SCAPIN1421 ソビエト及びソビエト支配下地域からの日本人の引揚、及び日本から北緯38度以北の朝鮮への朝鮮/人の送還
APO 500
26 December 1946
AG 014.33(26 Dec 46)GC
(SCAPIN 1421)
THROUGH : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo
SUBJECT : Repatriation of Japanese Nationals from Soviet and SovietControlled Territories, and of Koreans from Japan to Korea North of 38°North Latitude
1.Reference is made to Memorandum from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, file AG 370.05 (7 May 46)GC, (SCAPIN 927), dated 7 May 1946, subject: Repatriation, as amended.
2.a.Repatriation of Japanese Nationals from Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories will be accomplished at a rate of approximately 50,000 persons per month effective at once. Repatriates will be processed through reception centers in Japan in general as follows:
| Area from which repatriated |
Port in Japan |
| Karafuto and Kurile Islands |
Hakodate |
| Siberia |
Maizuru |
| North Korea and Port Arthur Area |
Sasebo |
b.The repatriation of not to exceed 10,000 Northern Koreans in Japan, will be accomplished during the period 9 - 15 March 1947 inclusive. This 10,000 will include those 9,701 Koreans who registered prior to 18 March 1946 as being desirous of repatriation provided they were born in Korea north of 38°North Latitude, and such other Koreans desirous of repatriation who were born in North Korea and did not register prior to 18 March 1946 or have changed their minds since that date. Provisions of reference paragraph 1 above will govern except as follows:
(1)Accompanied baggage shipment is authorized as follows:
(a)Clothing, personal possessions and household effects of value only to the owner, not to exceed 200 kg. per individual.
(b)Tools, light machinery and business equipment, not exceeding 1,000 kg. in weight, owned outright by them on or prior to 2 September 1945, free and clear of all liens and encumbarances, and used in the operation of their trades or individually operated businesses in Japan.
(2)Shipment of the items mentioned in paragraph 2 b (1) above, except personal baggage carried by the individual, will be at the expense of the individual concerned. Koreans not authorized for repatriation are not authorized to have property shipped.
(3)In addition to the prescribed immunizations, typhoid vaccine will be administered to each repatriate.
(4)Persons with the following diseases will not be placed aboard repatriation ships: typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, plague, typhus, smallpox, cholera, relapsing fever, Japanese "B" encephalitis, pneumonia, influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, pertussis, mumps, cerebrospinal meningitis, poliomyelitis, encephalitis "A", and epidemic hemorrhagic fever.
(5)Persons with the following diseases may be placed aboard repatriation ships, provided the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers is notified and proper surveillance is maintained enroute to Korea: amebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery, enteritis or diarrhea, malaria, kala azar, tuberculosis, pleurisy, undulant fever and venereal disease.
3.The Imperial Japanese Government will:
a.Concerning Japanese repatriatres mentioned in paragraph 2 a above:
(1)Make the necessary arrangements to insure that the initial dose of typhus vaccine is administered the first day they are aboard ship.
(2)Administer the final dose of typhus vaccine upon their arrival at reception centers in Japan.
(3)Process them in accordance with the instructions contained in reference paragraph 1 above.
(4)Allow them to retain authorized clothing and equipment issued by Soviet authorities.
b.Collect from the ships' masters the lists of articles supplied by the Soviet authorities to the repatriates, and hold such lists in safe keeping pending further instructions.
c.Ccncerning Korean repatriates mentioned in paragraph 2 b above:
(1)Give maximum publicity at once to all prefectures concerning the date they are to be in the Sasebo Reception Center and the amount of baggage and equipment they are authorized to take with them at their own expense.
(2)Notify the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers by 28 February 1947 if the total number who make application for repatriation exceed 10,000 persons, in order that negotiations for repatriation of those exceeding 10,000 may be made.
(3)In accordance with detailed procedure to be formulated by the Commanding General, Eighth Army, be prepared to perform necessary functions allocated by the Commanding General, Eighth Army in connection with the shipment of property mentioned in paragraph 2 b (1) above.
(4)Move them to the Sasebo Reception Center during the period 23 February to 9 March 1947 and process them in accordance with the provisions of reference paragraph 1 above, as amended by paragraph 2 b above.
(5)Outload not to exceed 10,000 Koreans during the period 9 - 15 March 1947 inclusive on shipping designated by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. In addition, make the necessary arrangements to insure that:
(a)All of each repatriate's baggage, tools machinery and equipment, as specified in paragraph 2 b (1) above, are placed on the same ship on which the individual is being repatriated.
(b)The Sasebo Reception Center officials furnish the ships' masters with five (5) copies of the passenger list, and two (2) copies of a document of transfer (form attached as inclosure 1 hereto), both written in the English language.
(c)The master of each ship repatriating Koreans:
1.Furnishes the Soviet authorities at the port of dabarkation with four (4) copies of the passenger list.
2.Upon debarkation of the passengers and their baggage:
a.Sign, with the Soviet authorities, the two (2) copies of documents of transfer (inclosure 1).
b.Furnish the Soviet authorities with one (1) copy of the document of transfer.
3.Make one (1) copy of each of the signed document of transfer and of the passenger list part of the ship's log.
d.Provision and fuel ships for the round trip, plus enough fuel, water and food to take care of unforeseen delays.
e.Take the necessary measures to insure that the masters of repatriation ships:
(1)Use the English language when communicating with shore or ship stations in Soviet or Soviet-controlled areas.
