dogs, but still copped a mouthful for it. I guess her 'princess' attitude just became too much for him in the end and he just ran out of love."

Source: Mainichi Daily News


2007-07-20 11:43 pm UTC (リンク)
Yea.. well I got one that is 100% true, I mean it's only been going on for like 5 years:

Utada and Ayumi are lesbian lovers.

Seriously though it's too creepy she broke up with him before her single just like Utada, even though she was married :p

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2007-07-21 01:20 am UTC (リンク)
seriously. Since Hikki divorced, I'm counting days until she hooks up with a chick.
She's so fucking gay.

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2007-07-20 11:44 pm UTC (リンク)
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2007-07-20 11:45 pm UTC (リンク)

(返信する) (直前のコメント)

(タイトルなし) - [info]disco_balla, 2007-07-20 11:45 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]capriicious, 2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]runnerlevelred, 2007-07-20 11:48 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]robotdeer, 2007-07-21 02:56 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-20 11:45 pm UTC (リンク)
Breaking up over dogs? That's stupid. Dogs suck arse.


2007-07-20 11:45 pm UTC (リンク)
ok so kind of OT but post asian stars you have crushes on
mine are masanobu ando and miyavi, also my main man kakihara up in my icon

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2007-07-20 11:46 pm UTC (リンク)

fucking beetus

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(タイトルなし) - [info]vendettavv, 2007-07-20 11:46 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]elveneyes, 2007-07-20 11:47 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:47 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]vendettavv, 2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:51 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]vendettavv, 2007-07-20 11:52 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]caramelbrasil, 2007-07-20 11:48 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]bopomochifo, 2007-07-20 11:53 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]redpearls, 2007-07-21 12:36 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]eternaldesire, 2007-07-21 01:40 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]haligh, 2007-07-21 01:41 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]caramelbrasil, 2007-07-20 11:47 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]vendettavv, 2007-07-20 11:48 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]bogie_bacall, 2007-07-21 12:03 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]shanny_w, 2007-07-21 04:17 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]drayton, 2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:50 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]pangea_deux, 2007-07-20 11:53 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:58 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]pangea_deux, 2007-07-21 12:03 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]goldaline87, 2007-07-21 12:53 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]roogba, 2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]miyu_sakura, 2007-07-20 11:54 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:57 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]caramelbrasil, 2007-07-20 11:51 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]degeneres89, 2007-07-21 12:08 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]koalafrog, 2007-07-20 11:53 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]miyu_sakura, 2007-07-20 11:53 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]jubibean, 2007-07-20 11:56 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-20 11:57 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]_omgteaparty, 2007-07-21 12:51 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]maroonraven, 2007-07-21 12:00 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]popaddict, 2007-07-21 12:23 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]ex_nature304, 2007-07-21 12:23 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]ex_nature304, 2007-07-21 12:24 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kvetch_kvetch, 2007-07-21 12:29 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]_imperfection, 2007-07-21 12:28 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]eternaldesire, 2007-07-21 01:33 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]eternaldesire, 2007-07-21 01:40 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]heart_of_butter, 2007-07-21 06:34 am UTC (Expand)
DID SOMEONE SAY MIYAVI - [info]akaich0u, 2007-07-21 01:35 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]jenn_sensfan15, 2007-07-21 01:57 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]thirdrated_star, 2007-07-21 04:21 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]heart_of_butter, 2007-07-21 06:31 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kurarisa, 2007-07-21 07:47 am UTC (Expand)
Am I too late for the party? - [info]linear_flower, 2007-07-21 07:49 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]kyo_o, 2007-07-21 06:09 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]58468_0, 2007-07-23 09:04 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-20 11:46 pm UTC (リンク)
Well, Chihuahuas ARE pretty darn cute, you have to admit.

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2007-07-20 11:47 pm UTC (リンク)
i'd break up over a piece of gum, let alone a cute dog.

(返信する) (直前のコメント)

(タイトルなし) - [info]tinuhhh, 2007-07-20 11:51 pm UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]gossipscene, 2007-07-21 12:00 am UTC (Expand)
2007-07-20 11:47 pm UTC (リンク)
they make me so nervous. they're little, but they're always like shaking in fear when i see them.

.....so then i back up, because i don't want them to bite me or anything.

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Re: Chihuahuas.........
2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (リンク)
I used to think Chihuahuas were evil. Every time I met one, they always barked at me or chased me. But lately I've met a couple that have been so sweet.

(返信する) (直前のコメント)(ツリー一覧)(Expand)

Re: Chihuahuas......... - [info]f3d0ra_girl, 2007-07-20 11:52 pm UTC (Expand)
Re: Chihuahuas......... - [info]caramelbrasil, 2007-07-20 11:54 pm UTC (Expand)
Re: Chihuahuas......... - [info]f3d0ra_girl, 2007-07-20 11:57 pm UTC (Expand)

Re: Chihuahuas......... - [info]f3d0ra_girl, 2007-07-21 12:05 am UTC (Expand)


2007-07-20 11:49 pm UTC (リンク)
Those are the exact Chihuahuas from Nintendogs. I named the middle one Spanky.


2007-07-20 11:52 pm UTC (リンク)
Too bad, but I'd break over dogs if I had to. I love my pets.


