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Extinguish Racist Sign in GA
2631 Signatures
Published by Katherine Henel on Jul 28, 2005
Category: Civil Rights
Region: United States of America
Target: Drew Lane
This petition is being started to persuade District Attorney, Drew Lane, AND/OR the NAACP AND/OR other public officials, to take action against a racial sign located outside a resturaunt in Paulding County, GA.

The sign is a public display of hate, and an infringement upon the rights of all Americans to live free of predjudice and malice. It is also a direct Slander of Mr. Michael Jackson.

The owner of the resturaunt has the right to have his beliefs, but not to force those beliefs upon others, causing injury.

The sign is racist, hateful, and disrespectful, not only to the African American community, but to all of us who cherish equity and unity in our one human race. In addition to that, the sign is also a direct slander of Mr. Michael Jackson. No American should have to feel offended, or threatened as they travel through, or within, your county.
We, the undersigned, implore that the vulgar sign located at the Georgia Peach Meuseum Bar and Resturaunt, on Highway 120, be removed from public view. We are saddened to see such a hateful display in your county. Please unite against this display by Patrick Lanzo and demand the sign be altered or removed from public view. Everything in your county is a reflection of you and the citizens whom live there.

We, the undersigned, Thank you for your attention to this matter, and look forward to the prompt removal of the aformentioned sign.

The Extinguish Racist Sign in GA petition to Drew Lane was written by Katherine Henel and is hosted free of charge at GoPetition.

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