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Jun 20, 2002, 04:45
I hope no one takes offense, I just had to post this "waiwai" story...

Reported by Mainichi Daily News (http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/index.html), June 19, 2002:

Fast food sends schoolgirls into sexual feeding frenzy

By Ryann Connell, Staff Writer

A tendency for getting their lips around a Whopper has turned Japanese schoolgirls into Nippon's naughtiest nymphomaniacs, according to Shukan Gendai (6/29). Kazuo Sakai, head of the Stress Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo, says fast food is to blame for the promiscuous behavior of today's schoolgirls.

"Sex addiction, which involves having sex with numerous different partners over a short period, is related to bulimia. Fast food so popular among young people is absorbed unnaturally quickly by the body, making it easy for bulimia to develop," Sakai tells Shukan Gendai. "Bulimia makes it harder to control the central nervous system and a chain reaction makes it easier to develop other addictions. Sex addiction is a case in point."

And gynecologist Tsuneo Akaeda, who runs a free sex consultation clinic for schoolgirls in Tokyo, warns that if her patients are anything to go by, the nation's schoolgirls are full-blown sex addicts.

"Attitudes toward sex of the girls who come to me for help are gut churning. It's normal for them to use vibrators. Some say using vibrators are the only way they can climax. Nearly all the girls who seek my help have experienced anal sex. Yet, none of them use condoms. Some girls even say they take drugs to make sex feel better. It's pretty unbelievable," Akaeda tells Shukan Gendai.

Akaeda has been running the consultation clinic since 1999, helping over 1,000 schoolgirls with their sex problems during that time.

"Sex has become so simple for these girls. If they feel like having a bit, where they do it doesn't matter to them at all, be it a nightclub toilet or in the photo machines at game arcades. They don't carry condoms around just in case and always do it unprotected."

Shukan Gendai notes that Akaeda handed out 300 tickets to schoolgirls that would allow them to get a free check-up for sexually transmitted diseases. Of the 300, 125 turned up to his clinic and 81.6 percent proved to be carrying some kind of venereal disease.

"Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts ... some girls are carriers of multiple diseases. I had one girl whose herpes sores had spread so far she couldn't walk any more," Akaeda says. "And they still do it without condoms. I tell them to at least use a condom, but none of them listen to me."

Akaeda continues, "A common phrase I hear from the girls is "I want to do it.' Another girl told me she always feels like she's in heat. They're like animals. They can't control their sexual urges. The only explanation I can give is that they're chronic sex addicts."

Few schoolgirls would seem to disagree.

"While I'm having it off it feels like heaven," gushes a 17-year-old we'll call Akiko. "It's 'cause the guys are nice to me then. Usually, guys who're really cold say things like 'You're cute,' or 'I like you,' when we're having sex. It's like the guy really needs me. When I feel like that, it really gives me a thrill."

Akiko says that when she gets the urge nothing can stop her.

"I've done it in a Shibuya nightclub toilet once before. It was because I was with this really nice guy. He picked me up when I went to the club with a friend," she says. "Once I got drunk, I couldn't hold back anymore, so just whipped down my pants and let him do it there."

Many schoolgirls see little wrong with rampant promiscuity.

"It's better to go wild having sex than become a juvenile delinquent," says a 16-year-old girl we'll call Mieko. "I first had sex in the first year of junior high and I've slept with about 60 guys since. I go to nightclubs in Shibuya and Ikebukuro. Listening to music after taking a few uppers lets me hear sounds I wouldn't normally be able to. My body becomes light, I stop thinking and I feel sensational. Sex at these times is really intense. When I get excited, it makes the sex better for the guys."

Tetsuko, at 17, is even more blasé about bonking.

"I can't count the number of guys I've been with. I like sex and I often do it just because there's nothing else better to do. It's not something I do because I like, but something I need a daily dose of," Tetsuko tells Shukan Gendai. "I've done it once with three guys at the same time. They picked me up at a video arcade and we were at it before I knew it. It felt so good I had no idea what was going on with me."

Schoolgirl sex counselor and gynecologist Akaeda urges something be done to aid the nubile nymphomaniacs.

"Usually, these girls are sad and lonesome. But while they're having sex they forget their loneliness," Akaeda tells Shukan Gendai. "When they're at home, they're parents are always nagging them to study. What this means is that the parents don't want their kids by their sides. If kids can't get rid of their loneliness while they're around their parents, it's only natural that they look outside for a means to feel less forlorn. Parents have simply got to make more of an effort to relate to their kids."

Copyright © Mainichi Daily News

Jun 20, 2002, 05:38
that is sad and funny all at the same time

Jun 20, 2002, 05:56
When i eat fast food, it's usually so much that i don't feel like doing anything anymore. :blush:

Does this mean that guys should take girls on a date to a fast food restaurant in order to 'score'? :D

Jun 20, 2002, 07:33

didn't you read between the lines? That article was sponsored by BurgerKing...

Jun 20, 2002, 09:59
Bizarre. So junk food is evil but can improve life in other areas?

