▲冷淡な日帝の輸送計画【CLO349】 | 490|共感0
1624318| JAPANxiaoke | 2007.09.22 00:55:28
To : The Office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
From : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo
Subject : Repatriation of Koreans

C.L.O. No.349

23 October 1945

 The schedule, decided upon by the Japanese Government, for the repatriation of Koreans who are now residing in Japan and desires of repatriation, is ___submitted herewith.
 It was originally intend to put the schedule into operation from October 15, but it has been postponed in accordance with the instruction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers given by telephone on October 13(confirmed by the Signal Corps Message ZAX 7046). The Japanese Government now desires to put the schedule into operation as from October 25, since the congestion at the ports embarkation, caused mainly by the suspension of the ferry-service between Japan and Korea due to bad weather, will be much relieved by that date as a result of various measures taken by the authorities concerned(reopening and reinforcement of the ferry-service, restriction of the movement of Koreans, etc.).

     For the President,

Director of General Affairs
Central Lisison Office



13日の電話指令については、『照合 http://bbs.enjoykorea.jp/tbbs/read.php?board_id=thistory&nid=1857873&st=writer_id&sw=xiaoke』で触れていますね。朝鮮/人の殺到により混雑が生じたので送還を中止し、朝鮮/人の行動管理せよっていう内容でした。

Transportation of the Koreans
to be repatriated

October 10, 1945

1.The number of Koreans intending to return to Korea as follows:
 a)Resident Koreans               670,000
   (Approximately 40% of the toal (1.668,000) number of Korean residents in Japan)
 b)Laborers who came to Japan in groups.      336,000
 c)Demobilized soldiers               37,700
                    Total    1,043,700

2.The number of Koreans already repatriated. (Estimated as of the beginniny of October)    134,000

3.Those who are waiting transportation to Korea    839,700

4.Those Koreans are to be repatriated in the following order:
 a.Demobilized sodiers.
 b.Laborers who came in groups.
 c.Other resident Koreans.

 In regard to the transportation of the resident Koreans falling under section c of the preceding
Paragraph, the Ministry of Welfare will arrange the schedule as that they may be taken care of in groups.
 It is being planned to give priority of transportation to those who are in districts where the cold season sets in first and those who, for one reason or another, must be quickly repatriated.


 a)在住朝鮮,人   670,000人
 b)集団移入労務者 336,000人
 c)復員軍人     37,700人
      総数 1,043,700人

2.既に引揚げた朝鮮/人の数(9月初めまでの概算) 134,000人

3.朝鮮への輸送を待っている朝鮮/人 839,700人



5.Methods of Transportation.
 a.By sea
  The ships in service between Japan Proper and Korea and their capacity are as follows:
  (Further patrticulars are tabulated on a separate sheet.)

  Number of ships Accommodation
(No. of passengers)
Ferry-boat of the
Government Rys.
2 6,500
Other ships 9 15,000

Total 11 21,500

Average capacity psr day
by Government
by other ships 2,750

Total 6,000

 b.By rail
  Effective on and from Oct. 25, 1945.
  1.By special trains
  Special trains will be put into service between the following station daily:
 (station)       (number of trains)
Aomori-Shimonoseki      1
(for Koreans in the Hokkaido and Hokuriku districts)
Tokyo-Hakata          1
(for Koreans in the Tohoku and Kanto districts)
Nagoya-Hakata         1
(for Koreans in the central and Kinki districts)
For the benefit of those residing in the Chugoku and Kyushu districts special trains are to be run ■■■■■■■■ necessary.
  2.By regular trains
  Special care are to be attached to regular trains
  It may be mentioned here that before the middle of October it was impossible to provide special transportation for Koreans on account of the unecertainly of the railway operation on the Sanyo and Sanin lines due to damages caused by typhoons.

6.Days required for evacuation.
 The days required for the repatriation or all the Koreans will be approximately 150 days. The evacuation is expected to be conpleted by March. 1946.



(October 12, 1945)

Kind of s.s. Name of s.s. Pass. accommodation
(Number of Pass)
Number of Trips
per month
Pass. accommodation
per day
company-owned Unzen 1,500 6 300 Now in service
Chohaku 1,000 6 300
Konei 2,300 6 450 Under Repair
Hakuryu 2,000 6 400 Now in Service
Mamiya 800 6 160
Tenyu 800 6 160
Kogane 800 6 160
Kainei 800 6 160
Heiyu 5,000 6 1,000
Government Ry.
Koan 4,500 15 2,250 Now in Service
Tokuju 2,000 15 1,000
Total 12 ships(ママ) 21,500 84 6,350(ママ)  
NOTE: Konai and Heiyu are now under repair and will be ready for service in about a month.

2. The following ■■aller ships are ■lying between Japan and Korea in addition to those mentioned above:
Kind of ships Name Pass. Accommodation No. of trips
per month
used by the Japanese Navy Ryuhei 100 7(Hakata-Chinkai)
Kosai 150 7(   〃    )
SS and SB SS 12 700 10(Hakata-Fusan)
SS 18 700 10(   〃   )
SBS 104 700 10(   〃   )
Besids. 5 Naval Vessels are in service between Hakata and Fusan or Chinkai, carrying 150 passengers each and making 7 trips per month. The use of 6 more such vessels in the near future is under preparation.


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amenohiboko|05-24 16:45
ochimusha|05-24 16:48
まるで日本に全ての責任を押し付けるかの様に徐に始まる「The Japanese Government now desires…」が無責任な公文書っぽくって素敵。
 → xiaoke|05-24 16:59
 → ochimusha|05-24 17:00
 → ochimusha|05-24 17:04
 → xiaoke|05-24 17:06
 → ochimusha|05-24 17:15
日本人的な文法でできている…そうか、ここで「But the instruction of the Supreme Commander…」とこない所に「日本人担当者の弱気」を見ないといけなかったんですね。失礼しました。
 → ochimusha|05-24 17:21
dreamtale|05-24 16:52
英文・・・。読むのイヤだよー。 o(`ω´*) o
 → ochimusha|05-24 16:58
 → dreamtale|05-24 17:00
ochimusha 05-24 16:58 >マイナーな話はウリのページが多いですね。(笑) ( ´H`)y-~~
ppsh43|05-24 17:50
< `∀´>.。oO (とりあえず、朝鮮行き引き上げ船を日帝が爆破した事件があったニダ~ww  あいつら、本気で言ってるから笑えるニダw)
間島と.. 日本の北方領土は取り戻さなければならない [8]
- ▲冷淡な日帝の輸送計画【CLO349】 [12]