Save Japan Probe! James is being deported?!

April 1st, 2008 by Claytonian

UPDATE: James is free. It was indeed an April Fools joke as many easily guessed. Thank you for your sense of humor throughout the day!

I got an odd phone call this morning from a man with a heavy accent, but not the usual Japanese variety I tend to encounter. Basically, what I gathered is that James, founder of Japan Probe, is in big trouble.

As some of you know or have noticed, James is actually Zhuang, from Beijing. His interest in Japan brought him to this country I don’t know how many years ago, but therein lies the problem: Zhuang has overstayed his visa. The caller was a friend of Zhuang, who was not there at the arrest, but we are trying to get the details. Said details seem to be a bit questionable from what we’ve heard; we may seek out the help of someone like Arudou Debito for advice, because it seems discriminatory practices may have been involved. In any case, this is a huge shame, and if anyone knows a way to help, let us know. I’ll probably be helping to find a lawyer and such.

This may be a sign we’ve been looking for, however. For months we have been trying to find ways to introduce more Chinese content. Zhuang obviously has an interest in it, and most of the writers here agree that “Japan is about out of things to blog about.” So, I can’t say for certain, but this may signal the move to Chinaprobe, which we have been discussing lately. It just makes sense.

Okay, I’ll let you guys know more details as I get them! James had a pre-scheduled post around midnight, but it may be the last we hear of him for a long time I fear. In the meantime, please try to contact Debito and other people that may be able to help!

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Comment by RYO
2008-04-01 08:18:18

This post wouldn’t have anything to do with the calendar, would it? (Or am I ruining things by suggesting that it does?)

Comment by the overthinker
2008-04-01 16:40:21

Yeah, okay, I was suckered into the bit at the beginning - I was perfectly prepared to accept that “James” was actually Chinese (presumably something like Chinese-American though), but it got more and more suspicious as the article wore on, and by the end it was obvious. Good effort though.

Comment by manlystud
2008-04-01 08:24:12

Isn’t James like American or something??

Comment by PIERRE
2008-04-01 08:25:20



Comment by Neil Duckett
2008-04-01 08:31:51

Maybe it’s too early in the morning but i just don’t get this.

Comment by john k
2008-04-01 08:33:17

If “James” has over stayed his Visa, that is rather stupid! Almost all countries, not just Japan, takes this seriously.

It is also rather sad that at one time this blog vilifying Debito, now seeking his assistance.

Anyway, try these guys, they are very good….

Comment by Anon
2008-04-01 08:34:16

April Fools!!!!!

Comment by Roy
2008-04-01 08:43:32

April Fools!

Comment by Siulayhumga
2008-04-01 08:44:03

Happy April 1st?

Comment by Charles
2008-04-01 08:48:05

He’s being discriminated against, in the same sense that the Police discriminate against criminals.

Good luck to Zhuang in his new permanently-outside-Japan home!

Comment by john k
2008-04-01 08:50:22

Mind you today is the 1st or april…so anything posted up to midday (12:00 in Japan that is) could be just a teeny weeny bit false…!!!!!

Comment by john k
2008-04-01 16:07:53 you post this…hmmmm…sent it after i sent the first when i realsied what day it is today…..kind of loose track here

Comment by annie
2008-04-01 08:55:14

If he overstayed his Visa, can’t he renewed it? He has a job in Japan, right? When it comes to Visa, it’s not something you can wait til the last minute to take care of.

How is it discriminatory? Overstaying a visa is against the law, isn’t it?

Anyway, I hope the best for James. I hope the situation will be smoothly taken care of.

I really like Japanprobe. This is one of the main websites I get my news and cool information about Japan. I hope you guys will continue this website.

Comment by annie
2008-04-01 08:57:29

WAIT, is this an April’s FOOl joke? I just remember tomorrow (WA, USA) is April 1st.

Comment by lost in ube
2008-04-01 08:58:02

This is bad news…on April 1st no less!

Comment by kaito
2008-04-01 09:05:34

If he overstayed his Visa he broke the law. It’s unfortunate.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t support helping him. There could be some circumstances that we don’t know about. And such is something for the lawyers to put a spin on in court.

I hope everything works out ok though.

Comment by Da Kappa
2008-04-01 09:06:09

Hey Claytonian, keep us in the loop. Let us know whats happening to James. It seems that theres more to this story than simply an overstayed Visa.


Comment by doinkies
2008-04-01 09:09:29

I smell an April Fools joke…

Comment by ross
2008-04-01 09:11:20

the date… dear readers… is… what?

think about it… think about it…..