Sounds weird. I really try to stay away from junk food but sometimes I get cravings for it [the junkfood]. Not so much the case at home, but more for fast food joints. Some days I might be sitting at home and get a craving for steak or chicken and before I know it I am in KFC. Do they put addictive chemicals in fast food? Sure seems like it sometimes

Jun 20, 2002, 22:46
You get the calories from the food and then have the.. desire to go and burn them off...what could be better?

Jul 10, 2002, 02:04
After eating at Burger King, i tend to have the feeling that only seppuku will get the stuff out of me again. What a weird idea sex could be the resolution... :-)

Kathie Hawkins
Aug 25, 2003, 05:06
There's a McDonalds right down the hill from me. Boy, I could go for a nice DOUBLE quarter pounder with cheese & a chocolate milk shake. I have found that getting stoned on marijuanna is much more fun, lasts longer, & is much safer & healthier than getting ******. GImmie a joint ANY time. I was raised with enough self-respect to be careful never to get knocked up.

Aug 25, 2003, 14:42
They are basically saying that bullimia (food addiction) is related to sex addiction. Does that mean that the amount of food you eat determines you sexual activity ?

Apr 25, 2004, 16:24
well, now !
I dont believe a word of this survey or what the doctors said.

I dont eat fast food. Never. And I make love everyday. It's not addiction, it's... simply love.

Do you believe that those girls really said all that ? And so many of them ? Obviously, it's all being taken out of context by two guys who believe they are great at survey. Japanese girls are just normal, and not a bunch of crazy nymphos ! And I love them, my sisters, no matter what the "doctors" will say.

Apr 25, 2004, 16:27
of course not !
I eat very little...
I make love a lot !
no relation between one and the other.

Apr 25, 2004, 20:05
Is that serious ?? o_O''

I dont get how a burger and fries could make u horny. O_O''

Apr 25, 2004, 20:21
The "Dark" side of Japan....ohhh man I gotto watch out when I'm going to JP then huh !! Maybe if they get me in sight their gonne do nasty things to me them nymphos....*shivers when thinking of diseaces* :souka:

Apr 25, 2004, 22:27
Good for you Ascate. I don't believe most of it either. People need to be more skeptical about what they read.

Apr 25, 2004, 22:31
As an aside, if you ever get a chance, go see Super Size Me. http://www.supersizeme.com/
A very good movie both amusing and thought-provoking at the same time.

Apr 25, 2004, 22:48
As an aside, if you ever get a chance, go see Super Size Me. http://www.supersizeme.com/
A very good movie both amusing and thought-provoking at the same time.

Thanks for sharing the link, mdchachi. I'll have to see this. I think it's great someone has made a movie like this.

Uncle Frank
Apr 25, 2004, 23:17
these Mac girls to jump on your bones?? I hung around outside my local branch hopeing to get some action & THEY took me home!!



Apr 25, 2004, 23:18
hehehehehe that's just SICK Frank heheheeh :D

Uncle Frank
Apr 25, 2004, 23:24
hehehehehe that's just SICK Frank heheheeh :D

as you can see by my avatar, they left me with a smile on my face!!


:D :bravo: :p

Apr 25, 2004, 23:37
LOL...you seem to be covered with make-up too...is that part of the plastics you mentioned about? LOOOOL :D :D :blush:

Apr 25, 2004, 23:40
these Mac girls to jump on your bones?? I hung around outside my local branch hopeing to get some action & THEY took me home!!



:mad: Why did you do that to me before lunch, Frank?

Uncle Frank
Apr 25, 2004, 23:40
of course not !
I eat very little...
I make love a lot !
no relation between one and the other.

How bout posting a picture of yourself Ascate!!! Your posts make you SOUND beautiful!!


:cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: :blush:

Apr 26, 2004, 04:36
ok, i will follow your suggestion and go to watch this movie.

Apr 26, 2004, 04:38
sorry frank d white
I know you would lobe it
but no !
not this time anyway. try harder an other day...

Apr 26, 2004, 11:10
Damn, that pic was gross... Frank, that's what you get for Super Sizing it! :p

Apr 26, 2004, 13:50
okay that's just wierd, i doubt its true anyway, i bet their just really horney or in need of loving lol. doubt its the fast food.

wish it was tho ^^;

Apr 26, 2004, 14:09
it's me again.... sorry !

Yes, japanese girls & woman are just cuddly, sweet ... little monsters ! I love'em but nowhere are they close to "horny big mac eaters" !!!

Apr 26, 2004, 15:25
In fact, since you asked nicely,
just one eye, the right one. :D

Apr 26, 2004, 16:36
Oh my god....:shock:
This time I'm really disgusted...
**puke puke puke...**

Uncle Frank
Apr 27, 2004, 00:08
In fact, since you asked nicely,
just one eye, the right one. :D

I'm in love!! I'll send my private Lear jet to pick you up for private consulting. $300 an hour & expences OK or just a straight $500 an hour?


