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Old 04-26-07 at 20:41   #251
Senior Member
Reports: 143
Deai web sites

Originally Posted by Teppenyaki
Hello everyone.

OK, probably the web site I mentioned yesterday is a fake site. I guess that no one of the woman posting there really exists. Someone manage the pictures and the answers in order to suck your money.

Anyway, I remember that some time ago some fellow monger posted in this board some link of "trusted" japanese date sites where he managed to score after exchanging a certain number of message with real ladies.

I also know another web site,

Is this OK?

Anyone is so kind to give me the right directions?

I can manage basic japanese to exchange messages (of course these web sites have to be in japanese - by the way here in Japan I tried once a very famous english based dating site but no way) and I`d like to pay a reasonable amount of money to become a member of one of these web sites, but all I need is to be sure that the site is not a fake.

Please help me.


I used the www.aijinfurin web service for one year (it requires and annual membership of about 10,000 yen) and had a couple of dates from it, but only because there were not many women on it from Kyushu, where I live. I don't remember getting any spam from using it.

Here's another site that is free and I've had a fair amount of success with--although as with any site, if the ad seems too good to be true, it most likely is: (all in Japanese)

It's quite strict about the rules, though; for example, you can't use numerous expressions that are common in spam or rip-off sites, a man can only respond to a woman's ad once in 8 hours, etc. Your e-mail address is protected, so even if you get a response that seems suspicious, you won't get spam from it unless you respond again using your own e-mail. In other words, you can communicate back and forth several times using the web site's service. Most responses I've received, though, have been from the woman's own e-mail.

Happy hunting.
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Old 04-26-07 at 20:33   #250
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Reports: 143
REALLY improving your chances.

Originally Posted by Homer69
The more Japanese skill you have, the better. If you're good at the mumbling, grunting and abbreviated slang, so much the better. Being able to answer affirmatively with "uhh/ehh/ahh/umnnn" then you'll also increase your chances of letting them know you at least understand some subtlety of Japanese, even if you don't.

Yes, the key is "Japanese skill." If you're one of the typical Westerner English speakers in Japan who's too friggin' lazy, uncaring, or whatever to learn the language of the land (and I mean literacy, too, not just small talk BS), then expect to have endless trouble trying to get laid unless you pay double the usual rate for English-speaking services such as Club Boo & AM. Even if you become fluent in Japanese, however, you will still be able to enter only a handfull of sex establishments--unless you happen to be of Japanese/Korean/Chinese descent--because of your appearance.

On the other hand, if you can read the websites of deriheru agencies, you can have an endless pick of women at any time of the night or day, and you won't have to deal with touts, sit around in waiting rooms, etc. I've used the service of 5-6 dozen women from more than 2 dozen agencies in 4 different prefectures from far north to far south and been refused service by only less than a handful. Even some who originally detected from my speaking that I was not Japanese and thus didn't want to give me service gave in when I explained to them that yes, I was a gaijin, but a Caucasion American who had lived in Japan a long time, was a college professor, and had used deriheru service numerous times in the past so understood the system very well.

I can also tell you that it is almost never the woman who objects to the foreigners, but the men who run everything in Japan. Of the dozens of deriheru women I've had experience with, only a handful acted at all hesitant, and some of those (the really young ones) may have been because of the age difference (I'm middle aged) as much as or more than the fact that I was gaijin. For 80% or more of them, the reaction (after the initial shock/surprise at my white face) ranged from OK to very positive. Many of them said things like "suteki!" or later told me they had always been curious about what it would be like to screw a foreigner; a couple even admitted that they'd always had a strong desire to try one. And of course, they were universally relieved and appreciative when they found out I could speak and understand their language so they didn't have to worry about struggling to communicate, etc. Thus, if your Japanese skills are even moderately good, you can get laid just about any time of the night or day in just about any place you want without the humiliation of rejection after rejection by the yakuza front men one has to deal with in streetside establishments.
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Old 04-20-07 at 00:27   #249
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Reports: 17
Japanese date sites - again

Hello everyone.

OK, probably the web site I mentioned yesterday is a fake site. I guess that no one of the woman posting there really exists. Someone manage the pictures and the answers in order to suck your money.

Anyway, I remember that some time ago some fellow monger posted in this board some link of "trusted" japanese date sites where he managed to score after exchanging a certain number of message with real ladies.

I also know another web site,

Is this OK?

Anyone is so kind to give me the right directions?

I can manage basic japanese to exchange messages (of course these web sites have to be in japanese - by the way here in Japan I tried once a very famous english based dating site but no way) and I`d like to pay a reasonable amount of money to become a member of one of these web sites, but all I need is to be sure that the site is not a fake.

