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Significant increase in Klu Klux Klan members after Obama's win

Australian News.Net
Friday 30th January, 2009 (ANI)

Melbourne, Jan 30 : Online registrations for the White supremacy group, Klu Klux Klan (KKK), have significantly increased following Barack Obama's presidential win.

Former KKK leader and imperial wizard, Johnny Lee Clary, said that the current global financial crisis and political change in the United States were fuelling klan membership for the first time in decades.

"It's serious, serious enough that the FBI ... and other law enforcement agencies are trying to get on top of it because the klan has made direct threats to Obama," News. quoted pastor Clary, who now fights against the group as a born-again Christian, as saying.

At one recent rally in Alabama, more than 300 people signed up, a number he said was "unprecedented".

"They (KKK) actually sent me an email just the other day and were telling me that Barack Obama was the best thing that ever happened to them and they're excited and happy because their membership is growing larger than it ever has," he said.

"Even when he was running against Hillary (Clinton) the klan went on YouTube and were talking about how they were going to get him."

Pastor Clary also warned the notorious race hate group is actively recruiting in New Zealand.

He has told New Zealand media that his contacts have informed him that the KKK paraphernalia is being distributed in Auckland to recruit young members.

He warned the organisation was targeting young people from low socio-economic backgrounds.

Pastor Clary left the KKK 20 years ago and now travels the world as an anti-racism motivational speaker.

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