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More Black Face in Japan

3 February 2009 566 views 10 Comments
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No matter how many times I see pictures like the one above hit the Japanese media, it seems like “some” people here still don’t get it! Previously there was uproar over the Tokyo Metropolitan Government discriminatory depictions of blacks in their Earthquake Pamphlet, corporations using racist language and imagery in advertising and of course a few music groups using blackface during their performances. I guess with the current Obama boom in Japan, some of these soccer players need a  swift kick in the balls to reach the goal of having a clue! Oops! I meant no offense, it was done in jest. By the way Nissan, next time be sure to check the oil!

Japan Probe writes: “Dan writes to let us know about a shocking encounter at an event for Japanese soccer fans:

On January 31st, the J.League Division 1 team Yokohama F. Marinos held “Tricolore Festa”, a party for its supporters. Events included speeches, meet-and-greets, open practices, and skits performed by the
plays to the amusement of all.


I’ll, um, let you scroll down to the bottom and figure out what’s wrong with this picture.

Gosperats impression, or some other form of African imitation?

Those who wish to complaint can do so by contacting the e-mail address on their site.”

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  • blacktokyo: More Black Face in Japan (arigato for info @japanprobe) http://tinyurl.com/b2ychp 02/03/09 12:10am

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  • Orchid64 said:

    This is related to the same type of problem that some people have with being called by the catch-all phrase “gaijin” rather than “Amerika-jin” or whatever term appropriate addresses their nationality. Many Japanese approach these issues from the view of their intent rather than from the viewpoint of the person they offend. They think it’s okay to do these sorts of things as long as they don’t mean any harm in what they say or do and defend it by saying so. The idea that the offended party gets to determine what is offensive to them seems beyond them.

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  • LB said:

    Wow. Advocating physical violence against those whom you decide are not acting “acceptably”. Way to build a dialogue, jarhead. What was your MOS anyway, 1369?

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  • TerribleColour said:

    I think the fact that Japan realy did not have much of a, if at all of racial problem in the past (and even now with most of the population being homogeneous) that discrimination is not a taboo (like it is in many Western nations). I feel this is why many Japanese do not see the full breadth of the harm discrimination has.

    This still does not excuse their actions though =/

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  • zurui (author) said:

    actually japan did have a problem in the past. outside of the caste system, koreans, ainu and “barbarians/gaijin” have been subjected to various forms of discrimination. i guess it depends on which side of the fence you’re on to considered it problematic.

    of course the japanese government has been taking various steps to right some wrongs but as we all know things take time.

    @LB: if it was 1369 (unlucky c#ck sucker for those that did not understand), kick would have been “lick.” btw, since when is soccer violent (pun intended)? please do not troll or attempt to start wars here. thanks in advance!

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  • Kamoshika said:

    So what’s the deal with the Afro wigs?!?
    If they were really trying to impersonate Obama, their Japanese jock cuts would have done just fine. Simplifying Barack Obama to ‘a black man’ is degrading to him and to black people.
    Incidentally , what do people think about the Japanese Obama impersonator on TV? I can’t remember his name, Nocchi, or something. I haven’t seen that much footage of him, but what I have looks somewhat respectful.

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  • brothainjapan said:

    When the spanish basketball team took the picture pulling their eyes back, they were all made to apoligize.

    There is no excuse anymore.


    If anything, it should be embarassing for them. For a “so called” First rate J1 soccer team to endorse something like this is beyond ignorant.

    Well, I wont be buying anything thing in support of their soccer team.

    Of course people will come out and say, “Oh, its just for fun.”

    …No, it just shows that you are ignorant.

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  • HokageOfMYhood said:

    One thing i learned is that logic doesn’t exist in Japan. What makes this worst is the fact that most Japanese people are quick to call us foreigners uncultured/dumb etc etc but yet they consistently do racist and ignorant things on a daily basis.

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  • saminx said:

    Zurui, please continue with full force exposing Japan’s side like this


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  • cgeez said:

    The first thing that comes to mind when witnessing situations like this is KARMA IS A BEAUTIFUL THING!
    It also makes me wonder why it is SOOO hard for people to just follow Spike’s lead and DO THE RIGHT THING and choose the righteous way to go.

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  • said:



    This is one of Japanese perspectives on blackface.

    Feel free to join the discussion.

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