Please help me.

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Old 04-18-07 at 08:49   #248
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Reports: 17
Japanese dating sites

Hello everyone,

Someone has ever tried to score using some japanese dating site?

I found this one

Do you think it is worth trying? It is real stuff or it is a complete scam?

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Old 04-14-07 at 23:17   #247
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Reports: 302
Improving Your Chances (comments)

You will have much better luck at Chinese places. A little less luck at Korean places. Most probably bad luck at Japanese places. (all assessments statistical) This all assumes you follow the basic advice to only try during slack times and avoid busy times or when there are Japanese waiting.

The more Japanese skill you have, the better. If you're good at the mumbling, grunting and abbreviated slang, so much the better. Being able to answer affirmatively with "uhh/ehh/ahh/umnnn" then you'll also increase your chances of letting them know you at least understand some subtlety of Japanese, even if you don't.
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Old 04-14-07 at 05:09   #246
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Reports: 17
Improving your chances

To balance my other post about why we get turned away here are some tips for getting turned away as little as possible.

Feel free to add you own tips.

It's worth noting that even if you follow all of these tips most places will still refuse you service.

*- Look for places that are newly opened, they won't have regular customers and can't afford to turn anyone away without good reason* - this is by far the best tip I can offer!

- Speak Japanese.
- Go at off-peak times such as weekday afternoons, heavy rain.
- Don't go at peak times (pretty much every evening).
- Don't be wanting to pay by credit card.
- Dress presentably.
- As soon as you walk in, like before the guy at the counter gets a chance to react to you, tell them (in Japanese) what you want - don't order the cheapest course: one reason they don't like gaijin is because they are all cheap skates. If you know the names of some of the girls that work there ask if they are working today.
- NEVER walk in and say "hi, gaijin wa, ok desu ka?"
- Make it abundantly clear that you understand the rules, you will not try and fuck the girls and only want a blow job (unless you are ordering an AF/anal course).
- Tell them that you have been in other places before.
- Be sober.
- Be polite, and try and use to Japanese mannerisms.
- Be smaller than the dude behind the counter: if you are bigger than him he is gonna be thinking that if you do cause trouble he won't be able to subdue you.
- Don't be black or south asian (not sure about being middle eastern, latin, or other asian).
- By all means swing by one of those information booths, and IF there are no Japanese punters in there see if the guy can help you find somewhere, if there are Japanese punters they will almost definately refuse to help you.
- If you have seen their website, and it is great (well produced), and all their girls are hot 18 or 19 year olds, then sure stick your head in on the off chance, but I have never been accepted in one of these places, they are so popular that I wouldn't be suprised if they turn Japanese customers away too. (If their website and girls are not 1st class then you are in with a chance).

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.
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Old 04-14-07 at 05:05   #245
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Reports: 17
Making sense of the Japanese only policy

I posted this some time ago on WSG, figured it may be of use to some people on here.

As is well known a substantial portion (I would say the great majority) of the Japanese sex industry is off limits to gaijin (non-Japanese).

When the chips are down this is because of ignorance and laziness.

Here are some of the contributing factors as to why gaijin are not allowed into Japanese run, Japanese staffed, sex establishments, some are just bullshit excuses, some are things that these simple-ass-motherfuckers genuinely believe:

(I am stating these rules as if I were one of the guys who works the door at one of these places, these are not my opinions)

- Gaijin don’t speak/understand Japanese.
- Gaijin have STDs
- Gaijin are simply not capable of comprehending the rules.
- Gaijin who have been told the rules by an English speaking Japanese person will always break the rules – specifically they will always try and fuck the girls
- Japanese girls do not like Gaijin
- Gaijin cause trouble
- Gaijin’s penises are too big and the girls can’t fit them in their mouths.
- Gaijin don’t have Japanese passports and you need a Japanese passport to pay for sex in Japan.
- All gaijin look the same age, it’s impossible to tell if they are of legal age to enter.
- The Chinese mass produce fake ID for gaijin criminals so having Japan produced ID that states your age is not really proof of age for the purpose of entering.
- You might be an international journalist trying to find some sordid story with which to tarnish Japan's reputation.

I’d be glad to hear any other reasons/excuses y’all have ever heard.

What it all boils down to is that these places make quite enough money from Japanese customers only and they can’t be fucked with dealing with gaijin too.

Japan is a country that over-reacts.

