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shortly after we veered off, the plane quite obviously left the runway at high speed (maybe 100 kts) and proceeded to go 4 wheel driving
a 1st class passenger I talked to indicated he saw the left engine come off at the time, but it's unclear if this was a cause or an effect
to all who've asked, it's hard to know exactly what went wrong -- we were in the middle of a normal takeoff when we suddely veered off
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Sorry for the radio silence, but my battery died in the middle of all this and I just made it home
You have your wits scared out of you, drag your butt out of a flaming ball of wreckage and you can't even get a vodka-tonic. Boo
Continental keeping us locked up at the presidents club until they can sort everything out. Won't even serve us drinks. :(
Can't see much, but that's the crash site.
This was crash #2 for me. Maybe I should start taking the bus.
Ugh ... My glasses fell off in the mass exodus getting off the plane .. Can't see very well
Holy fucking shit I wasbjust in a plane crash!
Anyone out there using Orb on their iPhone?
@thebelial that's actually happened to me
@lflewwelling yeah I guess Boulder doesn't have the same snow removal budget as Denver - the difference definitely shows. Hows the iphone?
Anyone know why Boulder County basically doesn't plow it's streets and highways when it snows?
Whew! Christmas shopping pretty much done. 100% online this year except for a couple of gift certs.
Going to the doctor. Hopefully I don't need more surgery.


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