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Seven illegal immigrants arrested in Perkins, Sandusky traffic stops

By MIKE FITZPATRICK | Wednesday, April 1, 2009 7:12 AM EDT


Seven illegal immigrants were arrested early Sunday morning in two separate traffic stops.

It marked the second time this month local police aided in catching illegalimmigrants.

On March 2, a Perkins police officer pulled over a van and found 12 illegal immigrants from Mexico.

All of the immigrants in that arrest were living in Ft. Wayne, Ind., and have since been deported to Mexico, according to an immigration spokesman.

A Perkins police officer pulled over a 2002 Chevrolet Prizm at 1:46 a.m. Sunday morning after he spotted the vehicle making an illegal turn onto West Perkins Avenue.

Porifirio A. Lopez, 28, 1200 block S. Bay Drive, Port Clinton, admitted when interrogated he was in the country illegally.

He told police he'd been living in Port Clinton for two years.

Binicio C. Munoc, 29, 1700 block W.Perkins Ave., was a passenger in the vehicle. He was also in the country illegally, police said. Both men were taken to the Erie County jail, where they were detained for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.

Nine minutes after Perkins police pulled over the two men, Sandusky police pulled over a 2000 Dodge Caravan after it was spotted traveling the wrong way on Tiffin Avenue near the railroad tracks.

Police discovered five illegal immigrants inside the van. They took Fidel Morales-Sunun, 47, first block Grand Ave., Norwalk; Julio Hernandez, 42, first block Grand Avenue, Norwalk; Gamaliel Morales-Sunun, 29, 5100 block U.S. 250, Norwalk; Roman Velazquez-Gonzalez, 28, 5100 block U.S. 250, and Eloy Rodriguez, 38, first block Grand Ave., Norwalk, to the Erie County jail, where they were held for ICE officials, the report stated.

On Monday, a woman who declined to give her name took custody of the van from Sandusky police.

The woman said she knew family members of one of the detainees and went to the police station Sunday morning after the men were taken into custody. She said she acted as an interpreter for the men.

The men were in Erie County to earn money for their families, she said. Illegal immigrants are often employed in jobs Americans refuse to do, such as low-paying factory work or jobs in the agricultural industry, she said.

"Mexicans come over here to support families and kids," she said. "They're not here to steal jobs."

Typically, illegal immigrants are flown by ICE back to their native countries.

Khaalid Walls, a spokesman for the Detroit division of ICE, did not return two calls for comment.

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21 comment(s)

Bratti wrote on Apr 1, 2009 11:20 AM:

" lillie chaos, you make excellent points. I agree totally with you. "

ibd1 wrote on Apr 1, 2009 11:11 AM:

" To Blaine. You need a bit more imagination or to travel a bit. Next time you are in the frozen food dept. See how many veggie's come from Mexico. I think the Green Giant relocated there due to the climate. Granted, a lot of manufacturing jobs did go to Mexico and I would rather they stayed here. But, who should we blame, the hungry Mexicans, the greedy manufacturers, or the politicians who allowed and encouraged it to happen. It is too easy to blame those who are more misfortunate than us, but that is not the solution. Poor people at your door or border is a major problem. Building a wall like Germany did is not the answer. The USA has the greatest system ever imagined and its residents enjoy one of the best life styles in the world. You never want to bet against the USA. Times will change and the pendulum will swing the other way soon. Let's hope that when times get better, we will have learned something more than blaming everything on poor dirt farmers who left their country to feed their families. "

Ghost Town wrote on Apr 1, 2009 10:55 AM:

" Pretty soon Mexico will have to start patroling their border to stop all the Americans entering their country for work. The irony is most of the jobs in Mexico were taken away from the American worker to begin with. That is a Bull S... excuse that the illegals are here in this country doing jobs that the American worker refuses to do. They are here to get their unearned benefits and all the freebees our ignorant law makers are giving them. "

Blaine wrote on Apr 1, 2009 10:41 AM:

" ibd1, what planet are you from? The time to worry is when they STOP coming? Why don't you fly your butt down there and take care of them, then, I'm tired of doing it. "

Chung Lee wrote on Apr 1, 2009 10:11 AM:

" Chung Lee see Countrycowboy ad in messycan newspaper offering room for rent. Chung Lee hear Countrycowboy have 15 messycans living in his trailer and another 5 in his jeep. He give discounts to those who stay in his room. "

ibd1 wrote on Apr 1, 2009 9:40 AM:

" I have visited Mexico many times. Most are lucky to have dirt. In the State of Michoacán, there biggest export and source of income is the young men they send to the USA to do menial labor. They are not stupid, just not educated like we have been lucky enough to be. The time to worry about this is when they stop coming. "

Delaware Bob wrote on Apr 1, 2009 9:39 AM:

" First, nice catch there officers!

I can't say the ILLEGAL ALIENS are completely to blame for the shape of our economy, but they are a BIG part of the problem. The ILLEGAL ALIENS send BILLIONS upon BILLIONS out of this Country every year, money we will NEVER see again. Does this help our economy?

How about the BILLIONS the American taxpayers fork out for the ILLEGAL ALIEN BABIES, the schooling of them, the medical care and the list goes on, and on, and on.

How about the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS paid to jail ILLEGAL ALIENS for the crimes, then the cost to deport them. Does this help our economy?

