Spa! (1/22)

In a Japan where feminine chastity and purity are still widely respected virtues, it's becoming increasingly common for sexually experienced women to deliberately withhold displaying their carnal knowledge to avoid giving the wrong impression, according to Spa! (1/22).

Though the idea of the fake maguro -- the Japanese word for tuna, but also derogatory slang for somebody not particularly active in the sack -- is an old one, it's becoming more prevalent, the men's weekly argues.

Sanae Ito, 27, a major bank employee, is an unabashed fake maguro.

"It's a technique I've been trying out on boyfriends since my college days and I can attest to its effectiveness," she tells Spa! "Even back then I'd been around a bit, but every guy I went out with I would tell that I had not been with many other men and then watched him get excited as he promised to teach me what he knew. I just kept on doing it and highly recommend it as a ploy for any who are marriage-minded."

While dating the man who's been her husband for the past year or so, Ito refused to go along with any dirty talk and basically just lay down during their more intimate moments.

"We dated for about four years. I had loads of sex friends during that time. I really adore my husband, but just lying there pretending I was a maguro left my sex life a little wanting," she says. "Not revealing that I'd been playing around is also a form of affection, so I really do my best to make sure he doesn't find out what's going on."

Ito says she religiously removes all records of calls to and from her sex friends, while phone e-mail they exchange is all stored in password-protected folders.

"That's not all," she says. "I absolutely refuse to accept any sort of present from a sex friend. Those guys are just basically for sex and nothing else."

Another woman, a 26-year-old temp worker, says she has a friend who's also a fake maguro, but says her pal stands out because she actually moonlights in a brothel.

"She's been working there for the past year and a half and brags about how good her bedroom techniques are. Apparently lots of customers pay extra to request her services," the woman tells Spa! "She'll meet a guy at a matchmaking party and tell him she doesn't have a great deal of experience with men. She does everything in her power to make sure guys don't find out she does sex work. Her day job is as a regular office worker, but she tells everyone she has to do a lot of overtime. She keeps all her sex work items in a locker at a train station and does all sorts of things to create alibis. To make sure she doesn't let on that she has sex for a living, every time she makes love to a guy she basically just lies there like a maguro instead of unveiling the techniques she normally uses that always bring men off." (By Ryann Connell)

shirokumanippon:2008/01/23 16:53
Yep Japanese women and becoming like western women ... can not trust em!
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