Housewife auctioned off?

February 6th, 2006 by James
Mainichi’s latest WaiWai column appears to be the translation of a strange tabloid/weekly article about a housewife auction. It was so good I had to post it here:
Desperate housewife goes up for auction, highest bidder goes down
“Welcome to today auction, everyone. Now here’s a fine specimen. Name’s Yukari. She’s 27 years old, married and in good health. The bidding will begin from 70,000 yen.”

Web auctions have become the rage. But this monthly event, held in a condominium in Tokyo’s Shinagawa district, looks more like a slave auction where men can bid on the right to possess a young housewife.

And once the auctioneer accepts the highest bid, reports Jitsuwa Knuckles (March), the lucky “owner” has full rights to her body and soul, which means he can use her any way he likes for the remainder of the day.

Only three bidders are present for the day’s auction: One is a young punk who gained a windfall from a successful “It’s me, send money” scam. The second is a boy genius in his 20s who has made a fortune at business. And third is a TV producer with a lavish expense account that can be utilized with no questions asked.

“Yukari” (a pseudonym), the three are told, is being offered for sale because her husband faces imminent default on their home loan.

With the prior agreement that her face will not be shown, the entire episode is photographed for posterity.

As Yukari trembles in humiliation, the three bidders fire a stream of embarrassing personal questions her way.

“How many times a week do you sleep with your husband?” This query from the young entrepreneur type who is wearing a jersey.

“Do I have to answer that?” she replies.

When told by the auctioneer that she does, she tells the bidders three times a week and blushes hotly.

“Where are your most sensitive erogenous zones?” asks the punk.

She blushes even more hotly, but makes no reply.

“Enough with the questions. All right, madam, it’s time for the customers to see your body!”

Standing up, she peels down to her black brassiere and panty hose.

“Okay, now turn around, give us a good look.”

“What a waste, to let her husband be the only one who can enjoy such a lovely body,” the auctioneer remarks. “All right then — it’s time to bid! Do I hear 100,000 yen?”

“One fifty!” comes the next bid.

“Two hundred!”

“Two fifty!”

The punk, awash in illegal booty, topped the other’s bids with 500,000 yen. The auctioneer collects his 20 percent commission, with the remaining 400,000 going to Yukari.

What she had to do to earn the money comes next.

The punk leads his new acquisition to a darkened bedroom.

“Well, ‘okusan,’ let’s get started!” he said matter of factly, reaching out to touch her erotically. She reflexedly made a show of resistance, but realizing that she was now the property of the winning bidder, her hands fell helplessly to her sides.

After exploring her anatomy with fingers and tongue, Yukari was ordered to assume “the position” and the punk climbed atop.

They continued for several minutes, until he drove in for the kill.

Then, reveals Jitsuwa Knuckles, came an unexpected surprise: through a crack in the bedroom door, a man is revealed peeping at the proceedings. The front of his trousers indicates he’s been enjoying the view a bit too much.

The man, we discover, is Yukari’s husband. It seems nothing excites him more than looking on while his own wife is humiliated and violated by a total stranger. And gets paid to do it as well.

Now that, says Jitsuwa Knuckles, is about as kinky as it gets.

(By Masuo Kamiyama, contributing writer.)

February 6, 2006

Oh Japan, I love you.

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