Tuesday, December 04, 2007

1894-1948 Korean territory (Revised version)

To follow is the change in eastern limit of Korean territory taken from various books from 1894 to 1948.
In this revised posting, we mention only eastern end of longitude to show the eastern limit of Korea.
(Thanks to Kaneganese for her great help)

It is important to know that Korean eastern limit was 130 degree 33' - 58' and the newest one was 130 degree 56' 23", which indicates Jukdo of Ulleungdo was Eastern end of Korean territory.

Liancourt rocks, which locate at 131 degree 52' E. longitude, were not included in Korean territory.

(1) from "新撰朝鮮地理誌" edited by Ota Saijiro (大田才次郎) (1894):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(2) from "朝鮮水路誌" (Chosun waterway journal) published by waterway section (November 1894):

130 degree 35' E.longitude

(3) from Isabella Lucy Bird's book "Korea and Her Neighbours":
(Isabella travelled Korea during 1894 - 1897)

130 degree 33' E. longitude


(4) from "大韓地誌" (1899):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(5) from "朝鮮開化史" by 恒屋盛服 (1901):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(6) from "韓海通漁指針" by 東京 黒龍会 葛生修吉 (1903):

130 dgree 35' E. longitude

(7) from "韓国地理" by 矢津昌永 (1904):

130 degree 58' E. longitude

(8) from "最新韓国実業指針" by 岩永重華 (1904):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(9) from "日本民族の新發展場萬韓露領地誌" by 岡部福蔵 (1905):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(10) from "韓国新地理" published from 博文館 (1905):

130 degree 58' E. longitude

(11) from "韓国水産業調査報告" by 農商務省水産局 (1906)

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(12) from "初等大韓地誌" by 安鍾和 (1907):

130 degree 58' E. longitude

(13) from "大韓新地志" by 張志淵 (1907):

130 degree 58' E. longitude

(14) from "初等大韓地誌" by 安鍾和 柳瑾 (1908):

130 degree 58' E. longitude

(15) from "韓国水産誌" (1909):

130 degree 42' E. longitude

(16) from "地誌 (지지)" (1909):

130 degree 35' E. longitude

(17) from "最新 朝鮮地誌" by 日韓書房編集部 (1912):

130 degree 54' E. longitude

(18) from "朝鮮現勢便覧" (1935):

130 degree 56' 23" E. longitude


(19) from "朝鮮常識問答" (Qs& As about common sense of Chosun) 1947:

130 degree 56' 23" E. longitude

(Please look at the item (14) of the above posting.)

(20) from "朝鮮常識" (Common sense of Chosun) 1948:

130 dgree 56' 23" E. longitude


Kaneganese said...


Thanks, it looks great!

From this list of Korean eastern limit, we can clealy tell that Westerners, Japanese and even Korean geographer clearly recognized 竹島/Liancourt Rocks was outside of Korean territory throughout 1894 - 1948.

But it is interesting that the description of the eastern limit had changed to start to include Ulleundo after 1905, the year Japan incorporated 竹島(Takeshima)/Liancourt Rocks into Shimane, Japan.

pacifist said...

Thanks Kaneganese.

So the chief of Ulleungdo's report in 1906 that says "Japan included our Dokdo" turned out to be a complete misunderstanding... or did he intentionally lie knowing it was not Korean territory?

Pro-Korean scholars used to say that Korea couldn't protest because Korea was controlled by Japan in 1906. Then why didn't they protest in 1894, 1901, 1904?

All the geographical books and texts indicated that Ulleungdo (and Jukdo) was the eastern limit of Korea. If they believed that "Dokdo" was their territory, why didn't they protest?

GTOMR said...

1904.09韓国地理矢津昌永 丸善
1906.韓国水産業調査報告 農商務省水産局,〔明39

1909.03.25地誌 (지지)

大韓 維我 太祖高帝셔 距今 五百十八年 前壬申에 天命人心을 膺샤 高麗를 代興시고 都를 漢陽에 定시니라. 西北疆土를 漸益開拓야 鴨綠 土門兩江으로 國界를 限며 東南西 大海로 環야 于山(卽 今 鬱島郡)耽羅(卽 今 濟州, 旌義, 大靜三郡) 鯨波 中에 遠朝고 西南沿岸의 大小群島 星羅碁布니 極南(濟州島 毛瑟浦은 北緯三十三度 十五分에 起야 極北(咸鏡北道 慶源府)은 四十二度二十五分에 止고 極西(黃海道 長淵郡 長山串) 東經(英國 綠威司天臺의 線)百二十四度三十分에 起야 極東(俄國과 接界 豆滿江口)은 百三十度三十五分에 止고 渤海 黃海와 日本海에 突出 半島國이라. 開國初에 國號를 朝鮮이라 定야 五百餘年을 遵行더니 維我 太皇帝 陛下 光武元年(距今 十三年 前)에 大韓으로 改稱니라.
--->I dont know about the 地誌 in 1909 because it already linked out and I cannot refind it.Both of records means Liancourt Rocks is not included and it shows Korean had nothing inspection and georgaphy survey of Liancourt Rocks.(Just for post additional infomation that listed in my files.)

pacifist said...


Thanks, I will add them later.

Kaneganese said...



