引揚援護庁編集の『引揚援護の記録 続』によると、このSCAPINの発出後、オート三輪車や軽機械ばかりでなく貨物自動車まで持ち込んだ送還者もいたとの事です。ついには所有者の乗った船舶に積載することができなくなるほど多くの物品が持ち込まれたため、正規の輸送料金を徴収して別の輸送船に積んで輸送したようですが。
SCAPIN1966 個人の日本入国及び出国時に携帯を許可される財産
18 January 1949
AG 130(18 Jan 49)ESS/FIN
(SCAPIN 1966)
SUBJECT : Property Individuals are Authorized to Carry on Entering and Leaving Japan
1.This memorandum is the basic directive governing property brought into and taken out of Japan by individuals entering and leaving Japan, i.e. the four main islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, shikoku, and Kyushu, and outlying islands under the control of the Occupation Forces. The provisions of this directive apply to all Japanese and to foreign nationals who are not members of or accredited to the Occupation Forces.
2.Previous instructions, as contained in the memoranda listed in attached Annex Ⅴ are superseded by this directive.
3.In the future, insofar as practical, all general directives concerning movement of property into and out of Japan by individuals referred to in paragraph 1 above will be issued in the form of additions or amendments to this memorandum.
4.Definitions of the terms used in this memorandum are set forth in Annex Ⅰ attached hereto.
5.The Japanese Government is directed to carry out the provisions of this memorandum as contained in annexes attached hereto, under the surveillance of the Commanding Genral, Eighth United States Army.
6.Six copies of the applicable laws, implementing the provisions of this memorandum shall be furnish to General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powrs. Such copies shall contain the English and Japanese text.
Colonel, AGD,
Adjutant General.
Annex Ⅰ Definitions
Annex Ⅱ Policy Governing Entry and Exit of Property of Individuals Entering and Leaving Japan
Annex Ⅲ Currencies to be Taken up from Persons Entering Japan
Annex Ⅳ Military Documents Permitted Entry into Japan
Annex Ⅴ Rescissions
Annex Ⅵ Declaration of Individuals Entering and Leaving Japan
*「Annex Ⅲ Currencies to be Taken up from Persons Entering Japan」「Annex Ⅳ Military Documents Permitted Entry into Japan」「Annex Ⅴ Rescissions」「Annex Ⅵ Declaration of Individuals Entering and Leaving Japan」は省略
附則Ⅰ 定義
附則Ⅱ 日本に入国及び出国する個人の財産の持込み及び持出しについての統制方針
附則Ⅲ 日本入国者から取上げられる通貨
附則Ⅳ 日本への持込みを許可される軍事文書
附則Ⅴ 廃止される覚書
附則Ⅵ 日本に入国及び出国する個人の税関申告
*「附則Ⅲ 日本入国者から取上げられる通貨」「附則Ⅳ 日本への持込みを許可される軍事文書」「附則Ⅴ 廃止される覚書」「附則Ⅵ 日本に入国及び出国する個人の税関申告」は省略
Memorandum for the Japanese Government, SCAPIN 1966, dated 18 Jan 49
1.The term "currency" as used herein shall include coin, notes or other instruments issued by authorized authorities designed as and intended for a circulating medium.
2.The term "acceptable foreign exchange" shall include currencies and financial instruments expressed in terms of currencies which are registered with the International Monetary Fund or recognized as acceptable in foreign markets.
3.The term "financial instrument" shall include checks, or other orders to pay, securities commonly dealt in by bankers, brokers, and investment houses, drafts, notes, debentures, stocks, bonds, coupons, acceptances, mortgages, pledges, insurance policies, liens or other rights in the nature of security, trust, warehouse and other receipts, bills of lading, bills of exchange, bills of sale, sales agreements, contracts, certificates of deposit, bank pass books, or any other written evidence of title, ownership or indebtedness.
4.The term "property" shall include currency, bullion, financial instruments, bank deposits, savings accounts, any debts, indebtedness or obligations, wares, merchandise, chattels, stocks on hand, ships, goods on ships, real estate and any interest therein, leaseholds, ground rents, options, royalties, book accounts, accounts receivable, judgments, patents, trademarks, copyrights, contracts or licenses affecting or involving patents, the rights and interest in safe deposit boxes and the contents thereof, annuities, pooling agreements and any other rights or title of interest.
5.The term "evidences of ownership" will include, but not by way of limitation, securities, title deeds, mortgages, bank pass books, receipts, checks, drafts, promissory notes, bills of exchange, certificates of title and indebtedness, copyrights, trademarks and patents and other written evidence of title, right or interest in property.
6.The term "personal effects" will include luggage, clothing, books, toilet articles, an automobile, articles of personal jewelry, and other effects intended and reasonably necessary for the personal use of the individual.