:blush: :cute: :D :p :cool:

Apr 27, 2004, 00:30
WOAAAAAA beautiful eye :love: :cute:

Apr 27, 2004, 00:35
HAHA Frank, anyways this article is horrible but funny, disgusting about the herpes being so bad she couldnt walk! HOLY! That is horrid... Makes my nerves cringe to think about that. Maybe we need Ghettocities (Josh) to verify this for us. :D

Apr 27, 2004, 13:25
well !
Hold your horses, friend !
paying a woman, like in your proposal, is called prostitution, whatever the price.
first I'm not in this kind of game,
second if I were, it would be horribly MORE expensive than your offer and a lear jet far too small ! MDR !!!!!!! ( MDR : which is french sayin Mort De Rire, translated in english it means dying of laughing) !!!!!

but the truth is (better that I tell you now, before you go too far in your wildest dreams....) : we can only be good friends, and nothing else (mind you I can't help it if you fall in love, but it will be a waste of energy...). The nature has made me a wonderful present, at birth probably, or it came later when I was ten years old : I fell in love with my teacher. Her name was Vannessa and since that day I know that I can only follw this path. It's a long and wonderfull story, you know.

but I have lots of good, very close, men-friends. so you still have a chance in this category, welcome to you !! LOL + LOL ******


why use such evil-looking pictures as avatars ? I'm certain that you have nothing to do with hannibal lecter. or have you ? Strange, I feel you totally different, you should not hide behind such cruel pictures. I'm sure you will have a nice day.

Apr 27, 2004, 13:26
yes, I agree with you.
the best part of it is that I have two of those !!!

Apr 27, 2004, 13:30
I'm no doctor, but herpes DOES NOT develop this was.
Therefore you should not believe it and even less enjoy the sight of it !
read my first intervention about it : it's all a bad joke.
sweet dreams to you and remember
japanese girls are sweet dolls too beautifull to be seen that way.

Uncle Frank
Apr 27, 2004, 19:26
The most I can be is an internet friend. I love to tease
& flirt with all women, young & old(no old ones on this Forum!) !! Some of the younger girls call me Uncle Frank.
I am to old to do anything but fanticize about the good ol days. I love long black hair and Asian women. Anyway, you sound like a VERY interesting person and are a welcome addition to the Forum! I almost always am kidding, so if you have a serious question let me know & I will give a straight answer. Sorry if I bugged you with my crazyness!!


:blush: :okashii: :? :wave: :cute: :balloon:

Apr 27, 2004, 19:42
I got you 5/5, no misunderstanding between us. I'll be your internet friend, and I take it as an honour. dont forget, I'm rather 2nd (3rd???) degree myself.

thanks for the compliments you're making, (about being VERY interesting and a welcome addition...) -( (LOL I dont know how to "cut" quotes to reproduce them where ever I need them... ) ) But you're right, I AM VERY INTERESTING !!! MDR !!!

If there are no old woman on this forum, then there are no older men either. consider yourself as being eternally young, as long as you are with this jref forum !! and so will we all be !!!

(still dont know why you hide behind ugly masks, though!!!)
have a good day

Apr 27, 2004, 19:53
by the end of the year, you'll probably get the whole picture !!!!

Apr 27, 2004, 21:05
Ascate, you have pretty eyes!

Apr 27, 2004, 21:13
I really like Asian woman because of their eyes...I really makes them look so beautiful :cute: ....maybe one of the reasons I want to live In Japan...there are Nice European woman too....but I like Asian women more :bluush:

And woman who aren't interested in men are more of an attraction to men...you always like things you can't have more :-)

I'll be waiting to see the full picture :cute:

Apr 27, 2004, 21:25
ascate: kirei na me....hehe :-) :winklove:

Eternal Wind
Apr 27, 2004, 22:13
Japan looks like the place for me to go for fastfood!! :D

Uncle Frank
Apr 28, 2004, 00:10
(still dont know why you hide behind ugly masks, though!!!)
have a good day[/QUOTE]

a crazy ol guy.Sometimes they are so bad people ask me to change them. Just for you, I'll pick a more pleasant
"crazy ol guy" avatar!!


:wave: :-) :bluush: :souka: :hey:

Apr 28, 2004, 02:15
The Professor is great@! Futuram is definately a fav of mine, lol! :D Anyways ascate, most of the people here do not look at Japanese girls in the way this article is saying. I thought it was fairly funny and all a joke. And yes ascate, you have very pretty eyes how about the whole picture for us? :)...

Apr 28, 2004, 04:12
You heard the man :D !!!!But on the other side....It is a choice of your own... :-)

Apr 28, 2004, 21:19
well, frank, that'san enormous improvment ! try some more and i might fall in love, too ( LOL!!!)

as for a whole picure, playaa, you'll have to be patient, i'm not sure i'm ready to expose myself on the web.... by the way, when one lives in Red Stick, one should speak french, no ??

Lina Inverse
May 6, 2004, 14:19
Contrary to the prudist point of view, which is sadly quite popular among many Americans, there is absolutely nothing wrong about having sex as often as you want!
The only thing that you need to take care of is to always use condoms to protect from STD (sexually transmitted diseases), but that's it.
These sex counsels are really utter nonsense and not leading anywhere. The absolutely only thing they need to do is providing these girls with as much condoms as they need and then educating them about how important it is to use condoms, rather than imposing false moral values upon them on how often they are allowed to have sex.

