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Snapshot extravaganza

New stuff
  • Added menu item to never reload a page (Right click > Reload every - Never)
  • (UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files (w00t)

Assortment of bugs fixed in this build
  • [BUG 255515] Chat should now work in Yahoo! Beta
  • [BUG 281879] Show only cached images should now work properly
  • [BUG 255304] Closing Speed Dial window fast after "delete private data" shouldn't crash Opera anymore
  • [BUG 282598] Passwords set to "never for this server" can now be deleted again
  • [BUG 286084] Content blocker works again
  • [BUG 276354] Fixed bug where it was not possible to reconnect to mail server after disconnecting
  • [BUG 262786] Onload handler in script no longer fired before onload attribute of body element
  • [BUG 267384] JavaScript errors no longer reported as being in "Unknown thread"
  • [BUG 233022] data: URIs are no longer considered off-site images
  • Use 'Today' when a mail was sent today, even if it's in the future

  • Set default network from 128 back to 32. This might help with some stalling while loading pages on some systems
  • Fixed appearance of fonts in Speed Dial configuration dialog and Widgets when using Cleartype

  • Fixed clipping of dialogs in Leopard
  • Fixed font display in Leopard
  • Smaller UI fonts
  • Fixed issue selecting Opera.app icon

  • Made flash animations work again
  • [BUG 276704] [qt4] Focusing documents in other tabs now switches to that tab as expected
  • [BUG 276959] [qt4] Tiling windows now works properly

Known Issues Fixed
  • [BUG 286186] There are no buttons in the customization dialog.
  • [BUG 274352] Upgrading with no mail/RSS accounts causes a mail upgrade that never finishes.

And as always, do not forget to read the Known Issues
  • [BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta may crash Opera.
  • [BUG 286911] Flickr maps may crash Opera.
  • Google reader crashes Opera (same as ymail crash)
  • Won't run correctly on Windows 95 or 98.
  • Won't work correctly on Mac OS X 10.3.
  • OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up.
  • POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the "Leave messages on server" option, existing messages on the server are not removed.
  • [BUG 287170] On OS X, UI thumbnails have black backgrounds when using native skins.
  • [BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins.
  • [BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences.
  • [BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken.
  • [BUG 285741] Opera might freeze for a while when opening the feeds menu.
  • [BUG 271585] The last directory used is not remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs.
  • [BUG 264975] Graphical smilies do not work.
  • [BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work.
  • [BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action.

Windows Classic

One More Snapshot


I will test this build. :wink:

By Maruda, # 28. September 2007, 14:27:29

Great ! Thanks !

By wylam, # 28. September 2007, 14:32:41

(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files


By Tracio, # 28. September 2007, 14:46:48


By Yatta, # 28. September 2007, 14:48:50

Thanks for this friday build, nice to have new stuff, please don't forget that Opera still doesn't remember last download location and web based mail attachments doesn't download with the right extenssion, images downloaded with save image... still open the transfers bar.

By andresruiz, # 28. September 2007, 14:58:28

Thanks for the build.

I discovered that opera crashes sometimes when I want to go to www.asus.com/index.aspx. Also uploading files at www.speedyshare.com doesn't work :frown:

By matino, # 28. September 2007, 15:00:11

Thanks, Desktop team, BUTTONS ARE BACK!


By cavalez, # 28. September 2007, 15:03:11

Stop multiple postings! The server is unresponsive.

By gun, # 28. September 2007, 15:04:17

Nice. But new mails still don't change the icon in taskbar. As before. :-(

How should I know, that I have mail, than?

By Alnag, # 28. September 2007, 15:04:29

YAY to buttons.

BOO to (classic) install as admin! :mad:

By MossMan, # 28. September 2007, 15:05:06

block content works again! thanks

By Wade, # 28. September 2007, 15:10:06

Thanks, but I guess problems with Sparc Solaris weren't fixed since there is not Sparc Solaris build today.
Have great weekends :-)

By Soleen, # 28. September 2007, 15:15:29

attachment icon still not showing in mails and attachments folder still is not being populated

By Bill_P, # 28. September 2007, 15:16:27

another friday, another build :-)

By lamarca, # 28. September 2007, 15:17:59

Funny how regular the snapshots come, since they are not called "Weeklies" anymore :lol:

By hobe, # 28. September 2007, 15:20:02

Fraud protection - still can't be disabled

By Bill_P, # 28. September 2007, 15:23:04


Originally posted by toman:

Added menu item to never reload a page

By Tamil, # 28. September 2007, 15:28:38

normal browsing with 15 tabs open & i have had 4 crashes in last 20 mins :frown:

unix build 1600

By Wade, # 28. September 2007, 15:33:00

*grumble* would be nice if Opera would at least ASK if i want to have icons on my desktop and in my quicklaunch. Because I don't. Especially not when choosing "update", which indicates that I'm happy with the way I'm starting the older version.

By WildEnte, # 28. September 2007, 16:05:42

opera still crashes on google reader

By lamarca, # 28. September 2007, 16:06:08

cached icons problem - though pages display correctly changing icon to display all images does not initiate the download of the images - the page needs to be reloaded for the images to show

By Bill_P, # 28. September 2007, 16:10:50

"(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files"

Is this feature available for other GTK based desktops?
Waiting for KDE integration ;-) (pure Qt dialogs are not enough for KDE user :-)).