Comment by WG
2008-04-01 09:14:27

haha, am i the only one thinking that this is just a APRIL FOOLS JOKE?!

Comment by km
2008-04-01 09:18:17

april fool’s!

Comment by Ian
2008-04-01 09:20:15

April Fools?

Comment by matthew
2008-04-01 09:20:46

Terrible things always seem to happen at the very beginning of April. I’m sure this will turn out to be all a big misunderstanding by tomorrow.

Comment by Chris
2008-04-01 09:33:16

I can’t help but notice the date on this entry…
I’ll believe it if they said the same thing tomorrow

Comment by HJM
2008-04-01 09:37:13

Seriously, who is the guy in the picture?

Comment by The Japanese Eye
2008-04-01 09:40:18

April fool right!!!!

Comment by Aki
2008-04-01 09:41:09

Nooooo!! The guy in the photo is not James. James must have three eyes.

Comment by Alex Kane
2008-04-01 09:50:09

April fools!

Comment by Kevin
2008-04-01 09:50:10

April 1st, again? Time flies.

Comment by Brent
2008-04-01 10:03:41

It’s April.

Comment by Brandon
2008-04-01 10:14:14

April Fool’s Day.

Comment by kaito
2008-04-01 10:15:42

AWWW Damnit!!! I just realized it. Hmmm… Yeah, now that I see that…it probably is.

Comment by Alec
2008-04-01 10:23:13

Oh gosh, I’m so worried. I hope everything goes well for you guys. I’m praying and hoping that this evil Japanese government gets punished for its racist deportation of visa-overstayers.

On a completely un-related note, is anyone doing anything fun for April Fools Day?

Comment by GeeGee
2008-04-01 10:24:02

Come on guys it’s April 1st - what does that tell you?

Comment by jod
2008-04-01 10:25:50

Good one! Debito was a clue, but the penny dropped completely by “Chinaprobe”.

Comment by kakusei
2008-04-01 10:26:33

yeah for real guys, april fools already. i give this a 5/10.

Comment by alafista
2008-04-01 10:31:33

Yeah haha nice try at April Fools.

Comment by kaito
2008-04-01 10:32:50

I’m so stupid. April Fools!

Comment by AIB
2008-04-01 10:33:32

Nice touch.

Good to see some people replying are very KY!

Keep it up Japanprobe!

Comment by Mitch
2008-04-01 10:46:24

If this is site gets changed to “chinaprobe” then i am out of here!

Comment by somegirl
2008-04-01 10:48:45

ok. . .I started to type that this was a very very “foolish” thing for James to do. . and I realized as I typed that word I realized that today is April Fool’s Day. You almost got me. . .I actually panicked. Happy April Fool’s day to you too.

Comment by Deep Fried Chimichanga
2008-04-01 11:05:38

Uh, people:

Look at your calendar.

Comment by zassounotsukushi
2008-04-01 11:05:58

Wow, Debito really is like a Japan superhero. If I ever meet him, I expect him to be wearing a cape.

sort of like

Ok, enough of that. Best of luck clearing everything up! You’re in the prayers of all the lurkers too.

Comment by Donkihote
2008-04-01 15:08:31

I met him once spouting on about fingerprinting and universities- inaccurate, unsupported generalizations. You would have to be really desperate to listen to his drivel.

Comment by median
2008-04-01 11:06:52

Wait until they find out Claytonian’s Korean. Don’t let the videos fool you, that’s just an actor he hired…

Comment by Claytonian
2008-04-01 19:09:20

Ha ha you found me out, Median!

Comment by Dr. Rek
2008-04-01 11:12:16

happy holidays ;)

Comment by Ryan
2008-04-01 11:12:59

Nice April fools =)

Comment by Jarvik7
2008-04-01 11:23:40

It surprises me that people still fall for April fools jokes despite having experienced them yearly on the internet.

Comment by Gosuu
2008-04-01 11:52:06


Comment by Turner
2008-04-01 11:55:25

Clever, clever - but think how many emails Debito has gotten in the past few hours calling for help.

Comment by Claytonian
2008-04-01 19:09:47

A lot I hope ;)

Comment by Arudou Debito
2008-06-09 20:30:01

Sorry guys, I didn’t get a single one. Good April Fool jape, though! :)

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Neil Duckett
2008-04-01 12:12:33

And now i finally get it …. yep, you got me.

Comment by shazzb0t
2008-04-01 12:32:35

haha. chinaprobe… it just makes sense..