Congrats to your orientation, and to openly confessing to it!

May 6, 2004, 19:05
Contrary to the prudist point of view, which is sadly quite popular among many Americans, there is absolutely nothing wrong about having sex as often as you want!

Well, now ! Of course there is nothing wrong with making love. And even several times a day, if possible. Love making makes your adrenaline come out of the dark corners of your body and will bring you relief. Love making will bring down stress and relieve headache. And it will make you see life far more pleasant. Making love will also make you a re more lovable person.
In fact, it is the best medication (for all sorts of things) known at the moment because it is without harmfull side effects.
How about that ?

Lina Inverse
May 6, 2004, 20:31
Sounds good. Just what I wanted to hear :bravo:

May 6, 2004, 20:51
*ahem* Not all Americans are prudes. Far from it... :blush:

May 6, 2004, 21:34
*ahem* Not all Americans are prudes. Far from it...

And that is the best news of the day, pretty green eyes. I hope that you are one of them "non-prude". It'll be good for your health... as you have allready noticed if you are one of... and so on, and so on :haihai:

May 6, 2004, 21:51
:D ascate, you make me laugh! Thanks!

I am definitely not a prude! :evil: Unfortunately, I have yet to find anyone to match my libido... :?

May 6, 2004, 22:04
WHAT ????

Thats the worst news of the day !!!

Well, at least, from what they say and from what I've heard, Laughing can partly replace lovemaking, but then, the quantity of laughing needed is astronomical ! Like 1 hour of laughing for one minute's love...
Better keep making love, even in a small proportion... it's quicker...

Happy to make you laugh, I am !

May 7, 2004, 01:07
Does this mean that guys should take girls on a date to a fast food restaurant in order to 'score'? :D

haha! that's so funny. i don't think ive ever gotten horny eating at a fast food place...just really fat feeling. o.o;; i am just wondering how the article went from eating fast food to sex crazed japanese girls to parents are doing a bad job with their kids. how do you go from fast food to parents?! :?

it may be true tho (the fast food thing) cos you see most of those women on jerry springer are fat...and they get more action than me...and im cute...and im not fat :D i dont get it! haha! what a great article...dont agree with it...but its great!

May 7, 2004, 01:37
Here's an ideal.
Eat more seafood.
[Fish, shrimp, crabs, etc..]
Its suppose to help with sexual drive and its healty! :D

Uncle Frank
May 7, 2004, 02:51
Contrary to the prudist point of view, which is sadly quite popular among many Americans, there is absolutely nothing wrong about having sex as often as you want!

Well, now ! Of course there is nothing wrong with making love. And even several times a day, if possible. Love making makes your adrenaline come out of the dark corners of your body and will bring you relief. Love making will bring down stress and relieve headache. And it will make you see life far more pleasant. Making love will also make you a re more lovable person.
In fact, it is the best medication (for all sorts of things) known at the moment because it is without harmfull side effects.
How about that ?

She said she couldn't read it at the moment, had a headache!!



May 7, 2004, 03:17
haha! that's so funny. i don't think ive ever gotten horny eating at a fast food place...just really fat feeling. o.o;;
Well, no one ever has, excepted the if she/he was horny BEFORE entering the FF shop...

i am just wondering how the article went from eating fast food to sex crazed japanese girls to parents are doing a bad job with their kids. how do you go from fast food to parents?! :?
How ? It's simple... follow me : you have fast parents (i.e. not interested in their own kids) who try to follow even faster kids (they dont know where they go, but they go anyway). Total : everybody ends up in FastFood.

it may be true tho (the fast food thing) cos you see most of those women on jerry springer are fat...and they get more action than me...and im cute...and im not fat :D i dont get it! haha! what a great article...dont agree with it...but its great!

Dont worry, the Jerry Springer show is just... A SHOW. They dont get it more than you do (if you say your are not getting any...)

Lina Inverse
May 7, 2004, 05:52
WHAT ????

Thats the worst news of the day !!!

Well, at least, from what they say and from what I've heard, Laughing can partly replace lovemaking, but then, the quantity of laughing needed is astronomical ! Like 1 hour of laughing for one minute's love...
Better keep making love, even in a small proportion... it's quicker...

Happy to make you laugh, I am !
You know, in Germany, we have a saying that goes, "Laughing replaces a whole egg" :D

Good to hear that you're not one of them prudes :bravo:
Note that I wrote "many Americans" since I know that not all Americans are screwed in the head (but rather screwed elsewhere :hihi: )
When you don't have a partner, you still can have fun with yourself :-)

Concerning these talkshows (Jerry, Ophra, whatever), they're generally absolutely braindead :okashii:
We have crap like that over here as well... Most times, the best place for the people appearing there would be a mental asylum :mad:

May 7, 2004, 06:00
Good to hear that you're not one of them prudes :bravo:
Note that I wrote "many Americans" since I know that not all Americans are screwed in the head (but rather screwed elsewhere :hihi: )
When you don't have a partner, you still can have fun with yourself :-)


So true!! Of course, by myself gets a little old after a while. Want something(one) I can grab on to! :blush: :evil: :p

May 7, 2004, 12:32
@kirei_na_me :
Want something(one) I can grab on to!

