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Vigilante Racism: The De-Americanization of Immigrant America

University of California, Davis - School of Law

Michigan Journal of Race and Law, Vol. 7, Spring 2002

The mistreatment of those of Arab, Muslim, and Sikh descent in the United States post September 11 amounts to vigilante racism--the enforcement of a presumed code of what constitutes a "true" American. In the process, the culprits engage in a process of "de-Americanizing" individuals of color, informing them that they do not belong to the American community. There are two Americas; one that is embracing of diversity, the other that continues to be premised on a Euro-centric vision.

Keywords: race, culture, hate crime, discrimination, hate speech, de-Americanize, racism, vigilante, diversity, Euro-centrism
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Hing, Bill Ong, "Vigilante Racism: The De-Americanization of Immigrant America" . Michigan Journal of Race and Law, Vol. 7, Spring 2002 Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.312879

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University of California, Davis - School of Law
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