Comment by Togu
2008-04-01 12:39:04

Whatever it is. if he overstayed his visa. Then he should be deported. Thought he was american smtn smtn but ended up being chinese who claims to be an american? hmmm. Most of the chinese overstayes the visa.
And he is going to take it to the court? just because he runs JapanProbe? that’s silly. His ass should be deported no matter how ppl love JapanProbe.

Comment by shazzb0t
2008-04-01 15:09:46

you are an idiot.

Comment by Level3
2008-04-01 12:59:05

I say we gaijin, especially the “sankokujin” should riot in the streets over this! Burn and plunder! Laugh at the police! Break James out of jail and go to soapland in a rocket car!

BTW, today is a good day to report all of your freinds on the “rat-out-a-gaijin” hotline and website in Tokyo.

Comment by brian
2008-04-01 13:09:49



thank goodness for april fools.

2008-04-01 13:19:43

Come on!!! Japan Probe rules!!!

Happy April Fools’ Day!!!

Comment by Bad Wolf
2008-04-01 14:03:12

My Militia is standing by in case any paramilitary action is called for.

Comment by Erika
2008-04-01 14:40:35

HAHAHA You got me :D :D :D

I’m sure Debito got a bit of a surprise. That weeaboo deserves it.

Comment by Victor
2008-04-01 16:03:54

Viva la revolucion. Debito must have received some sizzlers

Comment by Oops
2008-04-01 16:25:48


Comment by Limabeans
2008-04-01 17:19:30

Haha, at first I thought a lot of the people that didn’t mention April Fools were just playing along, but on later down the page I see that they realized it was a joke. It might’ve gotten me, but I was thinking jokes up all day. After a very brief moment of o.O I checked the date.

Comment by the overthinker
2008-04-01 17:37:36

Actually, I wonder why the ‘information’ that James is Chinese was needed? Why was it not sufficient to say “James, an American (Anglo) overstayed his visa”? This seems to me to play into the idea that it’s the Chinese who are more likely to be overstayers - that the fact James ‘is Chinese’ was used to make the story more convincing.

Unless of course that photo really is James, full name James Zhuang, of New York (parents from Beijing).

Comment by tomat
2008-04-01 19:33:00

I agree, knowing it was an April Fools joke and reading it, I’d say it’s a very low brow joke if James is indeed not Chinese. I say this because from my stay with other white Westerners, I’ve found them to participate quite often at looking down on Chinese residents, especially at bars with their Japanese buddies.

Comment by Claytonian
2008-04-01 19:35:37

Ug, guys please don’t over-analyze a joke; it’s not like that and no offense is intended towards any group.

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Comment by Mummy
2008-04-02 05:34:59

It’s call “subconscious racism”. Yes there might be no conscious intention, but “look down on/prejudice against Chinese” is so ingrain in you that you aren’t even aware of it.

The joke work just as fine with James being as he is (Anglo) anyways. But no you have to play the joke in the expense of a stereotype/bias of a race (which neither of you are part of).

Comment by James
2008-04-02 07:52:35

When Claytonian and I were brainstorming for this post, we had two ideas: deportation and switching to China Probe. I was made Chinese in this post so that both ideas could be used. Also, making James an entirely different nationality added some extra shock value to the post, contributing to the progression of ridiculous things that served as hints that this post was a April Fool’s joke.

Comment by john k
2008-04-02 07:55:12

A joke, or humour, is always at the expense of someone else, get over it. Whether they be fat, stupid, black, chinese, japanese, old, deviant, slow etc etc….either you accept that the world is made of different poeple and can have a laugh at it, or you view it as persecution.

In the psyco babble world , what you have done is subconscious “projection” of your own predjudices.

It must be a very santitised world you live in, without humour.

Comment by the overthinker
2008-04-02 11:45:41

John - jokes aren’t always at the expense of another. Now you’re the one who is over-analysing.

James: the problem with suddenly coming out and saying you’re Chinese is fine except that we don’t know you’re not - at least not something like Chinese-American.

Actually, it would have been great if the banner title page thing could have read “China Probe” - I wonder how many would have picked up on that?

Comment by koan
2008-04-02 09:39:26


You don’t know what Anglo means but whatever meaning you thought it had you’re trying to replace “Chinese” with another racial division.

I guess you didn’t realise this was all a joke anyway, but it’s no excuse.

