October 18, 2008

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'Quickfire Koizumi' still premier of premature pervert pronouncements

Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi may have retired from the premiership, but his fancy for filthiness is more active than ever, says Shukan Bunshun (10/18).

"Geez, I had sex for the first time in years, and I came almost instantly," Shukan Bunshun quotes the prime minister telling a friend recently. "There's nothing like a good bit of …"

The weekly doesn't print the last word Koizumi used, but it is another name for a cat.

Koizumi's dirty talk has long been known in Japanese political circles. It has also been known for having no bounds. When a Greek politician visited Japan, Koizumi brought up the results of a British condom maker's survey that showed the Greeks had the world's most active sex lives and, somewhat undiplomatically, told the visiting statesmen that "Greek women have got it lucky."

While prime minister, Koizumi also let it be known that he wasn't too keen on certain parts of the job.

"You've gotta be celibate in this post every day," the weekly quotes Koizumi once saying during an off-record chat with reporters. "Living like this is gonna make me have wet dreams. I haven't had any for ages. Still, I suppose I'm going to have to be happy with my right hand as a lover for a while."

It seems, judging by a pal of the ex-premier, that Koizumi has now found a partner other than his palm. And he's been more than happy to let all and sundry know about it, even as far as telling them about his lack of prowess in the patience play. When he spoke of his premature ejaculation during a recent party with women in attendance, many were stunned by the tale of "Quickfire Koizumi." That hasn't always been the reaction to Koizumi's quickness quips, though.

"He talked about how quickly he came in about February or March this year," the source who heard Koizumi's comments tells Shukan Bunshun. "He said he blew really quickly, but after that he added more. 'We slept overnight, then had another go in the morning and I lasted much longer that time. Ah, sex is great, isn't it,' he said. Everybody just laughed him off." (By Ryann Connell)

October 18, 2007

WaiWai stories are transcriptions of articles that originally appeared in Japanese language publications.