Then you have these activist groups, the Catholic Church and the ACLU that want AMNESTY for these ILLEGAL ALIENS. It would be absolute suicide for this Country if AMNESTY were granted to the 20 million or so ILLEGAL ALIENS. We have more and more people out of work everyday and they want to add another 20 million to this Country? I say, "NO"!

If AMNESTY were ever granted to these 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS, you can bet big money that 3 years from now, there would be ANOTHER 3-5 million ILLEGAL ALIENS demonstrating on our soil for AMNESTY.

An end MUST come to this illegal immigration. The perfect tool we have so far is E-Verify. It MUST be used by ALL businesses and Government Social Services. EVERY employee must be checked! If they are illegal, they are to be dismissed!

I believe it is time for all 50 States to pass a State law, like Arizona, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina and a few others. It is time for these ILLEGAL ALIENS to go back to their home Country and get out of this Country. The problems they are causing will not go away until the ILLEGAL ALIENS are out of this Country. I think that is plain to see.


DazyKay wrote on Apr 1, 2009 9:22 AM:

" The worst part is the illegals can also draw welfare benefits while they are waiting for work. That's not fair. Clean up America ! "

lillie chaos wrote on Apr 1, 2009 8:58 AM:

" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free...
Send them, the homeless, tempest tossed to me....I lift my light beside the golden door....

OK, now we all practically homeless, poor and starting to huddle up and try to figure out what do about this economy..... Don't you think we should close the gate until we can take care of the people who actually live here? I don't mean welfare.....I mean work and quality of life for the working family. We are paying way to much to support the "homeless, tempest tossed" ---I wanna be free -- free of paying for other people's food stamps and drug habits.
If I had a "free" medical card for the emergency room and pharmacy my quality of life would be much better but I do have a job so I get no consideration. Excuse my bad attitude this morning....but I am real tired of all this abuse of the American way of life. There is no loyalty to long term workers and no real optimism in the near future. I am old and tired....who is going to take care of me? No going to work in a couple of hours and do what I can to scrap by. "

lhpb wrote on Apr 1, 2009 8:38 AM:

" Some people are so stupid. "They are not here to steal jobs but rather support their families" That's a switch on the old Dillinger line "I'm not here to rob the bank but rather get money to feed my family" They shot him! "

Deborah wrote on Apr 1, 2009 8:32 AM:

" I am sure Americans will be lining up to do pick crops this summer. "

sub4 wrote on Apr 1, 2009 8:22 AM:

" Ok, they need to stop using the "they do jobs americans won't do" line. There are a lot of americans out of work. Maybe those jobs should be offered again to those americans now. "

countrycowboy wrote on Apr 1, 2009 8:00 AM:

" I wonder if any of them wash dishes for Chung Lee? The next stop for ICE is these fellers place of employment to arrest the people who cause the problems by hiring these people. I like the naivate of people who say that they do not come here to steal jobs, not only do they steal jobs but the suppress the wages of all people wherever they go. Look up George Borjas, the top expert of immigration economics, he basically has said that where illegal aliens converge the local wages fall about 2% for every 5% increase in illegals. If all these greenhouses and places hiring these Mexicans had to pay honest wages the labor markt would have to increase wages for everyone. "

gRAPE vINE wrote on Apr 1, 2009 7:43 AM:


gRAPE vINE wrote on Apr 1, 2009 7:41 AM:

" I can't figure out what jimbo is talking about.

What do you think by cutting wages will bring for the UAW? nothing but less BUYING POWER for CHINA.

It will NOT bring down the price of a Car. They already took cuts and the price stayed the same or went up.

They also in the 1980's took a cut, and the price of cars did not go down, the price kept going up.

So jimibo, it does nothing at all for the our economy. But does even better for china's economy by reducing labor cost.

I'm afraid jimibozo, you are listioning to the RICH man talking. They want mexico labor price, why do you think so many are here, 11,000,000 illegals.

Jimibozo, if your wages does not match UAW, then your being underpaid. We all need more buying power to bring us out of this mess, not less.

Jimibozo, one of two things have to happen, either we ALL get more wages, or the Price of EVERYTHING must go down. Period. "

CM wrote on Apr 1, 2009 7:32 AM:

" oh..Winston...I think we should be ashamed rounding these people up and sending them back to mexico!!! LOL "

Edvit wrote on Apr 1, 2009 7:07 AM:

" What about the REAL aliens, the ones from outer space? What are we going to do about them? "

Winston Smith wrote on Apr 1, 2009 6:29 AM:

" Shame on the SR for being insensitive and not politically correct.

Softhearted caring liberals call them 'undocumented Americans' and future Democratic Party voters. "

Jimmy Ego wrote on Apr 1, 2009 6:28 AM:

" A greedy person and a pauper are practically one and the same. "

kURT wrote on Apr 1, 2009 5:05 AM:

" They were trying to start a Union. "

grape vine wrote on Apr 1, 2009 4:44 AM:

" Illegal what does that mean? Does that mean, WANTED, or FELONY Fugitive? If they were Living in Indiana, the persons who were keeping them, isn't this also a CRIME, harboring a Fugitive?
The President said, there are 11,000,000 that's eleven million Illegals in the United states. They are ruining our economy. Who is feeding this eleven million, someone is giving 11 million a JOB, more Crime, not paying TAXES on the wages. If they were paying taxes on these wages, then they would be documented, or legal. I know a Italian man spent Eleven Years in prison for income tax evasion, it was his first offence in court, documented, but it appears this law is only good for Italian people, RIGHT. "

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