Something I really hate is when people make up words that I didn’t say and claim I said them.

First, the lady from the newspaper….. and then some random person on the net.

First, at my interview I never said ‘I came to Japan to be an (ANIME) singer’.
I just said ‘I came to Japan to become a singer’. That is what I said.
It’s not a lie that I want to sing anime. Just that I *never* said I came here to sing anime.
Meaning I came to Japan with the dream of singing, but I didn’t know what it’d be possible for me to sing. And I never wanted to close doors, so I didn’t limit myself to saying I wanted to only sing anime songs.

…………but someone on a forum that I WON’T MENTION (you know who you are since you read my blog) said the opposite that the lady said??!! This person translated my blog in a not so accurate manner and said that *I* said I wanted to be a regular Jpop singer. What? Excuse me?
I never said such thing either.

I never said ‘I came to Japan to become an anime singer’
And I never said ‘I want to be a Jpop singer, not an anime singer’

So will people stop making me say something I didn’t say???

Did anyone that follow me up till now know how many anime song covers I did?
Did anyone know that I know far more anime songs than I know regular jpop songs?
If you don’t, now I’m telling you.

And in all honesty, I’m HAPPY that my first single will be an anime theme.
I’m VERY happy.

And if you had an idea how tough it is in the music world, you’d know why I say it’s possible I might not be able to *only* sing anime songs in my career. If I last long enough, that is.
If you also knew that I don’t have so much say because the company that is planning to sign me doesn’t listen to me…. what would you say?
I have to record this song for Animax, but they’re not a recording label.
The recording label that is wanting to take me seems to have other plans that I don’t necessarily agree with, so I can’t even promise that I’ll sing only anime songs.
How am I supposed to know?
Things aren’t that simple in the industry.
I *WISH* I can keep doing anime songs because that’s what I prefer to sing.
But when I came to Japan, I had no clue if I could sing anime or pop or ballads or whatever.
It’s not like I knew that I’d win this anime song contest.
There aren’t a lot of auditions for anime singers, if you see what I mean.
So I hope that clears up whatever people might have misunderstood.

You know…. I understand how sometimes people make up stuff without knowing…..but when people willingly twist other people’s words, I think it’s really disrespectful.
I also tried to disregard it at the time, but some people at the same forum said stuff like I hate Japan and japanese people and went back to Canada…………

I was like….what? o_O
I never went back to Canada since I arrived in march.
And I never hated Japan.

I hate my dormitory.
I guess some people didn’t understand my posts.
Oh and I hated being alone.
That has nothing to do with the country itself.
My dormitory doesn’t have any japanese people in it.
We’re all foreigners here, from various countries.
And I might have complained about having a hard time to eat too,
But it’s not like I said the food is not good.
It’s just that I’m a very picky eater and it’s hard for a person like me to find things I can eat here.
Other people who came to Japan as foreigners were very happy with the japanese food and thought it was delicious.
Me……….I hardly eat meat. Most of the time, I don’t.
I don’t eat fish nor seafood (including fish broth)
I don’t eat eggs
And I’m not fond of noodles.
So of course I miss some of the stuff I used to find in grocery stores in Canada.

In my dorm, the kitchen is dirty, I gave up on even trying to cook.
We have cockroaches and most of the time, the garbage cans smell.
The girls who go to the restroom leave their excrements leftovers/peeing on the toilet bowl very often.
Or their open sanitary napkins in the garbage cans.
The toilets smell extremely gross.

People turn the lights on at any random hour at night or early in the morning and make so much noise.
They slide their feet on the floor very loudly (with their slippers). They pat their face very loudly too (creams???). When they brush their teeth, they make this very loud throat noise like they’re throwing up.

People get their food and things stollen at times.

etc, etc.

I’m not complaining about Japan.
I’m complaining about my current living condition in a dormitory.
Easy to understand, right?

Please, stop making fake or half true translations of my blog.


Dear readers,

I’m sorry for not writing in here in a while.
I know I haven’t said much about what’s happening with me lately.

To be honest…. I’ve just been living my usual everyday life.
Going to work at the restaurant, being by myself, actually I’ve seen a few people in the meantime.

For people who have no idea what’s going on (are there any?),
following the national anime song contest, I’m going to record a single for an anime opening next spring.
I learned last week which anime series it will be for.
But that series hasn’t been publicly announced to be made into an anime yet, so I suppose I can’t talk about it for now.
I haven’t met Mr. Tokita (from Sukima Switch) yet, the person who will make/produce the song.
I’m looking forward to it though.
We will do the recordings before the end of the year. I’m really gonna do my best.