SomeONE ... Yes ! definitively !

@ Lina Inverse :
Concerning these talkshows (Jerry, Ophra, whatever), they're generally absolutely braindead
We have crap like that over here as well... Most times, the best place for the people appearing there would be a mental asylum

Why, did'nt you know ? THEY ARE in an asylum : it's called the World !!!!

May 7, 2004, 21:13
Fast food sends schoolgirls into sexual feeding frenzy
Shukan Gendai notes that Akaeda handed out 300 tickets to schoolgirls that would allow them to get a free check-up for sexually transmitted diseases. Of the 300, 125 turned up to his clinic and 81.6 percent proved to be carrying some kind of venereal disease.[/font]
I think somebody ought to cross-post that bit into the Love-hotelling thread.


May 8, 2004, 01:57
Dont worry, the Jerry Springer show is just... A SHOW. They dont get it more than you do (if you say your are not getting any...)

haha! that makes me feel a whole lot better. im goin to mcdonalds anyway to see what happens! :win: j/k o.o;;;

and its true...the world is a crazy place. the worst part is my mom works at this place and she actually knows some employees that were ON the jerry springer show :D

May 8, 2004, 14:06
Please, try to avoid fast food joints, the only difference you will notice will be on the scale (not the best place to make love either) and not in your bed (a good / and or better place for it)

Please, never, never ever go to the Jerry show, you'll make a fool of yourself, and that would be a great pitty.

May 8, 2004, 14:57
i bet the people who wrote that article are also great fans of hentai dating sims and pokemon porno <lol> :D ...O_o;;;. either that or it seems like something a fanatical conservatist group would put out to parents to keep their kids off fast food, though its interesting how it doesn't mention that the problem could probably be solved by actually paying attention to the kids!

:blush: lovemaking is also a great way to lose weight, as far as health benefits go! :blush:

May 8, 2004, 16:32
you said :
lovemaking is also a great way to lose weight, as far as health benefits go!

well, actually, no. That's what some people interrested in your body (and not only for aesthetics reasons..) will tell you, specially if you have previously mentionned that you are one or two pounds overweight...

Love making, even a torrid session, in the scale of "burning the calories" is equivalent to household cleaning, which is nothing at all. (?? yes I agree, lovemaking is a lot more pleasant! Or ? Is it ? depend with whom ? Oh yes, that's true !).

So keep on running... and making love on the side...

May 9, 2004, 04:55
you said :
lovemaking is also a great way to lose weight, as far as health benefits go!

well, actually, no. That's what some people interrested in your body (and not only for aesthetics reasons..) will tell you, specially if you have previously mentionned that you are one or two pounds overweight...

Love making, even a torrid session, in the scale of "burning the calories" is equivalent to household cleaning, which is nothing at all. (?? yes I agree, lovemaking is a lot more pleasant! Or ? Is it ? depend with whom ? Oh yes, that's true !).

So keep on running... and making love on the side...

:bawling: oh nooooo!!! another myth guys tell you to get in your pants exposed! :D
but really, why is it that lovemaking can make one all sweaty and stuff and people get so tired after doing it? :?

Uncle Frank
May 9, 2004, 06:34
roll over and go to sleep after !!


:D :p :okashii:

May 9, 2004, 13:39
but really, why is it that lovemaking can make one all sweaty and stuff and people get so tired after doing it? :?

Well open the window very wide and you'll stop sweating... sorry that you lost your illusions... but keep on making love (a lot) anyway, even if you dont loos weight. It's excellent for your moral, it's good for your heart... and keeps you away from robbing a bank !!!

roll over and go to sleep after !!

... don't you light a cigarette before ? If you are a non smoker, like me, I love to have just a little of my favourite blacke chocolate, and a glasse of fresh water. That'll send me right back to were we started. It's a never ending story !!!!!

May 10, 2004, 11:34
... don't you light a cigarette before ? If you are a non smoker, like me, I love to have just a little of my favourite blacke chocolate, and a glasse of fresh water. That'll send me right back to were we started. It's a never ending story !!!!![/QUOTE]

:D i must admire your prowess, ascate...

May 10, 2004, 11:48
Aside from the supposed link to fast food, are Japanese highschool girls(/guys) really that sexually active (more than highschool students in other countries) or is this just two urban legends together making one huge urban legend?

May 10, 2004, 12:28
I don't have any data in front of me but I would guess that they are less active than Americans since, as a whole, they have to do a lot more studying. And because the sexes do not interact as much. On the other hand, they don't have hangups over judeo-christian "morals".

May 10, 2004, 13:26
... don't you light a cigarette before ? If you are a non smoker, like me, I love to have just a little of my favourite blacke chocolate, and a glasse of fresh water. That'll send me right back to were we started. It's a never ending story !!!!!

