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Phoenix: Racist renter sign has some boiling mad

04:22 PM MST on Friday, February 15, 2008


PHOENIX - A man renting a Valley home took out his frustration with the homeowners in a very public way.

The renter attached a controversial sign on an existing sign in the front yard of the home near 12th Street and Rose Lane.

The sign reads "Whites Only."

It was spotted hanging from a "for rent" sign at an apartment complex on 11th Street and Rose Lane.

It was only up for a few hours and taken down by a passing motorist who couldn’t stand the sight of it.

However, in that time it managed to raise much concern and even more questions.

The sign was on display just a few feet from an elementary school.

Colleen saw it after her kids were dropped off for school.

Controversial renter sign

Ronald Wilburn says he's the one who put the racist sign up.

He says he did it to spark outrage and draw attention to the fact that he is being evicted from his apartment here.

Wilburn says he is being kicked out for throwing loud parties and causing too much of a ruckus regarding a recent break-in at his place.

But the property manager tells a different story.

He says Wilburn wouldn't pay rent and he received so many threats from Wilburn he had to get a restraining order.