Comment by Kevin
2008-04-02 10:14:18

I’m not sure how else to take the meaning of Anglo but this is what is written on Wikipedia:

The term Anglo is used as a prefix to indicate a relation to the Angles, England or the English people, as in the phrases ‘Anglo-Saxon’, ‘Anglo-American’, ‘Anglo-Celtic’, and ‘Anglo-Indian’. It is often used alone, somewhat loosely, to refer to a person or people of English ethnicity in the The Americas, Australia and Southern Africa. It is also used, both in English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries, to refer to Anglophone people of other European origins.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by the overthinker
2008-04-02 11:42:13

I assure you, I know very well what an “Anglo” is. I am one. And it was obvious it was a joke.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by David
2008-04-01 17:56:10

You had me but I realised what date it was just as I was about to comment and make a fool of myself *phew*

Comment by Timotei
2008-04-01 19:28:16

Another good joke. I actually got pretty fooled by this one but thank god that it’s a joke.

Comment by Brian B
2008-04-01 19:32:06

Hahahaha! Almost tricked me, till I read the “James had a pre-scheduled post around midnight, but it may be the last we hear of him for a long time I fear” part, then checked the date. Happy April Fools!

Comment by Danno
2008-04-01 21:10:08

Damn, you got me. I was totally fooled. I guess having lived in Japan and knowing how often this kind of thing *really does happen*, I took it hook, line and sinker - Zhuang even seems like the kind of Chinese name that would get anglicized to “James”. Well played boys!

Comment by Karisu
2008-04-01 21:30:28

Great April Fools guys :) Honestly had me going for awhile!

Comment by JonJon
2008-04-01 22:25:17

Nice april folks’ guys, I almost believed it =p

Comment by Juji F
2008-04-02 00:19:40

I am writing in regards to the arrest and impending deportment of a Chinese national who owns the blog, Japan Probe. I am not only apoplectic, I have several sypmtoms of spasmasticism brought on by the terror of this unjust action by the authorities. I looked forward daily to the odds and ends, youtube clips, minutae, bricabrac, memorandi in addition to cornicopious whatnots offered generously on the website. Now, shattered, violated…James Zhuang, an upright contributor to society has been more than likely caged in a kennel-like cell. Is he abused? Will mitt-like coarse, callous and callused hands grab at him, hold him in humiliating positions for hours, no, days on end? Will the baths he took as a young man, full of soap, mystery and self discovery, be transfigured into showers of dread, something like the fantasies of a hunchback? Or that lady from Throw Momma From The Train? Today I am a flabby, flacid gelatinous heap, a babbling brook of teardrops…the borders of dementia have no gates, no barbed wire, and no German shepherds or guards with bayonets or mace or even shivs fashioned with dried chicken bones, Nay, the hordes of the lost beckon to me like smug smiling smirking presumptuous gingerbread men…they say, come over here, to Dementia, we have issued your visa, your permanent residence status is Permanent, come hither…as I drift into the fog, the tinkle warm down my pantleg…frogs giggle. Japan Probe- Website has been removed by Japan Government, SORRY! Have nice day!

Comment by RYO
2008-04-02 00:23:27


Comment by Ali
2008-04-02 00:53:09

hahaha! you guys!! :D you almost got me too…. after a long day at work that was the last thing i wanted to read! thank goodness i’m smiling now and not writing my deepest, most heartfelt condolences…. BIG UP JAPAN PROBE!!

Comment by morningstar
2008-04-02 04:24:36

He don’t look Chinese to me. April fool.

Comment by Xiongmao
2008-04-02 04:40:44

I thought that latinos were the only ones who were deported from foreing countries xD

Comment by Juji F
2008-04-02 20:45:47

How could all this have happened? Was James implicated with Falun Gong? Or Culture Club? If James is in the general population inside prison, maybe someday he will call us. But if he is in solitaire confinement, they may be subjecting him tonight to shaving the head, to amputate and deflower his sense of self. Creatures all in the dark cell, rodents scramble over his breakfast eggs. His loins cleansed with hyper pulsate hoses. His screams echoing in the chamber. I am on tenterhooks just considering the fate of him. Where is Debit? Why does everyone dismiss the peril James is in as April Fools? James was no fool! A charlatan, a buffoon, a man boy who cries out during a tender interlude I CAN’T HOLD IT! Maybe. My tensions are at the boiling point! Like Willy Wonka when Grandpa goes grovelling to get Charlie’s prize. This is just like another famous James, Pufnstuf. When they took me to the center, they removed one of his eyes. Like a daruma. Look at kind James in the photo. Congenial James. Please stop James from being plucked too! Let the happy people be happy! Will they sew it closed considerately? Or, leave it gaping like the woman at the Grits and Gas truck stop in Appalachicola?

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