I had a newspaper interview 2 weeks ago.
I didn’t want to talk about it because it’s embarassing.
I know I’m not very pretty, but the picture that was posted is so horrible that I felt ashamed to share it with anyone.
Plus, the lady that interviewed me seemed very interested in the anime side of things…. so she turned all the questions about anime. Plus, when I said I came to Japan with the intention of becoming a singer…. she added ‘anime singer’…haha. I didn’t say that, but I guess it’s okay. It’s true that I have a preference for singing anime songs. But I had no clue what I’d be singing when I came here. I’m a bit genre-less. All I know is that I’ve sung mostly anime songs in the past so…. it’s probably easier for me to aim in that direction.

I have another newspaper interview this week, I hope I will do okay, despite my terrible japanese.
Plus…let’s say I don’t enjoy interviews. They are so stressful to me. Most of the time, I wouldn’t know how to answer anyway….. T_T It makes me feel so uneasy.

I’m going to Osaka (for the first time) in about 2 weeks. For an event.
Kita Shuuhei(kun?) (the winner from last year. He sang the OP for the Persona anime and the OP for Natsume Yuujinchou) is going to be there too. And then Hikari-chan. The cute little girl who won the runner up award (the special award?) at this year’s event. The 3 of us are going to perform it seems.

Then….I just learned today that it will take a bit more of my time than I originally expected.
I’m not going to Osaka once…but twice next month.
And to Fukuoka.

I’ll do my best to figure things out…

I’ve been really tired emotionally these days.
More than I wish I were.
I’m stressing out about more than what I’m allowed to write in here.
About complicated things.
And then it makes me heavily tired physically as well.
I’m completely exhausted, to be honest.

I had a really bad day at work today.
I met an evil lady who is not my boss and kept bossing me around.
She kept staring at everything I’d do just to tell me not to do it that way.
Or to do something else.
Honestly. I wanted to punch her in the face.
I haven’t felt so agressive in a while… >_<
But I guess it’s pointless to dwell on it.

I’m sorry if I’m not up to your expectations lately by being so inactive.

I hope you don’t forget me. :)

Love and hugs,


Hi everyone.
I’ve been busy, as usual.

I was going to post something long, but I decided I’m just going to ignore the bad things going on.

Things aren’t easy, but I have to do my best.
I knew that since way before I was even able to come to Japan.
My situation is unusual, so I knew even before this that I would get more critic than encouragements.

But for the sake of all the things I sacrificed and left behind,
I will move forward and do my best.

And also for the sake of my friends and listeners/supporters.

It feels like a repeat of middle school, but adult version.
Can I overcome it this time?
Can I prove that I’m strong despite being so weak?

I got my hands on the other Animax contestants’ e-mails!
I still haven’t written to anyone except one person.
Thank you so much…

Today I am going to meet one of my previous roommates I haven’t seen in so long.
It will be refreshing.

I’m very emotionally tired these days.

But I’ll do my best.


I have to head out somewhere today, but I want to post something in here later.

I wish you all a good day/night until then!



I want fries. T_T




You are not allowed to oppose this decision. :P


***I lost my mixi due to unfortunate circumstances (negligence??). Is there anyone on this planet that has a mixi who could send me an invite? T0T


I apologize for making you wait this long.
As many of you might already know, I won the Animax Anime Song Grand Prix (2008) of Japan on sunday (September 21st, 2008).

I’ve been wondering how I should announce it and what kind of words to express along with it.

I provide you with links that I was given by various sources. thank you SO much to everyone who informed me of these things :

(a translation made by a friend, for the sake of people who can’t read the japanese text)

(I’m sorry that you have to learn about my age if you had no clue I was so old. I didn’t lie about it, I just avoided mentionning it because people usually think I’m younger)
Actually I signed up when I was still 27 years old, but I turned 28 on July 20th, so nobody knew and it didn’t get changed. But at this age, I’d rather stop counting anyway. I’m very young in my heart and you all know it! (which is both a good and bad thing) Please don’t treat me any differently if you just learned my age today, ok?   
I decided I am 20 years old, ok? :D

There are other articles and pictures, but in the end, I think this should be enough at the moment.

Of course it wasn’t something easy.
My emotions were very mixed during the past month.
And yet…I didn’t want to go to the finals with a half-hearted attitude.
It wasn’t all about winning or losing.
I wanted to make sure to do give my best, despite my incredible nervousness.
I wanted to touch people’s hearts, even just with one song.
To have had the chance to stand on that stage, having all these people listening, industry people as well… and meet all these incredible finalists, I feel blessed.

I have to say that I really loved everyone.
All the finalists were SO nice. And talented of course.
There are some that I spoke with less, but I’m still so grateful for that experience.
I wish I could have had the courage to try to speak more with them.