:D i must admire your prowess, ascate...[/QUOTE]

Have you ever tryied black chocolate ? It's one of the best known aphrodisiacs you might find... and itnumber of clories is much much lower tnat milkchocolate or others...

May 11, 2004, 06:11
I don't have any data in front of me but I would guess that they are less active than Americans since, as a whole, they have to do a lot more studying. And because the sexes do not interact as much. On the other hand, they don't have hangups over judeo-christian "morals".

the 'morals' really don't stop many from doing it, it just makes it more clandestine and secretive... :blush:

:D i must admire your prowess, ascate...

Have you ever tryied black chocolate ? It's one of the best known aphrodisiacs you might find... and itnumber of clories is much much lower tnat milkchocolate or others...[/QUOTE]

no, i've never tried it, cause i generally don't like the bitter taste, but know that i know it could come in handy one day! :lol:

May 11, 2004, 12:51
no, i've never tried it, cause i generally don't like the bitter taste, but know that i know it could come in handy one day! :lol:[/QUOTE]

it will come handy everyday... if not for you, for your partner.

Who knows !!!!

Lina Inverse
May 12, 2004, 11:08
Have you ever tryied black chocolate ? It's one of the best known aphrodisiacs you might find... and itnumber of clories is much much lower tnat milkchocolate or others...
Yuck... I absolutely loathe its horrible bitter taste :mad:
I don't even like normal milk chocolate... only chocolate I like is white chocolate :happy:
Besides that, I really have no need for any aphrodisiacs :win:

May 12, 2004, 11:11
Besides that, I really have no need for any aphrodisiacs :win:


That's exactly what I was thinking! I don't need chocolate or unagi or oysters or any other supposed aphrodisiac! :blush: Hmmm...it's getting late. I'm getting a case of the sillies...

May 12, 2004, 11:17
That's exactly what I was thinking! I don't need chocolate or unagi or oysters or any other supposed aphrodisiac!

I agree. All I need is some time on my hands, or just the right girl to be walking by, etc. :) In fact, I've almost gotten into wrecks due to the joggers around the lakes near my apt. I should probably be more careful. :blush: Anyway, it doesn't take much for me. ;-)

May 12, 2004, 12:36

That's exactly what I was thinking! I don't need chocolate or unagi or oysters or any other supposed aphrodisiac! :blush: Hmmm...it's getting late. I'm getting a case of the sillies...

Who said that "you need " chocolate ? You just have some, anytime, with or without company. It's just finger lickin' good ! And we are no chickens !!! :hey:

May 12, 2004, 19:32
Well, maybe I do need chocolate, because it's kind of an addiction for me anyway. :p

May 12, 2004, 21:13
well done !

and the brown stuff from switzerland* is a lot safer, healthier and lot less costly than the white stuff from Colombia !!!!!!!!!

*it doesn't have to be swiss, but to my taste it's the best by far, and believe me I'm some kind of an expert.... LOL But belgian, french and now some german are ok, although we dont always know what they put inside, since european community has agreed that other vegetal components could replace the basic cocoa's natural oils...

May 12, 2004, 21:25
With ascate, each day is a learning experience. :-) :happy:

May 12, 2004, 21:58
With ascate, each day is a learning experience. :-) :happy:

Thanks Kirei na me, and yes, LIFE and the WORLD are the two greatest schools ! have an excellent day, as for little me it's back to work...

May 13, 2004, 08:33
im american an i can tell u if u are with a girl...taking her too red lobster and opening your wallet too reveal $200 sets her off a lot more than a big mac :).

May 13, 2004, 13:01
mmmmmmm...i love german chocalate, esp. those milkas candy bars with the cookie stuff inside with the cream on top. now that would drive me into a sexual feeding frenzy! <lol>

May 13, 2004, 19:49
mmmmmmm...i love german chocalate, esp. those milkas candy bars with the cookie stuff inside with the cream on top. now that would drive me into a sexual feeding frenzy! <lol>

Well done for you, and keep watching all those calories you are eating with cream and stuff. If you need chocolate (to be an aphrodisiac or not), then you need to eat BLACK ONE, nothing added, minimum 70% (or more but it gets bitter then) pure stuff. So enjoy the milka, but AFTER love making, once you are really starved... and if you are in need of more sweetness, then go back to lovemaking !!! LOL !!! :D

May 13, 2004, 20:35
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love-making and chocolate.
Two of my favorite past times. And when you combine then......
you get this sensation :romance:

-now where did kirei go too... :blush: -

Lina Inverse
May 13, 2004, 21:04
mmmmmmm...i love german chocalate, esp. those milkas candy bars with the cookie stuff inside with the cream on top. now that would drive me into a sexual feeding frenzy! <lol>
Yes, Milka is very good indeed! :cool: Especially the new white chocolate types with apricot, strawberry and cherry filling they just brought out... great! :bravo:
Another good German brand is Ritter Sport, give it a try!
Concerning Swiss chocolate, Nestle is clearly the best! Nestle white chocolate with crispies... yum! :cool:

May 13, 2004, 21:17
Concerning Swiss chocolate, Nestle is clearly the best! Nestle white chocolate with crispies... yum! :cool:

About 7 or 8 years ago, they put out that white chocolate with the crisped rice in it over here for a trial run, I guess. I fell in love with it, but then it disappeared and has never returned... :( I loved those things!

