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    Disgraced NYPD detective, from Staten Island, quits

    by Staten Island Advance
    Friday July 18, 2008, 8:42 AM

    Prosecutors say a New York City police detective from Staten Island, accused of forcing a 13-year-old runaway into prostitution, has resigned from the force and pleaded guilty to attempted kidnapping.

    Wayne Taylor, who lives in Rosebank, initially said he was "100 percent innocent" of keeping the teen as a captive and compelling her to sell herself at parties last winter.

    But Queens prosecutors say the 35-year-old officer and his 29-year-old accomplice, Zelika Brown, pleaded guilty to the same charge yesterday in exchange for expected three-and-a-half-year prison terms.

    Ms. Brown also originally contested the charges. Her lawyer challenged statements authorities said she made to them.

    Prosecutors say about 20 men paid Taylor and Ms. Brown $40 to $80 for sex with the girl.

    Taylor was an officer for about 14 years.

    His alleged crimes occurred off-duty, police said. He had previous infractions within the force, according to media reports.

    Taylor joined the NYPD in 1994 and was assigned to the former Housing Bureau, working in the Bronx and in Queens.

    Ms. Brown told investigators that she was Taylor's wife, that she ran a prostitution business, and that Taylor served as a lookout while the 13-year-old victim and other girls were prostituting themselves, prosecutors said.

    Taylor reportedly made statements to police that he was a driver for Ms. Brown -- who he claimed ran nothing more than an exotic dance business -- and routinely drove the dancers to parties.

    See more in Courts, East Shore, Rosebank
    COMMENTS (10)Post a comment
    Posted by m107 on 07/18/08 at 8:48AM

    He got what he surely deserved except he shoud have gotten more time than 3 years. More like 30!

    Posted by mjb824 on 07/18/08 at 10:12AM

    Line these pices of trash up in front of a firing squad. Just you typical confused low life that took an NYPD job becuase he did not know what to do with his sorry azz life. What a disgrace to all the good cops out there that actually try and make a difference on the streets of our city.

    Posted by statenitaly1 on 07/18/08 at 10:16AM

    Don't worry he'll get the $#%t beat out of him in jail every day for: 1- forcing a young innocent girl to have sex w/men & 2- for being a cop & a dirty cop has no protection in jail! The C.O.'s dont play, they let the scum of the earth get what they deserve! Gee, I wonder how he's ganna like having unwanted sex with men?? LMAO, have fun Mr. Wayne Taylor!!!

    Posted by getrealok on 07/18/08 at 10:18AM

    Well, well well. Another banner day for the NYPD.
    You guys are all " Heros" right?

    Posted by gucciman7 on 07/18/08 at 11:45AM


    Let he without sin cast the first stone. I am not condoning the actions of this officer, but I'm sure you have broken the law at some point too. Do you always drive 50 on the highway or could it be 55 or 60 or more? Ever pass a red light? Ever taken something that wasn't yours, even as a kid? The officer got what he deserved. 99% of the NYPD are not involved in this sort of thing, and in the same was, 99% of society is not involved in criminality either.

    Posted by statenitaly1 on 07/18/08 at 1:08PM

    Gucciman, You have got to be kidding me!! Did you just learn how to read today? There are so many dirty cops it's disgusting! Let's see, the whole divison of NARC's in Brooklyn, who've been re-assigned, or fired including the dirty captain, for taking bribes, keeping money & drugs from busts, or the new bunch of brooklyn narc's who got video taped buying drugs from a 2 guys in a bar and later arrested 4 innocent men on the totally other side of the bar, as to not get there drug dealing friends in trouble. Or how bout the off duty cop who had some roadrage & killed an innocent & unarmed motorist in the city, and then fled the scene to avoid a alcohol test? So i guess ur an uneducated cival servant too, huh? U probably got a G.E.D., and went to work for the N.Y.P.D, cause u failed the S.A.T. LOL!!!!

    Posted by mustangchick on 07/18/08 at 1:14PM

    GetReal...I think you should follow your own advice. The NYPD has had a great week. Two violent criminals were prevented from potentially causing fatal harm to innocent people twice in the past couple of days, due to heroic officers...and that's just the tip of the iceberg. What have you done?

    Posted by m107 on 07/18/08 at 1:20PM

    He will most probably be placed in Protective Custody (PC) and if not he'll be sent to a Medium Security Facility like Arthur Kill where violence rarely takes place or the "Bubba" types.

    Posted by statenitaly1 on 07/18/08 at 2:57PM

    What about a "child endagerment" charge? What about "promoting sex acts" charge? the D.A. really dropped the ball on this case.

    Posted by getrealok on 07/19/08 at 7:02PM

    Hey gucciman7... why don’t you go for a ride with “ mustangchick” maybe you can teach each other how to read and comprehend. You have the audacity to compare someone who commits a traffic violation or a petty larceny as a child (you must be speaking about yourself) with a Police Officer who kidnapped a 13 year old CHILD and forced into a life of prostitution?! A police officer who has taken a solemn oath to “Serve and Protect” and while I am at it “ mustangchick”, I didn’t give any advice and for your information, police officers are paid to prevent crime and arrest criminals. It’s their job! It’s what they do!
    But don’t let me interrupt you from your idolatry and hero worship of “ New York’s Finest”.
    I am sure Mr. Taylor (The former police officer, and hero) would love to hear from you. Maybe you and gucciman can take a ride up to Attica on visiting days and hold his hand.

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