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Afghan MP: US coalition feeds Taliban
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 19:31:02
Mir Ahmad Joyenda, Afghan parliamentary member
A coalition helicopter has supplied the Taliban militants with heavy weapons and food, says Ahmad Joyenda, Afghan parliamentary member.

"And it happened again, it was repeated on March 28, also in the same area. Although the National Security Department has said nothing, but the local people, they confirm [it], they are sure that it's true," Mir Ahmad Joyenda told Press TV in an exclusive interview on Monday.

"It's not the first time weapons are dropped there," he added rejecting the report by the head of Afghanistan's intelligence service Amrullah Saleh who told a parliament security committee that "the coalition helicopter dropped by mistake to Taliban militants food and weapons intended for a police checkpoint in a remote section of Zabul province."

"Mistakenly, it was dropped somewhere far from the checkpoint. Later, the Taliban came and picked it up," Saleh told reporters.

"what does it mean the mistake? they wanted to bomb it but they actually dropped the weapons," the lawmaker commented.

Before the weapons were dropped, the area was already cordoned off by the US-led coalition forces, Joyenda explained adding, the local people said nobody was allowed to enter the area.

Earlier on Monday, Hamidullah Tukhi, a lawmaker from Zabul, told the security commission that the weapons were dropped 100 meters from the home of a Taliban commander named Mullah Mohammad Alam. He said the supply contained heavy machine guns, AK-47s, rockets and food.


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