By Emdek, # 28. September 2007, 16:20:39

Thanks. Installed :D

By ar1pe, # 28. September 2007, 16:23:07


Header is still broken into multiple lines, and it shouldn't be (see "Fórum" & "OS, alkalmazások"). Check it in IE and FF.

Thanks for the many bug-fixes. Testing...

By cousin333, # 28. September 2007, 16:24:21

Great! Thank you...

By Real_quark, # 28. September 2007, 16:28:44

Added menu item to never reload a page (Right click > Reload every - Never)
Useful addition. Thanks! :up:

By FataL, # 28. September 2007, 16:29:54

Decided to try qt4-static this time. Everything seems to be working ok except the skin. For some reason I need to go to qt4 settings and save them to get Opera to look decent. Every time I start Opera, it reverts back to that crappy look.
Might also be a problem with my settings, first Qt4 application for me.

Also the bug where right click menu won't open in transfer panel if there is no open tabs is still present. I can't remember bug number.. 2xxxxx perhaps :smile:

By ColKilkenny, # 28. September 2007, 16:32:05

What is it with Operas GNOME lock-in?! They work in the same place as QT does, surely they'd get some cred back for supporting KDE more.

"(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files (w00t)"

I'd really prefer more integration in KDE.

Other than that, I will try this ofcourse :smile:

By Aphenitry, # 28. September 2007, 16:32:39

Still without a refresh button for RSS. :frown:

By DandS, # 28. September 2007, 16:33:09

The spacer 'problem' as described here:


is still present.

By adioni, # 28. September 2007, 16:39:38


By cousin333, # 28. September 2007, 16:56:52

"(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files"

Oh thank you! Thank you! :D

By kordial, # 28. September 2007, 17:01:59

Thanks for this build. Especially for a better integration in Gnome. :smile:

By graste, # 28. September 2007, 17:04:11

Re; Reload -> never.

Is this supposed to stop pages from doing a periodic refresh? i.e. www.latimes.com and www.reuters.com

I guess I don't understand this feature.

By rwf, # 28. September 2007, 17:06:04

Cache still don't work properly. When in «Cached Images» mode Opera displays very few images on the page. Moreover, when opening image directly in the browser windows it's still not visible. If choose «Reload Image» from image popup menu opera will show image but on page reload images disappears again…

Build opera-9.50-20070928.6-shared-qt.i386-1600

By cancel, # 28. September 2007, 17:14:05

Sadly there's no intel-linux build opera-9.50-20070928.5-shared-qt.i386-1600.tar.bz2. :frown:

By the.qubit, # 28. September 2007, 17:24:22

nice work!

By LA_01, # 28. September 2007, 17:27:48

Added menu item to never reload a page

what is the difference between "never" and "disable" and the previous not "enable" ?

By Khaled Khalil, # 28. September 2007, 17:35:00

Mail. mail, mail, M2...! Please, do repair the bugs! :frown:

Otherwise I enjoy the new weeklies. :smile:

By vinczej, # 28. September 2007, 17:39:55

Thanx for nice build!
But flashplayer v60 is still not working, while v48 causes memory leaks.
From the release notes (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/releasenotes.html):
"Opera and Netscape do not allow recursive calls using the ExternalInterface API into the Flash Player. This issue has been reported to Opera and Netscape."
Fix it please - I can't do without my lovely opera and can't reboot every week, I'm too lazy :smile:

By ruslano, # 28. September 2007, 17:40:47

It is nice to see how are you working on desktop integration, I hope we will see improved or native KDE dialogs.

By kriko, # 28. September 2007, 17:49:18

Good news all round, but... Implementing last saved directory seems a very, very, _very_ simple operation. Why in the world is it taking you so long to fix it???

Good to see that you even care about Win 95 and 98. Back in the day when I was using 98 and NT4, Opera was the only decent browser on those turfs.

By ohshady, # 28. September 2007, 17:55:36

For some reason this build can't find any websites. What am I doing wrong?

By Darn71, # 28. September 2007, 17:59:46

Anyone here who has the same bug:

executing opera from CLI with the command
opera http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8923


opera -remote openURL\(http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8923\)

results in 3 new Opera windows. The last one that opens contains the desired page.

It's nasty to close the first two windows...


By blubbi, # 28. September 2007, 18:02:28

The requested URL /windows/o950s_9562m.exe was not found on this server...

By RX-3200, # 28. September 2007, 18:07:47

(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files (w00t)
Double woot!

By Jadd, # 28. September 2007, 18:11:27


Originally posted by blubbi:

executing opera from CLI with the command results in 3 new Opera windows

Reported when the first Alpha build came out: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=203708

By Tracio, # 28. September 2007, 18:12:22

Also Opera Save as dialog and Open are non-resizable (sorry for spelling that). Not remembering download path is realy getting annoying, especially when i download many things to one directory, browsing every time to that one is so irritating. Anyway good job on that, will test it and see how it works.

By Zygi, # 28. September 2007, 18:13:16

once again, when there will be awailable any shared qt4 build for linux/unix?:smile:

By maniel, # 28. September 2007, 18:21:07


(UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files

Great! Works a treat, thanks.

By stopsatgreen, # 28. September 2007, 18:23:36

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