7.The term "household articles" will include items intended and reasonably necessary for the use of an individual and his family in establishing or maintaining living accommodations.
8.The term "professional instruments" will include tools of trade which are intended for and reasonably necessary to a normal individual vocation or avocation.
9.Persons accredited to the Occupation Forces shall include:
a.Allied Occupation Forces personnel, military and civilian, who have entered Japan under official orders, and have not severed their connection with the Occupation Forces;
b.Official organizations of the Allied Powers, military, naval, air force units and diplomatic missions;
c.All dependents of persons in categories a and b above.
10.The term "foreign national" shall be considered to mean any person not a member of accredited to the Occupation Forces who:
a.Possesses nationality other than Japanese and can present satisfactory evidence thereof;
b.Is stateless and not formerly a Japanese national.
11.Commercial entrants are these persons authorized to enter Japan by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers under the provisions of Circular No. 3. General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, subject. Private Commercial Entrants, dated 25 February 1948. For purposes of this directive commercial entrants are considerd as foreign nationals and are not to be considered as members of or accredited to the Occupation Forces.
附則 Ⅰ
1949年1月18日付 日本政府宛覚書 SCAPIN1966
Memorandum for the Japanese Government, SCAPIN 1966, dated 18 Jan 49
1.The following policies will govern the movement of property of all Japanese and foreign nationals entering or leaving Japan.
2.The Japanese Government will prevent and prohibit, except as specifically authorized by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, the exportation or withdrawal from Japan to any foreign country, or the importation into Japan from any foreign country, of any of the following:
a.Gold or silver coin, gold, silver or platinum bullion or alloy thereof in bullion form and other precious metals and precious stones except personal jewelry worn or carried in personal baggage accompanying the owner;
b.Counterfeit, altered or imitation coins;
c.Bank of Japan yen currency and foreign currencies listed in Annex Ⅲ hereto;
d.Any book, pamphlet, paper, writing, advertisement, circular print, picture or drawing, containing any matter advocating or urging treason or insurrection against any government;
e.Any item of a pornographic nature;
f.Any narcotic drug or utensil used therefor;
g.Weapons of any nature, gun powder and other explosives, except that ammunition for hunting purposes may be entered in a reasonable amount for personal use;
h.National treasures of any country and important art objects;
i.Articles which infringe upon rights in patents, utility models, trademarks, and copyrights.
3.The Japanese Government is authorized to exchange at ports of entry Bank of Japan yen currency for United States dollar currencies at the military conversion rate upon the consent of the person in possession of the currency. United States dollars so exchanged will accrue to a commercial account designated by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. United States dollar currencies not exchanged for Japanese yen at the port of entry will be taken up from persons entering Japan and treated as follows:
a.Deposited in the Bank of Japan against a receipt negotiable at a licensed foreign bank in Japan to be availed of in accordance with existing foreign exchange control regulations of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, or
b.At the request of the individual surrendering the currency, held in safe keeping against receipt in the Bank of Japan to be returned to the individual on his departure from Japan or exchanged at a later date for the following:
(1)A negotiable receipt as authorized in paragraph 3a above, or
(2)Japanese yen at the military conversion rate,
4.The Japanese Government will take up all Bank of Japan yen currencies from persons entering and leaving Japan as directed in paragraph 2c above, to be held in accordance with instructions herein. Special dispesition will be made of Japanese yen taken up from persons being repatriated from Japan to Korea and to the Ryukyu Islands as follows:
a.The Japanese Government is directed issue a receipt promising payment in Japan to the Government of the Republic of Korea for Bank of Japan yen currency taken up from persons being repatriated from Japan to Korea in amounts not to exceed 100,000 yen per head of a family. The receipt will be issued to the person surrendering the currency who is authorized to carry the receipt on departure from Japan to the Government of the Republic of Korea for payment in local currencies.
b.The Japanese Government is directed to issue a receipt promising payment in Japan to the Ryukyus Custody Account, National City Bank of New York, Tokyo Branch, for Bank of Japan yen currency taken up from persons being repatriated from Japan to the Ryukyu lslands in amounts not to exceed 100,000 yen per head of a family. The receipt will be issued to the person surrendering the currency who is authorized to carry the receipt departure from Japan for presentation to the Ryukyus Military Government for payment in local currency.
c.Receipts referred to in paragraphs a and b above will be issued by branches and agencies of the Bank of Japan at repatriation centers.
d.Japanese yen currency taken up from persons being repatriated to Korea and the Ryukyu Islands in excess of 100,000 yen will be held in accordance with paragraph 5b below.
