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Palau friendship projects
The GBSC helicopter was mobilized for the national project of Palau...



At Golden Bay Social Club , we provide the greatest life style that will exceed your expectation. We are responsible to bring you to excellent and good memory vacation. We hold up our company motto "Provide exceedingly superb time and universe to as many people as possible." and carried on our business until present time.
Now we witnessing the start of a new era of recreation, with tourism poised to become one of the world's largest industries by the end of the decade. In the United States , the “baby boomers”, the most experienced and sophisticated travelers of any generation in history, have entered their primary earning years and should continue to set aside part of their growing disposable incomes for personal vacations.


A massive market outside the U.S. and Europe also is becoming enfranchised with the disposable income and time to enjoy recreation. It is estimate that this market, largely concentrated among the Asian countries, has greater growth potential than the American and European markets combined. Now, vacation to Philippine island has become one of the main choices for traveler in Asian Countries, mainly from Japan and Korea .


Other positive trends include: the large, young and relatively affluent middle class in Asian and other nations with greater travel access; and the increased speed and ease of travel as political and cultural restraints have fallen. However, because today's travelers expect much from their recreation dollar and face more opportunities on to spend that dollar, resorts will have to anticipate changing consumer preferences and cater to specific market niches. 


At Golden Bay Social Club, we have learnt the lessons of the 1980s and keep costs in line with reasonable expectations of future revenue. We pay as much attention to the bottom line as we do to our guests. Every one will be affordable to enjoy the greatest vacation in any of the island resort we have.

  The Evolution of Resorts  


Resorts mean different things to different people. For some, a resort merely must provide relaxation and recreation. Others may want a resort to improve health and well-being, or require beautiful surroundings and the highest quality of food, entertainment and service. 
The resort industry has evolved to meet this diverse set of needs, balancing basic amenities with new and changing facilities, services and experiences.  

  Resort Facilities and Services  


To thrive in an increasingly segmented market, resorts have focus on amenities and services. Facilities and services are as described below.

  Health Spas and Fitness Facilities  

With people more concerned than ever before with health and well-being, it is not surprising that fitness facilities are now considered a basic amenity for resort and hotel properties. 
Resorts here are adding on-site health spas to complement existing fitness centers. Health spas pamper guests while offering educational and medical programs designed to monitor health and guide nutritional habits.

  Adventure Programs  

Many new and larger resorts have begun to provide a variety of off-site excursions for guests who want more adventure and fantasy than traditional resort activities offer. Nevertheless, you can still find it here in our resorts. These adventures program that you can find here are “banana boating”, cruise around for magnificent view around the island, Jet Ski, snorkeling, scuba diving and much more is awaiting you to find out.


Due to the resurgence of environmentalism, we are proud to present to you a original eco friendly island resort. We love nature, and so all the resorts built are base on the originality of the island. We guarantee a quality recreational experience with minimal environmental impact.