Lina Inverse
May 13, 2004, 21:30
About 7 or 8 years ago, they put out that white chocolate with the crisped rice in it over here for a trial run, I guess. I fell in love with it, but then it disappeared and has never returned... :( I loved those things!
Awww... now I feel really bad for you :bawling:

I'd be totally devastated if that happened over here... ok, there's still Milka, but the don't have white chocolate with crispies :relief:

May 13, 2004, 21:38
About 7 or 8 years ago, they put out that white chocolate with the crisped rice in it over here for a trial run, I guess. I fell in love with it, but then it disappeared and has never returned... :( I loved those things!

you know what ? I think they still have it in Switzerland....
too bad, no ?

May 13, 2004, 21:41

I think I need to take a trip! :p

May 13, 2004, 21:48

I think I need to take a trip! :p
any time !
lovely avatar. bravo !

May 14, 2004, 05:23
Yo! Where's the nearest street corner next to where those girls gone wild hang out? I'm always up for a little excitement!

May 14, 2004, 12:32
Yo! Where's the nearest street corner next to where those girls gone wild hang out? I'm always up for a little excitement!

make sure to stock up on men's pocky (the dark chocalate pocky), cheap fast food, and milka bars before you find that corner... :p

i like ritter sport, too. I used to know this guy at my job whose mother was german and would always have all this exquisite german choccalate just lying around the house. he was my dealer in chocalate, and i think i had a crush on him for a while. maybe it was the dark chocalate? <no wonder he was so willing to give it away to me... :blush: >

May 14, 2004, 17:15
Men's Pocky? HA! No prob! Cheap fast food? Double HA! I live for that stuff! Mika bars? Hey! I'll try anything once! I'm so-ooooo there! :D

Lina Inverse
May 14, 2004, 22:50
you know what ? I think they still have it in Switzerland....
too bad, no ?
There's plenty of it over here in Germany as well! I'm having some right now. Yumm... :cool:

May 15, 2004, 12:55
Men's Pocky? HA! No prob! Cheap fast food? Double HA! I live for that stuff! Mika bars? Hey! I'll try anything once! I'm so-ooooo there! :D

<whooooooooooooo!> go flashjeff! you're such a slut! <lol> :D :p

Sep 25, 2005, 13:59
Fast food like the stuff you find at KFC and macdonalds is actually supposed to lower you energy and sex drive, the chemicals they put and the meat itself is very fattening and bad quality- practically of all it is battery farmed, which is an immoral and hellish form of farming itself, you go to these fast food chains thinking "yeah! 10 chicken drumsticks and salsa and coke for only ’8's- what a bargain!", when infact the chicken is battery farmed and only costs 3p a drumstick max(no kidding), the salsa less than 1p and the coke for 20p- all you are doing is eating crap food and getting ripped off for it.
All the icecream is made out of pig fat.

Macdonalds food tastes nice but i don't eat it for what it does to my health and the fact it is battery farmed bog-standed stuff. Same goes for all the other similar food chain shops.
And the article...well...seems rather exagerated- yes STD's are a major problem in japan with the lack of sexual education in many areas, but i think the fast food and sex drive theory is unlikely- and there's also no saying those so called statements from those girls are just all made up.

Apr 10, 2006, 04:30
Aside from the supposed link to fast food, are Japanese highschool girls(/guys) really that sexually active (more than highschool students in other countries) or is this just two urban legends together making one huge urban legend?

From what I heard Japanese have sexual experience at younger age which is earlier than Chinese. :bluush:

Well done for you, and keep watching all those calories you are eating with cream and stuff. If you need chocolate (to be an aphrodisiac or not), then you need to eat BLACK ONE, nothing added, minimum 70% (or more but it gets bitter then) pure stuff. So enjoy the milka, but AFTER love making, once you are really starved... and if you are in need of more sweetness, then go back to lovemaking !!! LOL !!!

I do like dark chocolate, I once tried a 99 percent one, itfs so bitter, itfs still there, :D but 70 percent is fine.;-)

Yes, Milka is very good indeed! Especially the new white chocolate types with apricot, strawberry and cherry filling they just brought out... great!
Another good German brand is Ritter Sport, give it a try!
Concerning Swiss chocolate, Nestle is clearly the best! Nestle white chocolate with crispies... yum!