5.The Japanese Government will take up from persons entering or leaving Japan all items included in paragraph 2 above other than those specifically authorized herein. Items taken up will be disposed of in the following manner:
a.Gold, silver or platinum bullion or alloy thereof in bullion form will be purchased from the owner by the Japanese Government at the Japanese Government buying rate, payments to be made in yen;
b.New Bank of Japan yen currency and Imperial Japanese yen will be held in safe keeping in the Bank of Japan to the account of the individual surrendering the currency against individual receipt pending further direction from the Supreme Co㎜ander for the Allied Powers.
c.Gold and silver coin and foreign currency other than United States dollar currencies will be taken up from persons entering Japan against individual receipt and placed to the account of the individual in the Bank of Japan to be returned to the individual on departure from Japan or otherwise disposed of by direction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers;
d.Counterfeit, altered and imitation coins, narcotic drugs and utensils therefor, items of pornographic nature, and books, pamphlets, papers, etc., containing any matter advocating or urging treason or insurrection against any government, articles which infringe upon rights and patents, utility models, trade-marks and copyrights, and weapons of any nature, gun powder and other explosives will be turned over to or otherwise disposed of at the direction of the Commanding General, Eighth United States Army;
e.Precious metals other than gold, silver, and platinum in any form, precious stones, national treasures of any country, and important art objects will be turned over to General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Civil Property Custodian.
6.The Japanese Government will _submit monthly reports to Commanding General Eighth United States Army, of items taken up containing the name, nationality, and address of the persons concerned, and the amount and description of the items taken into custody, the port where items were impounded and all other pertinent information.
7.The Japanese Government will require each individual entering or departing from Japan other than persons accredited to the Occupation Forces, to prepare and sign a declaration of prorerty taken into or out of Japan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Annex Ⅵ. Any undeclared item found in possession of an individual on entering or leaving Japan will constitute act of illegal trade and will be dealt with in accordance with Memorandum for the Japanese Government, file AG 091.31 (4 Jun 46)ESS/PC, SCAPIN 996, dated 4 June 1946, subject: Illegal Import and Export Trade. Persons untitled to diplomatic immunity will not be requeired to _submit to search of personal effects but will sign declaration referred to above.
*「SECTIONⅡ Japanese Nationals Returnning to Japan」「SECTIONⅢ Japanese Nationals Leaving Japan」は省略
1949年1月18日付 日本政府宛覚書 SCAPIN1966
*「セクション2 日本に帰還する日本人」「セクション3 日本を離れる日本人」は省略
Forign Nationals Entering and Leaving Japan
16.Foreign nationals are permitted to bring in or take out the following on entering and leaving Japan:
a.Personal effects intended solely for the use of the person entering or leaving Japan;
b.Financial instruments, personal bank books, insurance policies, savings certificates, receipts, evidences of ownership of property in Japan, powers of attorney, proxies, or other authorizations or instruments to effect financial or property transactions within or outside of Japan. Any variance in such authorizations or instruments taken out of Japan as compared with those brought into Japan must be substantiated by accepted evidence of legal acquisition.
17.Individuals authorized by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to enter Japan for business purposes may import bona fide samples and in addition may import commercial item necessary and appropriate in the conduct of their authorized business, which do not exceed $500.00 in value. Such license-free importation shall be on a "one-time" basis. All items brought into Japan by individuals authorized by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to enter Japan for business purposes may be taken out of Japan by the person who imported them.
18.In addition to articles which foreign nationals may carry on entering and leaving Japan as authorized in paragraph 16 above, Koreans, Formosans, Ryukyuans and Chinese who are eligible for repatriation from Japan to their homelands are authorized unaccompanied shipment of the following:
a.Household articles except as specifically prohibited by this directive;
b.Professional instruments not exceeding 4,000 pounds in weight, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, and used in the operation of their trade or individually operated business in Japan. Any such property weighing in excess of 4,000 pounds may be removed from Japan only on the approval of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Disposition or storage for safekeeping of such property in excess of 4,000 pounds will be the sole responsibility of the individual repatriated.
19.Foreign currencies as listed in Annex Ⅲ hereto will be taken up from persons entering Japan against individual receipt as directed in paragraph 5c above or may be exchanged as authorized in paragraph 3 above.
20.Foreign national leaving Japan will be permitted to take foreign currencies surrendered on entering Japan as authorized in paragraphs 3b and 5c above, and also United States dollars and/or pounds sterling, provided the person has in his possession an authorization of General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to take out of Japan the amount of currency specified in the authorization.
21.Koreans and Ryukyuans leaving Japan as repatriates may take with them negotiable receipts issued by the Japanese Government against Bank of Japan yen currency taken up at ports of exit, as authorized in paragraph 4 above.