Pacifist wrote;
"So the chief of Ulleungdo's report in 1906 that says "Japan included our Dokdo" turned out to be a complete misunderstanding... or did he intentionally lie knowing it was not Korean territory?"

I think he misunderstood it with some mysterious flying island called Usando. He didn't even know where it is and it seems like he didn't know about 1900 Imperial Ordinance which he should have known as a head of the Ulleundo.

By the way, Chosu Ilbo reports that Korean found new document. I can't see the line "不因海気極清朗, 不登最高頂, 則不可見 " in the picture of the document though. Why don't they show the important part?

‘우산도’는 역시 독도였다
해양수산개발원 유미림 박사, 조선후기 박세당이 쓴 자료 발굴
“울릉도에서 정상 안오르면 우산도가 보이지 않아”…
‘우산도가 울릉도’라는 日 주장 뒤집어

dokdo-takeshima.com said...

Boys, the Koreans knew were Dokdo was at least since 1900 this is recorded here.

Dokdo is Korean land

Even in 1904 it was recorded again Koreans knew of Dokdo in the Japanese Warship Niitaka's logbooks.

Dokdo Record

Saying Koreans didn't know of Liancourt Rocks before 1906 is a B.S. claim that can be debunked with only two documents.

The fact Shim Heung Taek gave the wrong distance shows he was a bad governor that's all.

It is also proof the Koreans did not consider Ulleungdo as the Eastern boundary of Chosun.

dokdo-takeshima.com said...

The 1901 record is here.

Black Dragon

pacifist said...

Steve Barber,

You should read the following for the truth in Niitaka's record:


You wrote, "The fact Shim Heung Taek gave the wrong distance shows he was a bad governor that's all".
That's correct. The bad governor didn't know the eastern limit of his own country and misunderstood what Japanese officials told him.
You admit this...this is a progress.

After all, there is no ground for Koreans to say "Dokdo is ours".

dokdo-takeshima.com said...

Pacifist, Shim Heung Taek knew what "Dokdo" was. The name was common usage at about two years (at least) before the Japanese visited Ulleungdo in March of 1906.

Did you hear the news Pacifist? The Koreans just found a huge deposit of gas hydrate. Do you think Korea is going to risk this area at the ICJ just because the Japanese Military annexed it in 1905?

You are dreaming Pacifist!!

Read this and weep Japan

GTOMR said...


Kaneganese said...

1894/07 110p 朝鮮志 足立栗園 130°36′(東京:東経139゚42' を基本地として西経9°6′)
1910/12 315p 朝鮮新地誌 足立栗園 130°58′

GTOMR said...
This post has been removed by the author.
GTOMR said...

1875.地球説略訳解 リチャ-ド・クオ-タ-マン・ウェ-著,福田敬業訳
1887.朝鮮八道誌 小松運編
1890.外国地理 高木怡荘著
北緯縦三十三度至四十三度 東経 縦百二十四度至百三十度
1891.受験応用万国小地誌 谷口流鶯著
北緯縦三十三度至四十三度 東経 縦百二十四度至百三十度

1894.新撰朝鮮国地図 林正著 東京:加藤芳太郎,明27.7
地図 竹島Argnaut 松島Dagelet
北緯自三十三度十五分至四十二度二十五分 東経百二十四度三十分=百三十度三十五分 北緯自三十三度十五分至四十二度二十五分

1895.外国地誌 秋山四郎著
位置 朝鮮は亜細亜州の東部に突出する半島国にして、北緯三十三度十分より四十三ぢにいたり、東経百二十四度十分より百三十度四十分にいたる。
1899.新式万国地理 岩崎重三,池田鹿之助著
東経百二十四度三十分=百三十度三十五分 北緯自三十三度十五分至四十二度二十五分
1900.新撰大地誌 前編(世界之部)山上万次郎著 教師用参考書

1902.高等地理学講義 永田健助編百二十四度と四十度との間に跨り(我中国)…東経百二十四度より百三十一度に及び、長さ凡六百浬
1906.位置 東部亜細亜の半島国にして、北緯三十五度線は南部を、同42度線は北部を通過せり
1907.外国地理表解 小林杖吉著
東経自百二十四度十二分至百三十度三十五分 北緯自三十三度十分至四十二度二分
極東 鬱陵島東端 東経百三十度五十四分
1911.最新日本地理資料 井原儀著
極東 鬱陵島(松島)の東端 東経百三十度五十四分 
1911.大日本地理集成 矢津昌永等著,隆文館, 明44.4 十三度二分(豆門江の沿岸の永遠近傍)極南は北緯三十三度四十六分(済州島XX浦に当る)極東は東経百三十度五十八分〔豆門江の江口)極西は東経百二十五度五分〔小乳X角永山串)なり。
1912.最近朝鮮事情要覧 朝鮮総督府編 2版渡辺為蔵
1912.小学地理教材 北垣恭次郎著東は同百三十度五十四分なる鬱陵島の東端に終わる。

Kaneganese said...

Awesome, GTOMR

I think we need to revise the post again soon. But one thing is clear. It was common knowledge for both Japanese and Korean and Westerners that the eastern limit of Choson was 130°35′~54′which exclude Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo from 1887 to 1948.

Kaneganese said...

1911 統監府農商工部「韓国通覧」
130°54′(鬱陵島東端) 北緯33°12′(済州島南端)

1902 武田鶯塘 「新撰世界地理問答」 130°40′