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Old 09-13-04 at 23:22   #363
Regular Member
Reports: 9
Mr. Jackson,

Hello, and thank you for all of your efforts.

I am a new member and frequent the St. Louis Missouri area. Across the river in Illinois is a community that is not listed and I would like to submit a request for it to be added.

Washington Park, Illinois

This is where we have the Hustler, Hollywood, C-Mowes, Miss Kitty's, Soft Touch and Chamelion, strip clubs and the Colony swingers/gay movie theater/club. Much action is to be had in these parts and I would love to add some posts here.

Thank You, you provide a valuable service that enhances all of our safety as we try to have a little fun.

I remain,

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Old 09-13-04 at 10:24   #362
Regular Member
Reports: 3
Please accept my apologies if this post is in the wrong place. Most of the other Site Admin forums are locked and after studying the FAQ's section, I could not find an answer for my question/suggestion.

Is it possible to search for posts with photos attached? I know that in my reading about other countries, most forums have a specific thread dedicated to pic posting. However, the US forums don't seem to have specific pic threads and any pics that are posted are attached anywhere and everywhere. It would be nice if we could use the search function to search for postings with photos.

Otherwise, this is an excellent web site. Thank you very much for running the WSG!
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Old 09-11-04 at 12:49   #361
Senior Member
Reports: 163
Mr. Jackson your webite is so helpful ALL over the world. You should really charge a small fee to upgrade. We all are enjoying the wealth of infromation from your website.

There is nothing like it on the interent. A $5.00 or $10.00 fee through paypal or a credit card would be suffice. A suggestion to give back to you for all your hard work.

Thanks again
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Old 09-03-04 at 13:42   #360
Senior Member
Reports: 43
Hi Jackson.Would it be possible to put a small video clip section on the site that will allow us to post small 5- 20 second video clips taken from a small Hand held cam or taken from like a digital camera.I dont know the feasibility but it would be nice to be able to post it for our forum members viewing pleasure.
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Old 09-01-04 at 20:27   #359
Senior Member
Reports: 36

I appreciate your hard work and service you provide for all of us here on the boards.

I have a suggestion to include a "Clip Joint" thread in the Las Vegas, Nevada section -- and perhaps on other US City Sections as well. I recognize the possible dangers in personal and subjective attacks on certain establishments, but I think the majority (wide range of members' reports) will be able to control and regulate what is bs and what is not. And if that doesn't work, perhaps 'Senior Members' only can post on the Clip Joints thread to control any bs that could be found there.

There are blatant clip joints in Las Vegas such as HOT BODIES, and CAN CAN ROOM (mentioned recently on the Las Vegas thread) which have been widely known to be clip joints among the locals for the last twenty years. I'd hate to see more and more tourists (and WSG members) become victims time and time again. I'm confident that a section on the WSG on Clip Joints alone will reduce the number of innocent victims significantly.

Please give it some thought. Thanks again for your great work on the boards.

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Old 09-01-04 at 14:50   #358
Rolly Polly
Senior Member
Reports: 119

I don't see a way to add users to an ignore list. Perhaps there is a way and then I appologize for this post, but if there is not one it would be a great addition.

There are a lot of serial flamers that just don't seem to be able to drop old arguments and that hurts the moral of the various boards. If there was a way to ignore this type of person then I think boards where flaming is a daily occurance would become a more focused and pleasurable environment.

Please note the unity that exists on the Jacksonville, FL board. That is how each and every individual board should be conducted.

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Old 09-01-04 at 14:35   #357
Senior Member
Reports: 556
Hi Jackson,

The Dominican Republic board really needs a ‘Travel Plans’ section, I am currently reading all the pages in the different cities as preliminary research for my inminent trip and there are plenty of annoying posts of guys just telling the dates when they are going and asking others if they’ll be there to hook up.

Posts advising of the latest airlines offers, best deals, lowest airfares, etc are also quite frequent.

I am not against the above types of posts but they would be best in a ‘Travel Plans’ section since they don’t really provide any information about the specifics of how to find women in the DR, they are just travel plans information or requests.