You buy something in a shop and they often seal the shopping bag shut with sello-tape because before this was standard practice there were people who would buy 1 thing then shop lift putting stuff into the bag.

No doubt over the years that have been various non-Japanese that have caused various problems in various sex establishments. Rather than actually thinking about the nature, cause and solution to these problems (something that is quite hard for the average Japanese person because such an approach is discourage by the Japanese education system) they just go “well this must of happened because that customer was not Japanese!” it would never occur to them that maybe the dude was just drunk, or an asshole, or had a bad day, etc, and God forbid it should ever be any fault of their own staff (though that would surprise me they run a tight ship and I’ve never had a girl with the slightest attitude problem).

For the record I have set foot in over 50 healths/image clubs/esutes and received service in less than 10 of them. There is one crap-ass city in the north of Japan where I have been into every single establishment in the city and been turned away from all but 4 of them (out of about 20).

Additionally most red light districts have places where none of the girls are Japanese and in those places it’s usually no problem being non-Japanese, but IMO you are unlikely to get the same quality of service from those girls (although it is much more likely that you will be able to actually fuck them).

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.
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Old 04-03-07 at 13:03   #244
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Reports: 211
Urgent Request

(I Know this is the wrong place)

Anyway does anyone have access to the World Sex Archives website.

I`m looking for a report from that site about Singapore (I`m going there next month)

If someone has access please PM me for my address and or post it.

I know I`m cheap but not paying for one report.

I have seen a report on the thailand board with a report from that site really good info in there.

Cheers Topos
PM me for details
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Old 03-24-07 at 01:19   #243
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Reports: 40
love doll site and article--when in Rome-!!

Blow up love-doll business puts boom into boom-boom

Blow-up love dolls used to be distinctive for the open-mouthed looks on their faces, but now it's interested onlookers whose astonished countenances are notable as Japan's market for artificial amour booms, according to Shukan Shincho (3/8).
Aside from skyrocketing sales of the love dolls themselves, recent innovations in the fake female field include rental rooms and escort services that cater to those looking to make out with mannequins, and even magazines focused on the dolls that show how "getting blown" has adopted an entirely different meaning when it comes to some Japanese sexual practices.

Love doll escort services usually throw the blow-up babes, affectionately referred to in Japan as "Dutch wives," into golf bags or the like and carry them to customers' homes, where they're left depending on the course that has been selected. A 60-minute session costs 5,000 yen, while a 3-night, 4-day sojourn will set back the lover of latex a hefty 35,000 yen.

Love doll rental rooms, meanwhile, offer space where a client can peacefully pump plastic, so to speak. One example of pricing the magazine offers is a membership fee of 1,000 yen, another 1,000 yen to rent space in the rental room, then 9,000 yen for every hour with the doll.

"Nearly all of our customers fall in their 20s to 50s," a Tokyo love doll rental room worker tells Shukan Shincho. "Customers are generally salarymen, but we get otaku (dweeb) types, too."

Among the dolls on offer at the rental rooms are those that are buxom, childish or even made to look like cartoon characters so they appeal to the otaku.
Rental rooms lend out spaces about 18 meters square and dolls are left waiting for customers when the areas are unoccupied. When the customers do come, it's not always a pleasant experience.

"The dolls are about 150 centimeters tall and weigh around 30 kilograms. That's pretty heavy, you know! And you don't know where the doll's weight is going to be placed. Moving them around can turn out to be a fairly demanding task. Taking their clothes off is hard work, too. The dolls don't move, so it's actually a fairly grueling job," a 20-something customer of a love doll service tells Shukan Shincho. "The skin is a bit cold, but it's taut and almost like a real human's skin. The nipples are fantastic -- exactly like real ones. The doll has a hole between its legs into which you can insert an adult aid made to resemble a woman's vagina. This feels identical to the real thing, too, except you need to use lube before you stick it in. Once you're inside, it's tight, probably better than a real one. But the eyes keep looking at you the whole time and there is absolutely no reaction. I gave up on the missionary position and tried to do it while sitting up, but the bloody doll was too heavy and I couldn't use it right."

Hideo Tsuchiya is not surprised to hear a love doll fan say they feel better than a real person. Tsuchiya is the president of Oriental Kogyo, Japan's prime purveyor of love dolls over the past three decades.

"In the blow-up days, the dolls had no strength and they were virtually like toys. That made people doubtful. That led to the start of improvements by making the face and breasts with a soft vinyl and the body with urethane," Tsuchiya says. "Now, we're seeing the results of many years of research, with the main part of the business seeing dolls given silicon bodies that have an elasticity similar to people and a feel that is almost real. Prices for dolls start at around 130,000 yen and can go up to about 600,000 yen. We sell about 50 dolls a month. You can buy replaceable heads for them, too."