2007-07-20 11:52 pm UTC (リンク)


2007-07-20 11:59 pm UTC (リンク)
tbh i have no idea whats going on in this post lolol

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(タイトルなし) - [info]_xxtom, 2007-07-21 12:03 am UTC (Expand)

(タイトルなし) - [info]ex_nature304, 2007-07-21 12:24 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]shinagawa, 2007-07-21 01:00 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-21 12:03 am UTC (リンク)
That's okay Tomoyo, I wouldn't be brushing her dogs either!


2007-07-21 12:04 am UTC (リンク)
I have no idea about any of these people and what may or may not have gone down between them.

But this really sounds like some crazy fangirl shit. It's like they made up a list of reasons why this girl was total trash, unworthy of their boy, and threw them all out there as fact. She's a diva, she had an abortion, she's jealous he's getting famous, she had too many dogs. For fuck's sake.....


2007-07-21 12:22 am UTC (リンク)
Maybe they will get back together.


Asian women are so fucking high maintenence
2007-07-21 12:25 am UTC (リンク)
This is coming from an AA whose had experience w/ them.

Not only are they take forever primping and preening in the bathroom, this OCD-ness spills over into other parts of their lives which is great for school and keeping your house clean and what not but really, it's got to stop somewhere. I'm ALL for women taking care of themselves and I know we need more of it in the US but damn, if it takes you a full 3 hours to get ready for your day every morning, you must be one ugly ass bitch.

I hate how daintily some of them eat. It makes me want to rip the food from their hands and slap the taste out of their mouths.

Anyway, why would you trust someone to take care of your dog if he obviously does not want to? Especially if you already pay someone to do it for you . . . wtf?

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Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence
2007-07-21 12:26 am UTC (リンク)
what's an AA?

(返信する) (直前のコメント)(ツリー一覧)(Expand)

Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]ninjarina, 2007-07-21 12:36 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]agaetisbyrjun, 2007-07-21 12:39 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]ninjarina, 2007-07-21 07:39 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]chesus, 2007-07-21 01:05 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]ninjarina, 2007-07-21 07:42 am UTC (Expand)

Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]shinagawa, 2007-07-21 01:34 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]zutto, 2007-07-21 01:48 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]zutto, 2007-07-21 01:32 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]ninjarina, 2007-07-21 07:38 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]einbahnstrasse, 2007-07-22 05:02 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]ninjarina, 2007-07-23 04:40 am UTC (Expand)
Re: Asian women are so fucking high maintenence - [info]overfilth, 2007-07-22 09:46 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-21 12:29 am UTC (リンク)
it sucks she left fame get to her head so much


2007-07-21 12:34 am UTC (リンク)
Tomoya Nagase can get with me instead..........


2007-07-21 01:04 am UTC (リンク)
now she can hook up with Utada ^_________^


2007-07-21 01:18 am UTC (リンク)
Chihuahuas? Four of Five? Jesus!
Those dogs are so weird.
My friends Chihuahua is terrified of me...and I don't get why either :[


telling asians apart
2007-07-21 01:50 am UTC (リンク)
aside from dress and accent, can anyone here tell asian people apart?

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Re: telling asians apart
2007-07-21 02:08 am UTC (リンク)

I scored an OK. 10/18.

(返信する) (直前のコメント)(ツリー一覧)(Expand)

Re: telling asians apart - [info]zutto, 2007-07-21 02:11 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]maroonraven, 2007-07-21 02:15 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]ex_pornstar835, 2007-07-21 03:21 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]xmaggyx, 2007-07-21 04:51 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]zutto, 2007-07-21 05:01 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]missmoussy, 2007-07-21 06:13 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]heart_of_butter, 2007-07-21 06:39 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]heart_of_butter, 2007-07-21 06:38 am UTC (Expand)
Re: telling asians apart - [info]dreamerbri, 2007-07-21 09:03 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-21 02:02 am UTC (リンク)
Somewhat related confession: I've recently decided I like Ayumi. Her (miss)understood album is great. And the song Evolution of her I am... album is awesome.

As for the actual topic, I can't say I care.

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2007-07-21 02:11 am UTC (リンク)
ayu is great. her production team is top notch :)

(返信する) (直前のコメント)(ツリー一覧)(Expand)

(タイトルなし) - [info]jenn_sensfan15, 2007-07-21 02:20 am UTC (Expand)
(タイトルなし) - [info]hannahstarr, 2007-07-21 03:02 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-21 03:09 am UTC (リンク)
Dude, she broke up with HIM?? I wouldn't. O_O

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2007-07-21 05:16 am UTC (リンク)
Right? I sure as hell wouldn't kick him out of my bed.

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2007-07-21 03:20 am UTC (リンク)
I would break up with her just because of her voice.

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2007-07-21 04:17 am UTC (リンク)
omg i agree with this comment :[

(返信する) (直前のコメント)

(タイトルなし) - [info]dreamerbri, 2007-07-21 09:02 am UTC (Expand)

2007-07-21 04:13 am UTC (リンク)
chihuahuas abortions :'(


2007-07-21 06:27 am UTC (リンク)
LOL Ayu has, like, 50 million dogs. Her man is just going to have to deal w/ that shit.


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