I think the best Swiss chocolate is Lindt. My other favourites are "Toblerone" and "Poulain" (if I am not mistaken, itfs a brand of chocolate own by Cadbury in France). The biscuit based "Milka" chocolate with the combination of milk and white chocolates are nice too.:v:

Fast food like the stuff you find at KFC and macdonalds is actually supposed to lower you energy and sex drive, the chemicals they put and the meat itself is very fattening and bad quality- practically of all it is battery farmed, which is an immoral and hellish form of farming itself, you go to these fast food chains thinking "yeah! 10 chicken drumsticks and salsa and coke for only ’8's- what a bargain!", when infact the chicken is battery farmed and only costs 3p a drumstick max(no kidding), the salsa less than 1p and the coke for 20p- all you are doing is eating crap food and getting ripped off for it.
All the icecream is made out of pig fat.
Macdonalds food tastes nice but i don't eat it for what it does to my health and the fact it is battery farmed bog-standed stuff. Same goes for all the other similar food chain shops.
And the article...well...seems rather exagerated- yes STD's are a major problem in japan with the lack of sexual education in many areas, but i think the fast food and sex drive theory is unlikely- and there's also no saying those so called statements from those girls are just all made up.

I find it odd that fast foods make your sex drive higher too. I agree about the unhealthy habits of eating fast foods, I rarely eat them; I only do when I am on the road, and I have not much choice then.:crab:

Hide My Heart
Apr 10, 2006, 09:43
the part about using vibrators really made me angry. 60% of women can't have an orgasm unless there's direct stimulation to the clit. Why in the hell does that make a woman a raging sex fiend because she wants to take care of herself? The rest I'm not about to touch but the vibrator part coming from someone in the med field really makes me touchy.

Apr 10, 2006, 10:21
How did I miss this!?!? :p

Theres plenty of foods that are known aphrodesiacs, I always have some chocolate stashed away somewhere for when my girl comes round ;)

Hide My Heart
Apr 10, 2006, 10:25
smart boy.

Apr 10, 2006, 11:14
ok someone back fill me on this thread. me dont feel like reading it all.

Ma Cherie
Apr 10, 2006, 11:24
Strange, I never saw this thread until now. Oh, and the story is strange, too.:blush:

I would never think of fast food being sensual.:souka:

Apr 10, 2006, 15:08
Having gone back and read it the article opens with the sweeping and unbased statement that "fast food is causing sex addiction" within teenagers, but closes with a more plausable psychological reason. Still I prefer the current convo better ;)

Apr 21, 2006, 21:37
roll over and go to sleep after !!


Aug 20, 2006, 05:06
When i eat fast food, it's usually so much that i don't feel like doing anything anymore. :blush:
Does this mean that guys should take girls on a date to a fast food restaurant in order to 'score'? :D
hell yea i dont feel like i want to have sex at a fast food

Aug 21, 2006, 02:16
I think the addiction is the other way round, lots of sex makes me need a fix of instant fat and energy in the form of a bacon double cheeseburger meal with some onion rings mmmmm.

Of course the article is BS, I could go to the lengths to pick it apart via SCIENCE! but I'm too lazy for now.

Japanese ladies just sap a blokes strength. :smoke:

Lady Blue
Aug 21, 2006, 09:20
That was strange. It all began with the thing that "fast food makes you horny" thing, and ended up far away from it. The real problem, from my point of view, it ain't the fast food, but the fact of young girls feeling alone. THAT is more probable as the root of the problem, don't you think?
Just like some would fill their loneliness with food, easy food as burgers, they will also try to fill it up with something else. If they feel rejected, sad and unlove, they will of couse search for a human touch that will make them feel like they're real, alive and cared, which means the company and touch of another human, and what is closer to that, specially at that age? Sex!
I see no relation between fast foods and their sex addiction. It's even stupid for me! As a marketing technique, it's good.. ya know? Sex sales... But is unrelated to the presented problem.

Anyway, just my opinion.

Aug 21, 2006, 12:25
You know, that little theory about fast food aphrodisiacs may just have explained why my cousins a slut. Or maybe it has something to do with the pickles.

Aug 21, 2006, 21:54
Jeez I never noticed this before! :souka:
I only read the first post, though, and this page... :sorry:
It's probably that people who are prone to become sex 'addicts' are also more prone to become fast food 'addicts' - maybe there's something in the theory that some people have a more 'addictive personality'... but I'm too lazy to really think it through...

......... damn, now I'll get horny next time I have a burger. :buuh:

Lady Blue
Aug 23, 2006, 03:34
And finally, what's the relation between fast food adiction and sex adiction? Pickles and meat... :D

Aug 23, 2006, 05:27
The real problem, from my point of view, it ain't the fast food, but the fact of young girls feeling alone. THAT is more probable as the root of the problem, don't you think?

I agree.
It's not the chemical or the fat fast food holds that drives those girls sex addicted. If it were, there's no need for viagra.:blush:

In my opinion, eating fast foods all the time means their mother doesn't cook for them and that could mean their mother is too busy with something else and doesn't have time to cook for her family, to take care of her children, or to listen to them. Or, maybe their mother do cook, but for some reason, those girls don't feel comfortable at home and don't want to eat at home. I really think those girls are feeling like they are rejected and forlorn by their parents.

When making sex, guys say "I love you" and stuff and by being kissed and held, or by hearing those words, those lonely girls can finally feel they are loved or needed by someone. It's not always true though, especially when he is just a one nighter. Poor girls.

Aug 23, 2006, 15:41
I've heard " peppers " can give you aphrodisia,as the word derived from Aphrodite ( goddess of LOVE ).