Japan has about 10 love doll manufacturers. Their activities are closely watched by the publishers of "Aidroid," a magazine for men who like plenty of silicone with their slap and tickle.

"We publish about 10,000 copies an issue," the managing editor tells Shukan Shincho. "Love dolls are expensive. When you buy one, it's only natural you want to learn as much about it as you can. We try to get as much information about new products as we can, which is one of our sales points. Love dolls are getting lighter. And manufacturers are trying as hard as they can to make love dolls better." (By Ryann Connell)

March 6, 2007
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Old 03-19-07 at 08:36   #242
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Reports: 40
I hope that it is ok to post short articles here that might be interesting to read.

Pair robs sex shop in Kawasaki of 8 million yen

KAWASAKI -- Two men sprayed a chemical at the face of a sex shop employee here early Monday and made off with 8 million yen, police said.

The 63-year-old employee suffered slight injuries. Police are searching for the robbers, who appeared to be in their 20s or 30s and were wearing balaclavas.

At about 6:30 a.m. on Monday, two men broke into the office of S & G, a company that operates sex shops, in Kawasaki-ku, sprayed a chemical at the employee's face and threatened him with a wrench, local police said.

They hit him in the back of the head and demanded money. They made off with 8 million yen in cash from a safe.

The stolen money was the takings of four sex shops run by the company, investigators said. (Mainichi)
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Old 03-07-07 at 23:51   #241
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Reports: 40
There is an article about blow up love doll service at the Mainichi link below.
I guess it is possible to rent a life like doll for an hour or so in a private room.
I can't help but wonder if foreigners will find it difficult to gain access to the doll.
It's an interesting article about what goes on in Japan's sex service world.
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Old 02-20-07 at 00:28   #240
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Reports: 40
Here is a ludicrous article from a men's magazine. These articles shouldn't be taken seriously. I think they are written as filler and there might be an element of crude humor to them.

The link to (Maininchi)WaiWai is a way to learn a little about Japanese men and Japan.

I wouldn't take 99.99% of it seriously.

It might be a good resource for amusing topics to coax your girl-friend into bed.
This is really low-brow stuff and it shouldn't be used to study or learn about Japan.
You might be able to glean some information on HOW NOT TO ACT.

I think if you know what movies, actors, annimation characters (Disney) popular singers, donuts, megamacs or have news (like Brittany Spears shaving her head)Then small talk will be more enjoyable. Every man that enters a massage parlor probably asks the same questions to the girls (age, job, do you like it, ect)

This is just my opinion about the magazine and the topic. Hopefully someone will back it up. Things are a little slow here at ISG-Japan

Japanprobe is a pretty good way to find out what is going on in Japan. There are some amusing U-Tube videos too

Here are two pornography sites that might interest some.
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Old 02-06-07 at 08:07   #239
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Reports: 40

I'll post these links here so that they are easy to find.

The dmm site gives a great overview of the different types of pornography available in Japan.

The kinkeri site is beyond belief. Don't try it at home !!

The ks-p site is very good.

In my opinion the uncensored stuff isn't as good as the censored. The whole uncensored production lacks imagination, but you can get a good idea of what is available here-
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Old 01-15-07 at 04:18   #238
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Reports: 143
Deriheru and honban

This is about Tokyo, but it could be anyplace in Japan, so check it out. Wow, 320 million yen!
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Old 01-11-07 at 01:08   #237
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Reports: 355
Originally Posted by Anyablue

Not so sure deai is such a great thing anymore. I have read several reports such as the one linked.

As a long-time Deai-site user, I have to add my 2 Yen to this. This articles presents a half-truth. Yes, there are plenty of scammer out there on deai sites, but there are also real girls, and I have met many, with both good and not so good experiences.

The scammers are easy to recognize. First rule of the thumb: You get a ready-made mail initially, not a personal on. Second: If it sounds too good to be true, it is. If you answer those ad that are obviously composed by men for men, it is your own fault (bored housewife, perfect body, offers free sex for nothing... yeah, right). Third: Any e-mail that right the bat includes a link to some photo site where you can look at your girl is BS.

Disclaimer 1: Of course I am talking about the free sites, not the paid ones. Any site that asks for membership fee to talk to "their" girls is obviously scam.

Disclaimer 2: Also of course, I am talking about the sugardaddy sections, where girls look for paid dates. The sections for "sex friends" will naturally have a larger component of scams.

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