▲日本からの非日本人の送還【SCAPIN224】 | 330|共感2
1629532| JAPANxiaoke | 2007.06.11 18:35:18

SCAPIN224 日本からの非日本人の送還


1 November 1945

AG 370.5(1 Nov 45)GC

THROUGH : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT : Repatriation of Non-Japanese from Japan.

1.a.The following plan governing the repatriation of non-Japanese nationals to their respective homelands will be placed in effect without delay.

  b.The entire plan revolves around the use of Reception Centers and the flow of non-Japanese to be repatriated through these Centers in the numbers that can be accommodated by the available shipping.

  c.Memo to the Japanese Government, file AG 370.05(15 0ct 46)GC dated 15 October 1945, subject : "Reception Centers in Japan for Processing Repatriates" and Memo to the Japanese Government, file AG091(16 Oct 45)GC, dated 16 October 1945, subject : "Policies Governing Repatriation of Japanese Nationals in Conquered Territory" are included in and become part of this plan.

2.The following Reception Centers will be used to process non-Japanese repatriates leaving Japan:

    Senzaki    Primarily to process departing Koreans.
    Hakata    Primarily to process departing Koreans and Chinese formerly domiciled in North China.
    Kagoshima  Primarily to process departing Chinese formerly domicled in Central China.
    Kure     Primarily to process departing Koreans and Chinese formerly domiciled in North Central China. Will be used to lessen the load of Senzaki, Hakata and Kagoshima.

3.The Japanese Ministry of Welfare will:

  a.Make the necessary arrangements with the other Ministries concerned to insure that each of the Reception Centers mentioned in paragraph 2 above is kept filled with outgoing repatriates to the capacities shown in paragraph 3a of Memo to the Japanese Government, file AG 370.5(15 Oct 45)GC, dated 15 October l945, subject: "Reception Centers in Japan for Processing Repatriates".

  b.Scrutinize carefully the shipping schedules furnished so that Reception Centers do not become congested.

4.The Japanese Ministry of Welfare will be guided by the following in preparing plans for the flow of repatriates to Reception Centers.

  a.Koreans will be cleared from in the following order:

   (1)Moji-Shimonoseki-Hakata Area.
   (2)Osaka-Kobe Area.
   (3)Remainder of Japan.

  b.Within the areas mentioned in paragraph 4a, above, priority for Koreans will be given, in order to: demobilized soldiers, former forced laborers and other Koreans.

  c.Controls will be established to fix Koreans desiring to return to Korea in their present abodes until they are directed to move under the provisions of this plan.

  d.A special priority will be established for the repatriation of Chinese and Korean coal miners residing in Northern Honshu. They will be evacuated at a rate of 1000 per day beginning not later than 14 November 1945.

  e.Chinese formerly domiciled in North China will be returned to Northern Chinese ports at a rate of not to exceed 10,000 per month. Those domiciled in Central China will be returned to Shanghai at a rate not to exceed 2,000 per month.

  f.Empty spaces on vessels bound for northern Chinese ports will be filled with Koreans who will be offloaded in Korea.

  g.Plans for the return of those individuals formerly domiciled in Formosa, the Ryukyus and South China will be deferred until further notice.

5.The Japanese Government will be furnished shipping schedules governing the movement of:

 a.Japanese merchant and naval vessels in the same manner as at present.

 b.United States Landing Ships, Tank, as they are established, through the same channels. Their schedules will indicate which LST's may be outloaded, with Koreans, Chinese destined for Northern and Central China.

6.The Japanese Ministry of Welfare will furnish all non-Japanese repatriates outloaded on LST's with one day's supply of pre-cocked rice and sufficient dry rice for the voyage plus one day.

7.The Japanese Government,in order to prevent congestion at Reception Centers and unnecessary suffering by repatriates, will adopt among others the following measures:

 a.Inform all concerned of the essential parts of this plan through the media of the press and radio.

 b.Through the same media urge the prospective repatriates to remain in their former places of abode until their movement to Reception Centers can be planned and calling their attention to the sufferings that will result from overcrowding of Centers and the consequent delays in carrying out the program.

8.Japanese Ministry of Welfare will modify their plan, contained in C.L.O. No.349, subjcet: "Repatriation of Koreans", dated 23 October 1945 to conform with provisions of this memorandum.

9.A report will be __submitted showing the number of repatriates leaving Japan each week. The week will be from Monday through Sunday inclusive and will reach this headquarters not later than the following Wednesday. The following information will be included name of vessel, time of departure, port of departure, destination, number of passengers by nationality, and total departed to date by nationality.


Colonel, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General




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<#゜∞゜>眠いから仮眠とろうかな・・?とかおもてただけ! xiaoke 06-11 18:32
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     ぬは!       ε=ε=c⌒(っ'д')ノシ∩
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- ▲日本からの非日本人の送還【SCAPIN224】 [8]