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Tabloid Tokyo: 101 Tales of Sex, Crime and the Bizarre from Japan's Wild Weeklies
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Tabloid Tokyo: 101 Tales of Sex, Crime and the Bizarre from Japan's Wild Weeklies (Paperback)

by Mark Schreiber (Author), Geoff Botting (Author), Ryann Connell (Author), Michael Hoffman (Author), Hirosuke (Author) "Looking UP the skirts of young women has long been an obsession among Japanese men, as anyone knows, thanks to the plethora of books, magazines..." (more)
Key Phrases: beta waves, Yomiuri Weekly, Shukan Taishu, All Nude (more...)
  4.8 out of 5 stars  (6 customer reviews)  

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Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Anyone worried about American society's decay need only let this book fall open to the story about a supposed trend among Japanese mothers who have sex with their sons "to keep [the boys'] minds from wandering" while cramming for entrance exams (it isn't clear whether for college or high school). The editors of this zippy collection trolled the pages of some 15 Japanese tabloids (called, not always accurately, "weeklies"), pulling out the weirdest stories and organizing them by subjects such as sex, crime and food. Given the reserve of the mainstream media in a fad-crazed nation like Japan, the book has a wealth of material to choose from, whether it's the tale of the housewife from Fukusaki who died in a bread-eating contest, or the practices of "chikan"—men who grope women in public places. There's a refreshing lack of pandering, with much of the material presented in a straightfaced fashion that heightens its absurdity (though it's anybody's guess why the childish illustrations mostly depict non-Asians). As the book comprises not the actual stories but somewhat pallid retellings, there's a strangely distant and unreal feel to these quick bites of pop culture oddness. (Nov.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"In their latest collection of hilarious and outrageous media offerings, Mark Schreiber and his colleagues chronicle 101 stories from Japan's colorful underside, and by so doing, expose this country yet again for the unpredictable, fascinating place that it is. If there were a literary prize given out for this sort of thing, the Tabloid Tokyo crew would win it hands down." -Robert Whiting, Author; You Gotta Have Wa, Tokyo Underworld and The Meaning of Ichiro
"Pulp fiction is fun, but pulp non-fiction is more fun. And Japanese weekly tabloid pulp non-fiction-the stuffing that's jammed between the covers of this book-surpasses all." -Marc Abrahams, Editor, Annals of Improbable Research and founder of the Ig Noble Awards
" [A] zippy collection . . . There's a refreshing lack of pandering, with much of the material presented in a straight-faced fashion that heightens its absurdity." -Publishers Weekly

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Product Details
  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Kodansha International (September 15, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 477002892X
  • ISBN-13: 978-4770028921
  • Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 5.2 x 0.8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  (6 customer reviews)
  • Sales Rank: #156,806 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)

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    #41 in  Books > Entertainment > Humor > Lawyers & Criminals

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Inside This Book (learn more)
First Sentence:
Looking UP the skirts of young women has long been an obsession among Japanese men, as anyone knows, thanks to the plethora of books, magazines and websites devoted to panty viewing. Read the first page
Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): (learn more)
beta waves
Key Phrases - Capitalized Phrases (CAPs): (learn more)
Yomiuri Weekly, Shukan Taishu, All Nude, Sunday Mainichi, Shukan Bunshun, Shukan Jitsuwa, Shukan Post, Shukan Shincho, Shukan Gendai, Weekly Playboy, Asahi Geino, North Korea, Shukan Asahi, South Korea, Tokyo District Court, Tokyo Station, Edo Period, Hyogo Prefecture, Josei Seven, Peeping Toms, Seito Sakakibara
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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Panty Gazing Research Revealed!, October 6, 2005
By Zack Davisson "All Things Japan" (Seattle, WA, USA) - See all my reviews
There are two Japans, exemplified by the astir calm of the ancient temples of Nara and Kyoto, and the wild neon and easy sex of Kabukicho and Juso. Both of these worlds draw in their own particular breed of tourists and gawkers, and both are equally valuable and authentic culture. In advertising and photography however, the beautiful grace of Mt. Fuji is generally showcased over the exoticism of the Image Club, and one has too look a little harder to find the reverse side of the coin.