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Old 09-01-04 at 06:19   #356
Rolly Polly
Senior Member
Reports: 119

In the US section of the boards there is a General Information section. In that section there is Legal Information and Discussion and Law Enforcement Information.

Perhaps it would make sense to add that type of section to every or major countries.

Perhaps in the future it would be better to not name names in this section as it may come across as a low blow form of flaming.

Just a mere thought.
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Old 08-31-04 at 21:30   #355
Regular Member
Reports: 985
Dear Jackson

Some of the suggestions below make sense, others such as US pictures may be in breach of the law. I think a thread on The Law may be of use. Not a discussion of the law but a "Legal Facts" thread; of course, given the propensity of The Traveller and others to spam, my suggestion, aimed at increasing the information to noise ratio, might not work. Two legal areas that jump to mind concern the age of consent, and taking photos of underage children. Many countries have now laws where downloading such things as child porno is a criminal offense.
Although people like The Traveller will probably continue to break child prostitution laws, others like 1ball etc might be saved before they end up doing time. Under current Japanese law, taking the photo 1ball posted might well constitute a criminal offense in Japan and downloading it might well be a crime in most G8 countries.
In this respect, the following article may be of interest. (of course, given that The Traveller cannot yet see the legal quagmire he is in for admitting to continually breaking Thailand's Child Prostition laws, one has to wonder):

Elite educator pinched over
penchant for pubescent prostitutes

By Ryann Connell
Staff writer
August 30, 2004

Hirokazu Shizuku was one of Osaka's top education officials, responsible for ensuring the prefecture's educators maintained the high moral and professional standards expected of them.

Now, notes Asahi Geino (9/2), the 47-year-old elite educator is on remand awaiting trial for breaking the law banning child pornography.

"He took a 15-year-old schoolgirl to a love hotel in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture, where he performed indecent acts on her and then used his digital camera to take nude photos of her," a source close to the police investigation tells Asahi Geino. "A raid on his home unearthed over 10,000 pornographic photos or videos of schoolgirls. That saw him arrested for production of child pornography."

Changes to the child pornography law that came into effect in early July meant that anybody who takes even a single indecent picture of an underage child can be arrested for producing kiddy porn, a crime previously restricted to large-scale producers.

"Shizuku has paid for about 150 prostitutes all across the country up until now. He paid for an 18-year-old about three years ago and had been hooked on younger girls ever since. In the past three years, he used the services of over 90 child prostitutes," a reporter for an Osaka-based newspaper tells Asahi Geino.

Full story at

Please note the use of such words as kiddy porn, evil etc.

This is just a suggestion but you are probably as busy as ever and fools can probably never be protected.
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Old 08-29-04 at 22:14   #354
Senior Member
Reports: 412
I suggest making the Osaka page a Osaka/Kobe page. Kobe is only 15 minutes away by train and has a few (not too many though) gaijin friendly places.
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Old 08-29-04 at 21:07   #353
A Gladiator
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Reports: 4
Please add Cheyenne to Wyoming USA.
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Old 08-28-04 at 03:15   #352
Ouch Me
Regular Member
Reports: 15
Great Job Jackson.

The other areas have a "Photo Gallery" Why not the US forums also? Or is this too close for comfort for the girls? Just wondering, since I'll end up spending hours looking at the pics of the other lovelies, esp. in the Asia section, ouch me!
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Old 08-26-04 at 17:14   #351
Migrant One
Senior Member
Reports: 123

Appreciate all the hard work.

A idea, I see on the various "living in..." threads guys with similar ideas to mine, retire to a cheaper, friendlier place. The question is where?

You have members well versed in cities and countries all over the world, what about a "best country to retire in" topic?

I would forsee the good and bad of each country, budget comparisons etc, yet if one has in depth questions then they could be directed to the "living in..." thread in the specific country.

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Old 08-24-04 at 21:35   #350
Hound Doggie
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Reports: 1

What's the possibility of bringing back the Gastonia, NC board? I think some of the Charlotte Mongers are getting tired of reading our success stories over and over.
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Old 08-22-04 at 17:35   #349
Huge Erection
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Reports: 20
What about AMP's in Hawaii?
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