Shimizu-san… who has such a strong passion… I admire him very much. He was very powerful.
Yuri-san. OMG. I love her voice so much. I wish I could have heard more….
Hikari-chan. She was adorable and SO nice to me, despite the fact that I’m just an old lady next to her! Her mom was also so kind to me.
Airi-chan. Wow. She sure was popular in the audience. She was the same age as Hikari. They were both so cute.
The ST-AWAKE guys. Wow. They were SO funny. One of them kept joking around the whole time. Of course my level of japanese isn’t that high that I missed a lot of the things that were meant to be funny, but whatever I could understand really made me laugh. They were also VERY good. I wish they could have made it to the next round….I wanted to hear more.
Tanaka Tarou-san. I loved his voice too. He was really the visual jrock-ish type. I’m not sure what I loved most though…his voice? or his looks? Haha. He was very nice too.
Konomi-san was also very lovely. She was so cute in her dress. I still can’t believe japanese females can have such petite bodies. I’m so envious! It looks like she made her dress herself. WOW. Sewing talents too.
Oota-san. T_T I’m so sorry I don’t have much to say because I really didn’t speak with him much, but he was also another powerful singer. Way to go!!!

And last but not least…. Tagami Satoshi-san. T_T …………………….. T______T
I….. *cries* I’m so sad.
He was just _SO_ nice. Honestly. He said ‘please come to Hokkaido!!’ ……I wanted to ask him his e-mail but…. I was too shy. ._. *sniff* My heart hurts a little bit. I wish I had the courage to speak with him more.

AAAAH!!! But other than that, he was a great singer as well. I think he got unlucky to be the first one to sing. Obviously the judges will not give a high score to the first one because they have to start their base off. Since you don’t know how good or bad the other contestants will do, you can’t give such a high score to the first one. But then the first one might get forgotten a bit as the other ones move forward and so it’s highly possible that the scores will raise for the later people. I don’t think he did bad. I don’t know how far he would have made it if he wasn’t first, but I really hope that he won’t give up.
Aaaaah maybe I’ll never see him again!! nooooo!!!
Sayonara, Aki no Akogare! (haha, probably only Lisa will get that one)

I just want to say that I’m very very grateful that I was able to get this opportunity.
I know that some of you who read this might think ‘bah, I knew you’d win’ and such….
But it was honestly not like that. It was nothing easy.
And even after winning this wonderful contest, things won’t be easy either.
Neither for my living, nor financially, emotionally, etc.
I am given this chance, but I need to earn the respect of japanese people by my own efforts.
People won’t just accept me without me making more efforts than the average.
I know that. And no matter how weak I always seem to be, I came to Japan with this determination.
Why do I say ‘the japanese people’ first? Well, obviously because I came to Japan.
Because I chose to come here of my own free will, so I have to make the effort that is required to prove myself to them.

But I want to let you know, the people from all over the world as well (all my friends in Quebec/Canada, the ones in the United States and the ones from various countries that have gotten to hear me sing online or become my good friends…), that your support means just as much to me.
Everyone is important in this. I can’t be so selfish anymore. This isn’t just my dream. This is something that includes all the people who listen as well. Which means… all of you out there.

I need you all. And I will do my best, with the options that I can find around me, to make you smile.

My goal has always been to touch people’s heart with my singing. If I can move people, or make them smile… I will be extremely happy and satisfied. For me, it will be one of the best happiness in the world. I know that life isn’t easy for anyone, we all have trials to go through and sometimes unfair things happen. But I hope that I can somehow sing for the sake of people who need a bit of comfort. Because I was also given a lot of comfort through music as well, and I’m thankful to the great artists that I was able to listen to.

Most importantly, I want to thank my close friends, although I think it might be a little insulting if I start naming a bunch of people and then omit some and hurt people’s feelings.
You probably all know what kind of place you have in my heart anyway, each of you, so don’t worry, your respective places are safe in my heart. I love you all SO much.






Before I conclude this post, I just want to say a HUGE thanks to Nano, Momo and Tamami who came to cheer me on and who are all dear friends to me. You girls are the best. Really. T_T <3 I was so happy you all came after all.

-HIMEKA/Catherine St-Onge/カトリーヌ セント・オンジュ


Yesterday I had work until late afternoon, then went for some more singing practice and a few errands.
When I got back home, I still had a bunch of things to do, but I also learned last minute that I had to go *sleep* at a hotel tonight.
I knew from before that I needed to go meet up for something today, and at a hotel, for interviews and stuff, but I thought it was a meeting and nothing else. I didn’t know what time until last night…

So it looks like there is no interview today after all.
But the 10 finalists have to sleep at the same hotel tonight.
We have to check out around 7am because we meet up at 7:15am and head out to the contest hall.

So I had to rush at packing up a suitcase, since I need a bunch of things to prepare for tomorrow morning. But I’m done. The only thing left to pack is my laptop. I have no clue if there is internet connection there, but I’m bringing it anyway.