(2)Accept custody of Japanese repatriates, which will be transferred by the Soviet authorities to them according to passenger lists and transfer documents written in the Russian language.
(3)After verification, sign the transfer documents presented by the Soviet authorities.
(4)Take special precautions, to include arrival at rendezvous points and ports in Soviet and Soviet-controlled areas during daylight hours, to avoid possible damage to ships and supplies.
(5)Report to stations in Soviet or Soviet-controlled ports the estimated time of arrival at rendezvous points and ports in Soviet and Soviet-controlled areas six (6) hours prior to arrival thereat.
(6)Do not accept supplies and/or repairs in Soviet or Soviet-controlled ports, except in dire emergency and unless the seaworthiness of the ships or tje safety of the passengers and the crews is endangered by failure to accept such supplies and/or repairs.
(7)Make a copy of the document of transfer, referred to in paragraph 3 e (3) above, when furnished by the Soviet authorities, part of the ship's log.
(8)Turn over the list of repatriates, referred to in paragraph 3 e (2) above, to reception center authorities, if only one (1) copy is furnished by Soviet authorities. If more than one (1) copy is furnished, one (1) copy made part of the ship's log and extra copies will be turned over to reception center authorities.
f.Inform the ships' masters that the Russian language will be used in all navigation messages issued from ports in Soviet and Soviet-controlled areas.
4.Direct communication is authorized the Imperial Japanese Government in connection with the shipment of Korean-owned property with the Commanding General, Eighth Army.
5.Provisions of reference paragraph 1 above, which are in conflict with instructions contained herein, are amended accordingly.
1 Incl
Transfer Document
Colonel, AGD,
Adjutant General.
| 引揚地区 |
日本の港 |
| 樺太及び千島列島 |
函館 |
| シベリア |
舞鶴 |
| 北部朝鮮及び旅順 |
佐世保 |
(4)日中の合流地点及びソビエト及びソビエト支配下地域の港への到着を含み、船舶と必需品への損害を可能な限り避けるため 特別な予防処置をとること
On (Date) 1947, (Number) Korean repatriates and their personal baggage, tools, machinery and equipment, were transferred to the custody of the Soviet authorities at the port of (Name) . All repatriates have been medically processed in accordance with the agreements reached between the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and the Member of the Allied Council for Japan from the Union of Soviet Specialist Republics.
(ship master's name)
(Name of ship)
Repatriates and their personal belongings were received by:
(Soviet authority's name)
(Official designation)
Inclosure 1 to SCAPIN1421
1947年 (日付) 、朝鮮/人送還者 (人数) 人とその荷物、道具、機械及び器材は (港) に於いてソビエト官憲に引渡された。全ての送還者は連合軍最高司令官と対日理事会ソビエト連邦代表の間で締結された協定に従って医学的処理を行なわれている
1.The agreement reached with the Soviets for repatriation of Koreans to Korea north of 38゚North Latitude required the following general modifications from the procedure established by Commanding General, Eighth Army, in Operational Directives Number 77, dated 4 September 1946, subject: Shipment of Limited Amounts of Korean-Owned Property in Japan to Korea:
a.There will be only one category of Koreans authorized to ship baggage under this program, that is, those now in Japan who are scheduled for repatriation to Korea North of 38゚North Latitude.
b.There will be only two classes of property, Class 1 and Class 2, as defined in Operational Directive Number 77. Limiting weight for Class 1 is 440 pounds (200 Kg.), instead of 500 pounds, and for Class 2 is 2,200 pounds (1,000 Kg) instead of 4,000 pounds.
c.All such property must be shipped on the same vessel on which the owner is emabarked; no person will be repatriated without his baggage, and no shipments of unaccompanied baaage will be permitted.
d.The Commanding General, Eighth Army, will be responsible for the successful conclusion of baggage shipment program up to such time as the baggage is transferred to custody of the Soviet authorities at destination, either Genzan or Kanko.
e.Rail freight within Japan, trans-shiment and ocean freight charges to Genzan or Kanko based on rates approved by Commanding General, Eighth Army, will be collected in advance on all shipments. Further transportation arrangements after arrival in Korea must be made by the individual at that time.
2.Insofar as possible, existing facilities and procedures shall be employed. However, in view of possible confusion between shipments to the two Korean areas, the procedures and instructions of Operational Directive Number 77 should be reviewed for the purpose of minimizing the chance for misunderstanding and for assuring compliance with the terms of these instructions. It is particularly desired to have repatriates arrive simultaneously with their baggage at Sasebo.
3.It is requested that the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers be notified of the completion of all arrangements for shipping the subject baggage, in order to coordinate publicity in conjunction with publicity releases on the allied matter of the repatriation program.
4.Concluding date of the program will be 15 March 1947.
5.Direct communication between Commanding General, Eighth Army, the Administrater, Naval Shipping Control Authority for Japanese Merchant Marine (SCAJAP) and the Imperial Japanese Government is permitted insofar as is necessary to insure successful completion of this plan.
Inclosure 2 to ltr CG, 8th Army,
AG 014.33 (26 Dec 46)GC
別紙2 第8軍司令官への書簡