Japanese people too are fascinated by this seedy underbelly, as shown by "Tabloid Tokyo: 101 Tales of Sex, Crime and the Bizarre from Japan's Wild Weeklies." Actual articles collected and translated from Japanese "Weekly" magazines, these are all the torrid tales and strange encounters not usually found in guide books or culture guides. This book is a sequel to "Tokyo Confidential" by the same author.

Categorized into ten sections, the articles range from sex and prostitution, to strange fashion, the dissolution of traditional Japanese values, crime and the Yakuza and to general "Tabloid Fodder." Each of these sections is packed with short articles, usually 1 or 2 pages in length, written in a breezy style that entertains and informs.

Not all of them are pure sex related, with articles such as homeless people being evacuated to make room for a flower-viewing party, and shoddy sushi practices, but the majority are along the lines of "Men Dress in Lacy Things" about pantie/bra clad construction workers and "Costumed Lovers Seek Sex Thrills" about the Cosplay crowd.

A fun, outrageous book for those interested in Japan as well as seekers of the perverse. Japanese learners can even pick up quite a few new and interesting vocabulary additions, such as eropuri ("Erotic Photo booths") and deaikei ("Encounter Websites").
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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Japan's participatory journalism, December 25, 2005
By Andy Orrock (Dallas, TX) - See all my reviews
Reading "Tabloid Tokyo" is sort of a chicken-and-egg scenario - is the country as peculiar as these stories let on...or are the stories more an outgrowth of Japan's hyper-aggressive "wild weekly" reporting? The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. One thing for sure: you'll be struck with the impression after breezing through this compilation that the brand of journalism practiced in this market segment is, ummm, "participatory." It is pointed out in the intro through, that "wild weekly" practices are light-years removed from the clubby, staid atmosphere of the mainstream, daily press. For someone who's been bored to tears by the Nikkei Shimbun and its brethren, this dichotomy is jarring.

Here's something to note about "Tabloid Tokyo" that made it sort of an odd read: the book's 101 two- to three-pages pieces were compiled by four Westerners with long-time roots in Japan. I had originally thought these editors simply translated the pieces. But, to the contrary: they've actually translated, summarized and interpreted them. Until you realize that, the book appears to have a rather stilted flavor, with reporters referring to their investigatory exploits in a strained third-person fashion. Once you realize instead that one of the four editors is giving you his interpretation of the original piece, things make more sense. Still, this is a technique I would have liked to have seen explained in the preface.
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Japan read in tooth and claw, September 5, 2005
By William Wetherall (Abiko, Japan) - See all my reviews
"Tabloid Tokyo" is not "about" Japan but "of" Japan. Its authors have digested, and retold, stories originally written by weekly magazine reporters who have no interest in the country's national image. Their stories are about real human beings, not in a zoo or circus, but in that vast and complex jungle called Japan. Adults, children, diplomats, swindlers, chefs, shoppers, rapists, killers, journalists, gangsters, lovers -- "Tabloid Tokyo" shows the whole menagerie living and dying in their natural element.
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Most Recent Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars The perfect toilet companion
The short anecdotes are perfect for extended visits to the crapper. Don't be like others and gobble it all up in one sitting. Get the most utility from your 10 buck book. Read more
Published 19 months ago by Barry Louie

5.0 out of 5 stars I'll Bet You Didn't Know This
Everybody knows about Japan's manufacturing prowess. But I'll bet you didn't know that prowess extends to Dutch Wives, life-sized mannequins that substitute for the real thing... Read more
Published on September 6, 2005 by Larry D. Brouhard

5.0 out of 5 stars The Real Japan
Like its predecessor Tokyo Confidential, Tokyo Tabloid shows us a side of Japan that doesn't appear in the mainstream press. Read more
Published on September 5, 2005 by George Ackart

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