Today I also went for a 3 hours singing practice.
My throat is very tired.
I’m not sure if I should try to go again tonight, if there is a karaoke place near the hotel/station.
I should head over there soon, since everyone should be signed in before 7pm (it’s already 5pm now).

It’s starting to hit me now.
The fear.
And I realize how big this event is and it’s stressing me out.
I want to sing well….
That is what I wish over everything else.
I want to feel satisfied about my singing. Not regret and feel like I didn’t do well.
I feel like no matter how much I practice, my singing is far from being flawless, and I’m thinking maybe I didn’t make the best song choices now…but it’s too late to be able to turn back, so….

I’ll do everything I can.
I don’t want to have anyone holding grudges against me.
I’ve been picked to be part of the finalists, so I have to do my best.
There is no other choice.

No matter how much I try…

When I wake up in the morning and remember how pointless my life is and how alone I am here,

I feel like crap again…

Oops…I did it again!
I made some posts ‘disappear’.

But I really want to say a huge thank you to all the ones who wrote those encouraging comments.
I can still see them (but you can’t!), so don’t worry. I cherish them in my heart.

I’m sorry I’m not a very strong person and I keep falling over and over again.
Today I really thought I couldn’t fall any lower, but I decided to kick myself in the butt.
No matter how tough and impossible things are, no matter how alone I am, I have to find a way through all this, somehow.
Even if not a single person would encourage me. Even if everyone would point their fingers at me…
In the end, it should come from within, the courage, the willpower to keep going.

I’m not saying that all carefree and stupidly like a sudden realization. I already knew that.
But I try to remind myself once in a while, when I feel like I’m running out of fuel.

It’s a constant battle though. It doesn’t suddenly become all happy and easy and I’m back on my feet. I’m regularly falling down…sometimes several times a day.

But today I went out. Intensive karaoke practice, 4 hours. Ack. My throat hurt right after, but I’m fine now. I actually didn’t want to come back to the dorm, so I kept extending my stay. After that, I decided to treat myself to some yummy breads in one of those bakery shops at Takashimaya. <3

Then I went to the book store to look for some possible japanese grammar books and such…

I love going to Shinjuku, for some reason. More than Harajuku and Shibuya. Probably because I don’t have any painful memory related to that place. Memories of things that are no more…. =_=

I have work tomorrow. Then I will probably run a few needed errands and go for some singing practice again.

On saturday, I have to meet up with the Animax staff related to the finals. I imagine I will get to see the other finalists as well…. I don’t know what time yet. But I’ll have to find time to practice on that day too.

Sunday (the finals), I have to be there at 7am, so I probably need to get up very very early.

Lately, since I haven’t had lots of work, I watched a bit of anime.
Itazura na Kiss (Mizuki Nana <3)
Vampire Knight (I’m anxiously waiting for the next season now, for some reason)
Kino no Tabi (who said I had to watch new ones only?)

I only started on Kino no Tabi, but I like it very much.
It’s full of life lessons and makes you reflect on things.
I like these kinds of simple but meaningful stories.

Lately the dorm life has been stressing me out more.
I’m trying to ignore the feeling a bit…

You know, how ironic it is….
How people do things for you that you don’t really need, yet they think that’s what you’d want and need.
And you do the same for others. You do what you think they might want and need, but you’re completely mistaken.
So people get sad and upset. And they feel like they’re not understood. Or that this person doesn’t care.

Isn’t it sad though?
Sometimes I wish I understood better….what to do for the people that matter to me.
I know that I can’t expect others to do the things I want, but if at least I could do it for others….
It must be so great to see someone’s true smile as you do what they hope you’d do.

Most of the time, I think people won’t ever say in words what they want.
It’s usually not so easy to guess.
And they’ll try to be nice and kind to you if you do something for them, even though they wished for completely something else.

I wish I were wiser and more intuitive…
Then maybe I could be of use to others, for real….

I think most people treat others through their own understanding and experiences in life, so they only truly understand themselves or people most similar to them.

Anyway..enough babbles for tonight.
Thanks to whoever read this through the end. :)

May you all be well, goodnight.


Dear mom,

several years ago, you left us on this day.
But I can’t ever blame you. Because you thought of us until the very end, over yourself.
And yet, you never got your reward.
I don’t understand why life is so unfair.
Why you had to go and why I had to stay.

I know you deserved life more than I did. So that’s why I never understood why I had to live.
I think it must be so I can pay back for something.
I just hope that if you are living somewhere, in any possible form, that you are happy now and that you were able to forgive me.

Even now, when I’m by myself, I think of you. And all the things I wish I could tell you.
But that is only my own selfish wish.

In memories of you, I’ll never forget these songs


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